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Rules for Parking Lots

  1. Even though you purchased one of those 4-wheel drive sport/utility vehicles because you might one day "drive" up a mountain, slow down drastically as you approach speed bumps.
  2. When waiting for a parking spot, stop in the middle of the road, don't signal, and orient your car diagonally to prevent others from passing.
  3. Always park on the lines, taking up as many spots as possible. Diagonal parking is preferred.
  4. In a crowded parking lot, if you find a spot and have the opportunity to pull through to an adjacent one, drive up half way and stop on the line, taking both.
  5. As you pull into a spot, if you see that the space ahead of you is empty and you see another driver signaling to take it, pull though and take it from him.
  6. Always park close enough to the adjacent car so that the other driver must grease up with Vaseline to squeeze into his/her car.
  7. When getting out of your car, hit the adjacent vehicle with your door really hard.
  8. When driving through the parking lot, ignore the painted lanes and drive diagonally from one end to another at a high rate of speed.
  9. When stopped in front of a store and waiting for a friend/relative to make a purchase, make sure that you are stopped in the middle of the road. The same rules applies to picking-up and discharging passengers.
  10. When a vehicle from the opposite direction is signaling and waiting for a parking space, position your car so that you are in his way and let the car behind you take it.
  11. If you hit the adjacent car with your door and leave a dent, wait for a car, which is painted the same color as yours, to drive down the aisle looking for a place to park. Then back out, giving up your spot like "Mr. Good Guy", and park somewhere else.
  12. If the vehicle in front of you stops to let a pedestrian cross or another vehicle turn, pull into the lane of opposite traffic and attempt to pass him.
  13. When exiting a shopping center into a busy road, exit through the narrow "ENTER ONLY" driveway, stick the nose of the car into traffic, and wait.
  14. Always leave your shopping cart behind or tightly between parked vehicles.
  15. Empty your ashtrays on the cars around you.
  16. When another vehicle is waiting for you to pull out of a spot in a crowded parking lot, take your time. Adjust the mirrors, your seat, and the radio. Roll down your window, light a cigarette, and eat your lunch. Feel free to go through your shopping bags and look at what you just bought.

Speech Meet Today!!

Well, I had to go to another speech meet today:roll: I had to wake up at 5 AM and I just now got home (it's 4:17 PM here) There were only 7 of us from my school, but we still one first place in the small school division:D:D:D The trophy is 1.5 feet tall!:shock: I got to guard it on the way home:D I won first place for the third time!!!:D I was sooooooooooo shocked!!!:D

Rules on Passing (joke)

  1. When looking in the rear-view mirror and observing the car behind you changing lanes, quickly jump into the same lane, staying in front of him.
  2. If the vehicle in front of you signals to change lanes, quickly jump into the lane he wants to be in and punch the accelerator. The object of this is to screw the other driver from being able to change lanes.
  3. When your traffic lane has a dashed line (permission to pass), drive as fast as possible and just a little over the line. This will prevent anybody from passing you. Then when the line becomes solid, slow down to a speed significantly less then the posted limit.
  4. If another driver succeeds in passing you, tailgate and flash your high beams the entire time you are behind him/her.
  5. When changing lanes, always change from an empty fast moving lane to a slow moving one with heavy congestion.
  6. If you can't find an opportunity to switch lanes, stop in your lane and wait for one.
  7. On one lane roads, pass other vehicles using the shoulder.
  8. If you catch another driver in the middle of attempting to pass you, accelerate so that you keep him/her in the oncoming traffic lane as long as possible. When he gives up and gets back behind you, slow down.
  9. When changing lanes, take approximately 2 miles to completely move your car from one lane to the next.
  10. If an oncoming vehicle drives briefly in your lane to pass a bicyclist, speed up and drive in the center of the road to scare the heck out of both of them.
  11. When changing lanes, make sure that you only leave 1-2 inches between you and the car behind you.
  12. When changing lanes in traffic, drive into the car next to you.
  13. If there is a slow moving car 2 vehicles ahead of you, make every effort to pass and cut off the vehicle directly in front of you.
  14. When driving a large vehicle or truck and switching lanes, don't bother to look before you do it. If anyone is in the way, they'll move.

Backseat Driver Rules

I'm thinking I might try these when my sister is driving me to school:lol:

  1. Always grab the dashboard or doorhandle and yell "Whoa!"
  2. Always tell the driver to slow down or speed up.
  3. Constantly remind the driver of road conditions.
  4. Whenever possible, adjust all the dashboard controls, including the radio, heat, and fan.
  5. Remember: If there is a mirror on the passenger side door, it's there for the passenger. Feel free to adjust it at will.
  6. When at a traffic light, inform the driver the millisecond the light turns green.
  7. When giving directions, tell the driver to turn after you pass the intersection.
  8. Point to the left and tell the driver to make a right.
  9. Point to the right and tell the driver to make a left.
  10. When giving the driver directions, always mean to say one thing and tell the driver another. Then when the driver gets confused and passes a turn, yell.
  11. When riding with other passengers, quickly jump in the front passenger seat and yell "Shotgun!" Then, tell everyone you'll sit in the back during the return trip. But, have no intention of doing so.
  12. No matter what lane the driver is in and where you are going, always tell the driver that we would be better off in the next lane.
  13. When in the middle lane in heavy traffic, tell the driver that you really need to be in the right lane. Then when you finally cut another car off to be in the right lane, tell the driver you made a mistake and that this lane is going to end.
  14. Every time you see a car pulling out, yell to the driver "Watch it!"
  15. All passengers should pretend to have their own brake pedal.
  16. Grab the steering wheel if you feel the driver can not deal with a traffic situation.
  17. When directing the driver to make a left turn, tell him to make a "You-turn". When directing the driver to make right turn, tell him to make a "Me-turn".
  18. Whenever the driver parks, get out and inspect whether or not the car is properly parked within the lines.

Interpretation of Basic Traffic Signs

Don't Stop. Pull out in front of oncoming traffic.

Accelerate quickly without looking. Merge into fast moving traffic very slowly.


Drive 35 mph.

Road will curve. You better use your directionals.

School area. When vehicles in front of you yield, pass them.

Wait until a vehicle is coming and make a turn when the light is red.

Drive fast.

Drive really really slow.

Come to a complete stop. Try to figure out if you really want to go right.

As long as everyone else has to stop, why should you.

Automotive Maintenance Tips (joke)

  1. Jack up your car by installing tires that are big enough to drive over a three story building.
  2. When you are well aware that your car might break down, drive on bridges and narrow highways during peak rush hour traffic.
  3. If your car breaks down while driving, stay in the middle of the road. Do not attempt to move to the shoulder.
  4. When disabled in the road, leave your car door wide open.
  5. If it is necessary to change your tire on a road shoulder, lie the flat tire in the middle of the road and make traffic drive around it.
  6. If your muffler system breaks, keep it broken as long as possible. Drive through residential neighborhoods at night as much as you can and rev the engine.
  7. Drag your exhaust system on the ground when possible.
  8. If your car leaks oil, and you visit friends or relatives, park in their driveway.
  9. If you notice smoke coming from your exhaust pipes, allow your car to roll back at the next red light to make sure that you get some of it into the car behind you.
  10. Tint your windows pitch black so that nobody can see you, where your looking, or what's happening in front of you.
  11. When replacing a burned out low-beam headlamp, use a high-beam bulb. Try to aim the lights higher than legal limit.
  12. Windows which no longer roll down are not to be fixed. This way you can delay other drivers by having to unfasten your seat belt and open the entire car door to pay a highway toll.
  13. If the plastic tail light cover breaks, fix it with red tape. If the plastic turn signal cover breaks, fix it with yellow tape.
  14. If the radio antenna breaks, unbend a wire hanger and shove it into the antenna opening.
  15. Adjust your window washers so that they squirt over the windshield, above the car, and onto the vehicle behind you.
  16. An old rag is the perfect substitute for a missing gas cap.
  17. Install bright neon lights around your license plates so that no one can read them.

Rules for Using Directionals

  1. Signal only when you feel like it.
  2. If you feel you must use your directionals, make sure they blink only once, then turn them off.
  3. Signal only after you change lanes.
  4. When driving straight, make sure that at least one directional is blinking at all times.
  5. Signal as you approach a curve in the road.
  6. If you intend to make a right turn, use the left signal.
  7. If you intend to make a left turn, use the right signal.
  8. When approaching an intersection, signal to turn and slow down. When other drivers or pedestrians cross in front of you, turn off the signal and go straight.
  9. When you intend to make a turn, start signaling approximately 6-8 blocks before your turn. Slow down for each block as you approach them.
  10. Always apply your brakes way before you signal.
  11. When making a left turn at a busy red light, wait for the light to turn green before you turn on your signal.
  12. Wait until after you have started to turn or change lanes to use your signals.
  13. If you must use hand signals instead of your directionals, use your right hand or have your passenger do it out the right side window.

Speech Meet Today...

Well, I went to another speech meet this morning:D AND I WON AGAIN!!!:D:D:D I was the only one on my team that got a first place, so I got to guard the school trophy on the bus ride home again:D We won 8th place, but that's really good seeing as we only had 7 or 8 people there:D

Rules for Driving in Inclement Weather

  1. If the ground is slightly damp from a little rain, and traffic is generally moving at 65 MPH, drive at 15 MPH.
  2. When a major road is covered with a dangerous amount of snow, and traffic is generally moving at 15 MPH, drive at 65 MPH.
  3. The more slippery the road surface is, the more you should change lanes.
  4. Only use parking lights when driving in rain, sleet, snow, or fog.
  5. If all snow has been plowed, and plenty of salt and sand has been spread on the road, drive at 10 MPH. Even if traffic is generally moving at 55 MPH.
  6. If the road is slippery due to ice, rain, or snow, intentionally cause your vehicle to swerve and make "S" type maneuvers.
  7. When stopped at a red signal in the rain or snow, always spin your tires to make as much of a distraction as possible.
  8. When approaching a large water puddle in the road, drive through it to cause a tidal wave to hit other cars and pedestrians.
  9. When driving in any type of nasty weather, disregard all traffic lines painted on the road.
  10. When driving during a winter snow, don't clean the ice off the top of your car. Then, drive as fast as possible so that everything flies off your roof and hits other cars.
  11. When your car is covered with snow or ice, only clean off a little tiny section in front of the driver's seat so that you won't have any idea of what's going on around you.
  12. Slam on your brakes to see how slippery the snow, rain, or ice is.
  13. Do not use your windshield wipers in the pouring rain, if you don't like the squeaking noise they make.
  14. Keep your windshield wipers going long after the rain has stopped.
  15. When brushing the snow off your car, brush it onto the bumper so that it blocks your headlights, turn lights, and brake lights.
  16. If the heat in your car is broken, wear a winter coat that is too large for you and zip it all the way up so that the only part of your head that is uncovered is your eye brows and forehead.