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Winter Break!!!

I am finally on winter break!:D I have a week and a half of no school to look forward to:D

Award/ Zach/ Fight/ Uncle in Hospital/ Mom's B-day

Talk about a busy day!:lol: Be prepared for a long blog:D

I got a new award in speech today!:D Apparently, I earned enough points to get an Honors award added to my paper:D I'm really happy because not very many people are able to get this award:D

Second period was funny:lol: My teacher won't be there all this week because he is having double knee surgery, so another teacher wanted to pull a joke on him:lol: She wanted to make the cla*s do things that were against the rules so she could take a picture of it and send it to him to show him how disruptive we were without him:lol: She said she wanted some of us to stand on the desks, throw paper, do each others hair, talk on cell phones, and a couple making out:shock: When she said that, everyone looked at me and Zach and said "You do it!" "It'd be perfect!" So, Zach and I made out in front of the class and my teacher took a picture of it:shock::oops::lol: It was a great picture too!:lol:

Fourth period was interesting too:roll: My teacher (Mrs. Zollinger) found out about me and Zach going out today:roll: In the middle of class, she yelled to me, "Somebody's got a boyfriend!" I didn't know she was talking to me, so I paid no attention to it, so she got up and stood beside me and gave me this huge smile:lol: She wanted to know how I met Zach, when we started going out, etc.:shock::roll::lol: Apparently, she also questioned Zach:lol: She has him for fifth period, so she said the similar things:roll::lol: She also told him that we're the sweetest couple she's ever seen because we're both shy and quiet and sweet:oops::roll::lol: Well, at least we have somebody on our side:roll:

There was also a fight in fourth period:shock: These two boys (Nate and Smith) were arguing all period. Towards the end, Smith smacked Nate so Nate pushed Smith into Mrs. Zollinger's desk; knocking her pop all over her papers she was grading and sending things flying off her desk. After that, Nate then shoved Smith into the filing cabinets and he nearly knocked them over:shock: Mrs. Zollinger started yelling "What the Hell!?" and shoved both of them apart; knocking Nate into the desk, and shoving Smith back into the filing cabinets:shock: She then grabbed them by the arms and dragged them out of class. It was awesome!:lol::oops:

My uncle is also in the hospital:cry: He had a gallbladder attack early this morning so he was rushed to the emergency room and is in surgery right not:cry: He'll be alright though:wink:

It's also my mom's 38th birthday:D She's not enjoying it too much though because of my uncle:(

Annoying Things To Do At Christmas Time

1. Play Jim Nabor's version of "Joy to the World" as loud as you can. When your family starts to complain, refuse to turn it off, calling them a bunch of "scrooges."

2. Get yourself a Santa suit (Wal-Mart has them now) and wear it constantly. Tell your family you are the real Santa Clause.

3. Everytime you are alone in the living room, re-arrange everything. When your family asks, blame it on Santa's elves.

4. Wear antlers and paint your nose red.

5. Wrap up gag gifts like rocks and nails files for your family. When they ask, tell them they must have been on Santa's naughty list.

6. Give everyone a fruitcake for Christmas, and insist they eat it in front of you.

7. String mistletoe all over the houseand plant big wet ones on everyone.

8. Wrap up your head in Christmas lights and sing over and over, "The Twelve Days of Christmas."

9. If you do happen to go to the mall with your family, be sure to sit on Santa's lap. When it's suggested you leave, scream bloody murder, "No!"

10. After your family begins to open presents, lie in the floor among the torn wrapping papers, and move your arms and legs up and down, flat on the floor. Tell them you're making a gift angel.

11. If you have dogs, dress them up in bright holiday clothes. This is always cute and funny!

Things Not To Say When Hanging Up Xmas Lights

Author Unknown

Did you know that hanging lights on a Christmas tree is one of the three most stressful situations in an on-going relationship? One Psychiatrist claims the other two danger zones are teaching your mate to drive and wallpapering. He is rarely wrong on these things. We rush to print with an emergency prompt list of Things Not To Say When Hanging Lights on the Christmas Tree.

"You've got two red lights right next to each other, dummy. You're supposed to go yellow, green, red, blue, not yellow, red, red, green, blue..."

"Up a little higher. You can reach it. Go on, try."

"What the hell do you do to these lights when you put them away every year? Tie them in knot?"

"Come away from that aluminum ladder, kids. I'm going to fry that sucker."

"If you're not going to do it right, don't do it at all. Don't just throw them on, like you do the icicles. You're worse than your father."

"Give me that!"

"You've got the whole thing on the tree upside-down. The electric pluggee thing should be down here at the bottom, not up at the top."

"I don't care if you have found another two strings, I'm done!"

"You've just wound 'em around and around - I thought we agreed it shouldn't look like a spiral this year?"

"Have you been drinking?"

"Where's the cat?"

Saw a Real Autopsy

I got to watch a real autopsy yesterday in anatomy and physiology!!! :D Some of it was kind of gross, but it was really cool to see :D I know I'm going to sound weird when I say this, but the best part was when they cut open the head to remove the brain. As you can imagine, I was one of the very few that didn't have to look away. Most of the kids were yelling "Gross!" and turning their head to look at the wall :roll: The coroner (person who does the autopsy) is going to send tissue samples for us to study so we can figure out how he died :shock: :D

Random Sayings (part 7)

I haven't posted one of these in a long time :roll: Some of these sayings are funny, true, random, stupid, knowledgeable, etc. It's quite a variety :lol:

  1. People who think they know everything are the easiest to fool.
  2. Plan to be spontaneous tomorrow.
  3. Poverty is catching. You can get it from your kids.
  4. Practice safe eating, always use condiments.
  5. Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.
  6. Punish me, I'll tell you why later.
  7. Quick!! Act as if nothing has happened!
  8. Raising teenagers is like nailing Jell-O to a tree.
  9. Rap is to music what Etch-a-Sketch is to art.
  10. Rarely resist the opportunity to keep your mouth shut.
  11. She's always late. Her ancestors arrived on the June Flower.
  12. Some people are like Slinkies ... not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs.
  13. Some people just don't know how to drive. I call these people, "Everybody But Me".
  14. Sound travels slowly. Sometimes the things you say when your kids are teenagers don't reach them till they're in their 40's.
  15. Stay tuned! I could say something brilliant at any moment.
  16. Talk is cheap - except when Congress does it.
  17. Talking to yourself is a sign of intelligence. Answering yourself is a sign of insanity.
  18. Teamwork is essential. It allows you to blame someone else.
  19. Tell a man that there are 400 billion stars and he'll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint and he has to touch it.
  20. Tell me what you believe and I'll tell you where you're going wrong.

New Favorite Band :D

I have a new favorite band!!! :D They're called The Corrs :D I've never heard of them before, but I checked out one of their CDs at the library the other day and I really like them :D Does anyone else like them? :D

Ice Storm!!!

We got an ice storm last night!!!:D:D:D It's still raining out, so school might be cancelled tomorrow!:D I really hope so because I don't want to take my anatomy and physiology test:lol: Here's a joke for you:

A bear and a rabbit are in the woods. The bear asks the rabbit,
"Do you have trouble withsh*t sticking to your fur?"

The rabbit replies, "No, I don't."

So the bear grabs the rabbit and wipes his a*s with him.

That's just too funny!:lol:


I got really bored yesterday, so I sent a message to every one of my friends here at So far, I have 34 replies:shock::lol: If I accidentally skipped you,let me know and I'll send you a message:wink::lol:

Interesting Facts

- A full bladder is roughly the size of a soft ball.

- Approximately 75% of human feces is made of water.

- It takes the food seven seconds to get from your mouth to
your stomach.

- One human hair can support 3 kg.

- Human thighbones are stronger than concrete.

- The attachment of human muscles to skin is what causes dimples.

-Your thumb is the same length of your nose.

- A woman's heart beats faster than a man's.

- If the average male never shaved, his beard would be 13 feet
long when he died.

- Men without hair on their chests are more likely to get
cirrhosis of the liver than men with hair.

- There are about one trillion bacteria on each of your feet.
- Side by side, 2000 cells from the human body could cover about
one square inch.

- Women blink twice as much as men.

- The average person's skin weighs twice as much as their brain.

- When you are looking at someone you love, your pupils dilate,

- They do the same when you are looking at someone you hate.

- It takes twice as long to lose new muscle if you stop working
out than it did to gain it.

- You're ears secrete more earwax when you are afraid than when
you aren't.

- Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself when you are
standing still.

- If saliva cannot dissolve something, you cannot taste it.

- The average woman is 5 inches shorter than the average man.