@BillJr106 @therokito @valknight You actualy CAN do it on your xbox one bill, and people wont even have to rebuy the game to try it out in a lot of cases. (go look at their actual policy on how used/sharing works)
But your right, dead rising wasn't made great by word of mouth, it was an awesome game concept in general, that got people hooked. The first one was a bit clunky, but that's nothing new to a new franchise. When Dead Rising 2 came out, they had practicaly perfected every flaw dead rising 1 had.
dead rising 3 is the BIGGEST title im looking forward to that's exclusive, I cant wait to spend hundreds of hours running around killing, and trying to save everyone and do every aspect of the game
@valknight @therokito @BillJr106 the sony fans are attacking people on every site I can find, any article regarding systems, they are out in force attacking and just being rude to anyone who says anything remotely good about xbox. its rather immature, and amazingly....a HUGE turn off to their entire community
@valknight @BillJr106 @therokito @blackace pretty much, they want people more riled up, and viewing these posts even more, because its more traffic for their website. They are not the only ones doing it too.
I was honestly going to get a PS4 at one point, but 1 by one over the last few days, every single title, that might have been exclusive that I had on my list for it, ALL got revealed as being on both systems. Yet even though I said I was buying a PS4, I was bashed for also wanting a X1.
Everyone I know in real life is buying an xbox......most of my online friends are buying Xboxes, the few who aren't, are doing so ONLY because they've stuck with playstation are the exclusives appeal more to them. Its amazing that not a single person I talk to amongst all my hundreds of online friends, or real life friends, seem to care about privacy issues, or online issues, at all. which is why I think the online outrage is a lot more overblown then its real life counterpart will reflect.
Um, the person who did this apparently didn't see that Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy are NOT exclusive to sony, xbox gets them both too(but not Nintendo)
@praack look past the beta even, to how they were handling 14 before they took it down for the relaunch beta, and they were doing TONS of stuff. I am looking forward to its relaunch myself, my character misses me
@hatieshorrer the pricing issue was a lot different back then, when the ps3 came out, the issue for price was because it was already late to that gen of game, and it was 300 dollars more expensive then the current 360
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