@james_324 I kinda agree with Diablo3 being sub-par, but only coz of the always on DRM. It restricts when and where I can play, thus impacts my enjoyment of it.
@sireltonjohn Couldn't agree more. But then, Bioware has right to do what they think is best for them, we have right to say what we think is best for us.... and GameSpot has right to say what they think is best for them. Notice how these ME articles get more words per post than any other articles.
How many sequels Stanley Kubrick made, or for that matter David Lynch? Notice how most complains gamers have are with sequels? Why is it so? Coz people have certain expectations based on previous entries. What if Godfather 2 ignored the Corleones altogether and told story of Dillinger? People complain about RE5 as an RE game but take the RE title away and it is a great co-op TPS. Creators can create what THEY want, but if you want to SELL what they make, they HAVE to listen to consumers.
@CDWJUSTIN @zzamaro Well, that is even more reason to wait for Complete Edition... there will be folks still playing MP when complete edition comes out, unless GTAV is out by then and all will move to GTAV.
@deathstream Exactly. This is epitome of capitalism... government investing like any other corporation and trying to protect its investments. Much better than fanboys hawking their fav console/game even when they have no invested interest in it.
@Mbrans25den @Supabul Exactly! How many games try to use better tech-specs to make gameplay improvements? e.g. I liked the way OctoCamo of MGS4 was a step-up from static camos of MGS3, a gameplay improvement made possible by better hardware.
Lots of hipsters shouting off how they're too cool for twitter and facebook and whole social networking fad. Well, I don't do any "social networking" either but it is not coz am "too cool"... I am just not cool enough to be cool with knowing what color my friends' crap looks like.
the_requiem's comments