@Planeforger @swyg But you can make that argument for a lot of games with bad stories. Actually you could make that argument with any game, you just have to pretend the story is not there or just not care to focus in on the sense of it all and BAM.
I'm not really sure what to make of this review. Ok, so it plays very fun but.."Story telling be damned".
Does it really play so well that both casual and hardcore players would enjoy it sooo much to overlook the absurd story-telling? Gameplay likening to the balance of SMG 1 & 2?
@RoachRush @swyg I beg to differ because I was pleasantly surprised. It's a spinoff, but a damn fine one. The original TR:FF game was sort of close to a cash grab, but CC renders that one obsolete and then some. If you're a fan of FF or not; actually more accurately, if you're a fan of music PERIOD you should give this a try. It's very very fun and addicting and I don't even really like rhythm games myself.
@Sound_Demon @swyg @cgobeil @PosiTVEMinD355 Curtain Call is very fun to play and it's all about the music. The soul of FF games in large parts has always been about the music. It plays homage to a huge collection (I believe it's over 200 songs) of what your childhood FF's represent.
I think there are too many people on here that jump to conclusions waaay too fast. I mean seriously, Destiny? What in the blue hell?
Not discounting this score because I agree with it actually, but I swear GS is trying to become the next Edge magazine. Only they're not quite as harsh yet. 6's for games that are really, REALLY good...BS
@GhostHawk196 How are they not? I mean keeping the risk of whether or not TR will be a big enough influence aside, there are a ton of people that would never consider going next gen without the promise of a major KH or FF game, and they tend to buy lots of other games too.
Competition is good for the industry my butt. MS already cannibalized Lost Odyssey as a series and any potential for Mistwalker to be interested in going the HD route along with RARE too. Sony on the other hand is actually good at supporting and promoting all kinds of studios for success; and continuing support regardless of how much they (Sony) sell. They proved that in two generations despite how they dominated; hell they continued to push out awesome games long after they were in first. MS on the other hand has just three noteworthy franchises in two generations: Halo, Forza and Gears, and with the exception of Halo's music, you can get an experience just like those franchises on plenty of other games both multiplatform and exclusive.
swyg's comments