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Rules for Pedestrians and Bicyclists

  1. Walk or jog in the middle of the road, even though you have a sidewalk.
  2. Whenever possible, jog or walk at night. Always wear dark clothes when you do this.
  3. If you are walking your dog, make sure the leash is long enough for the dog to be in the street, even if you're on the side walk.
  4. If you own a home with a front lawn, make sure the water sprinkler gets anyone wet who tries to walk or pass your house.
  5. Bicycles do not have to obey motor vehicle rules. Feel free to speed through red lights.
  6. Everyone knows that pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way. So, step directly in front of a moving car the split second it approaches to see the driver "freak-out" and slam on the brakes.
  7. Make sure the reflectors are missing off your bicycle.
  8. Never ride your bicycle on the correct side of the road.
  9. When biking on a main road, weave from side to side.
  10. The best place to learn to do bicycle stunts like "wheelies" is on a busy vehicular road.
  11. Cross busy intersections against the light. Walk up to moving cars in the intersection and kick them to pretend they hit you.
  12. When walking your dog and see an approaching jogger, allow your dog to sniff the other persons crotch.
  13. Never use hand signals when riding a bike in traffic.
  14. Make abrupt turns and swerves on your bike.
  15. When a vehicle at an intersection is waiting for you to cross, take your time so that the driver misses the green light.
  16. When walking your dog, allow it to defecate on other peoples lawn.
  17. When approaching a pedestrian cross walk, stop your vehicle over the line so that the pedestrians have to walk around the front of your car, into traffic, to cross the road.

Speech Meet #4 & More Rumors...

I had another speech meet today:roll: My school didn't do as well this time:( Some school from Indianapolis showed up and they had (I kid you not) 100 kids:shock: They were really good! I got 3rd this time:D I think that's pretty good though:D Overall, my school did pretty bad:( We had some no shows and some of our best team mates didn't come:( We didn't even win a trophy:(

On an even unhappier note, there's another rumor flying around the school:evil: According to it, I am now anorexic:evil::shock::cry: I learned this when a team mate from speech came up to me and told me to stop being anorexic because it was bad for the baby:evil: Oh yeah. Another rumor is that I'm pregnant with Zach's baby:evil: THAT IS NOT TRUE!!!!:evil::cry: I wish everyone would just grow up:cry:

Rules for Intersections (part 3)

  1. If you see a police car in your rear view mirror flashing for you to pull over, do so where you and the police car cause the most interruption to the traffic flow.
  2. When making a left turn, if the car in the oncoming lane signals to make a right turn, pull out in front of him. He has to slow down anyway.
  3. When intending to make a right turn at an intersection with a right-turn-must-turn-right lane, stay over one lane to the left and drive to end of the intersection. Then stop, holding up traffic behind you, while you try to cut over and make the right turn.
  4. When approaching a green light which just turns yellow, accelerate sharply as if to make it through. Then, look in your rear view mirror. If you see another car right behind you doing the same, SLAM on the brakes and stop abruptly before reaching the intersection.
  5. When another driver stops and gestures for you to proceed, even though he has the right of way, remain stopped until he gets pissed off. Then when he gives up and starts to leave you, pull out in front of him.
  6. When the car ahead of you stops at an intersection with a green light to let an emergency vehicle cross, lean on your horn and make obscene gestures.
  7. Use your horn to honk at the vehicle in front of you if it does not move within 2 microseconds after the light turns green.
  8. If you drive the same route to work every day, never use your signals because everyone should know where you're going to turn.
  9. If you notice a stop or yield sign is missing, where there usually is one, you NOW have the right of way.
  10. If you approach a traffic light that is not working, assume your light is green.
  11. When you are stopped at a stop sign and there is a car coming from the left and he is about 1 mile away and there is nobody behind him, wait until he is about 50 feet from the intersection to pull out in front of him and go half the speed limit.
  12. It is not illegal to run red lights or stop signs if there isn't a cop around to see you do it.
  13. As you approach an intersection where you have the right of way, and you see a car stopped a stop sign waiting for you to pass, drive very slow and take your time.
  14. When stopped at a traffic light, always block shopping center entrances and exits, driveways, and other streets.

Rules for Intersections (part 2)

I just want to say thanks to everyone who commented on my last blog:D I really appreciate the support you've been giving me over the past month or so:D The rumors are still flying, but I'm ignoring them. I go to school to learn, not gossip.

  1. When a traffic light turns green, accelerate and then hit the brakes for no reason.
  2. When driving through a circle type of intersection, drive along the outer lane and constantly come to full stops.
  3. If there is a sign in the intersection that says "NO TURNS", stop in the left lane and make a turn.
  4. If you need to pickup or drop-off a passenger, stop in the middle of the intersection to do so.
  5. When approaching an intersection with a red light, start slowing down approximately 1 mile before getting to the intersection. Make sure that by the time you get to the light, you are coasting so slow, your speedometer needle is resting on the 0 MPH pin.
  6. When making any turn, go as slow as possible.
  7. When you are the first car at a red light, always challenge the sportier cars in the adjacent lanes to see who can be the first to leave the line when the light turns green.
  8. Use the time at red lights to do other things such as look at the map, read the newspaper, look through your glove compartment, comb your hair, etc. Then pay no attention to the light which turned green 2 minutes ago.
  9. When approaching a red light on a multi-laned road, if there is a 1 car ahead of you, quickly change lanes, without looking, so that you can be the first car in the next lane. Then when the light turns green, wait about a minute and accelerate slowly.
  10. If you approach an intersection on a multi-laned road, where your lane is the only lane moving fast, stop and try to cut into the next lane, which is at a stand-still.
  11. If the car ahead of you goes through a red light, it's always okay for you to follow.
  12. At a red light or stop sign, always have the front of your car sticking out in the middle of the intersection. Do not make any attempt to backup just a little.
  13. When stopped at a red light or stop sign, always stop past the stop line so that buses and trucks, who have the green light, do NOT have enough space to make their turn. Then wave your arms and yell at the truck/bus driver because someone else is stopped behind you and you have no place to go.
  14. When waiting at an intersection, if there is another vehicle waiting to make a turn, gesture for him to go, even if it is not safe.
  15. When waiting to make a turn, if another driver gestures for you to go ahead, do so, even if there is still heavy and fast moving traffic (with the right of way) coming directly at you.

I'VE HAD IT!!! (caps)

The rumors at school are flying again!!!:evil: This time, everyone is calling me a whore and a slut!!!:evil: And guess who started it?

MY OWN SISTER!!!!!!!!!


I can't believe she would do something like that!:cry::evil: I am so pis*ed at her right now!:evil: Here's what happened:

She's really upset with me because our parents like Zach more than her boyfriend Kyle, so (to get back at me) she told our whole lunch table that I was having sex with Zach when I go to his house after schoolandI makeout with him in the back of cla*s shock::evil: I WOULD NEVER!!!!:evil: I can't believe she would do this to me!!!!:evil:

Rules for Intersections (part 1)

  1. When approaching a green traffic light, slow down, wait for it to turn yellow, and come to a complete stop. Then just as it turns red, drive though and leave behind all the cars in back of you.
  2. When making a left turn, stay as far to the right as possible.
  3. When making a right turn, stay as far to the left as possible.
  4. When making a left turn onto a multi-lane road, turn directly into the right-most lane. This way you cut off the vehicles attempting to make a right from the opposite direction.
  5. When stopped in the middle of an intersection waiting to make a left turn, wait until oncoming traffic is only 1 foot away and turn directly in front of it.
  6. Never make a right turn at a red light if there are other vehicles behind waiting to make the same turn.
  7. When stopped at a red light and waiting to make a right turn, wait for a vehicle who has the green light to approach. At the very last second make your turn and quickly hit your breaks. (This rule also applies to stop signs)
  8. It's always better to surprise other drivers. For example, if you intend to make a left turn, don't signal, and bear to the right. Then, as the vehicles behind you attempt to pass on the left, quickly and suddenly make the turn.
  9. While in the middle of a turn, if you realize that this is not the turn you want, stop and backup.
  10. When driving in bumper-to-bumper city traffic, make sure that you are dead center in the middle of the intersection when the light turns red, creating a gridlock situation.
  11. When a red light turns green, wait a few minutes before moving so that you can limit the number of cars that make it through before the light turns red again.
  12. When stopped at stop sign, wait until every car within 6,000 miles passes before proceeding, regardless of how long you have to wait.
  13. When stopping behind another stopped vehicle, pull up as close as possible so that the driver can see your nose hairs from his/her rear view mirror.
  14. When at a red traffic light, creep up toward the intersection a little and stop. Repeat this several times until the light turns green. When the light does turn, remain stopped until the vehicles behind start to honk.
  15. When approaching a red light, use the shoulder to get in front of everyone who is stopped.

Rules for Car Accidents

  1. Regardless of how minor the accident is, always pretend you are suffering from an injured neck and back.
  2. Blame all the old dings and dents in your car on the accident which just occurred.
  3. Even if you were 110% at fault for the accident, tell the cop at the accident scene that the other guy wasn't paying attention and he hit you.
  4. Always accuse the other accident driver of drinking.
  5. Right after any accident, be as vulgaras possible to the other driver.
  6. If there are no police at the accident scene, pretend you left your license and insurance card at home.
  7. After each and every accident you are involved in, you must initiate some sort of litigation.
  8. At the accident scene, insist that the police issue the other driver a summons; even if it was you that caused the accident.
  9. During the split second before an impact, quickly yank the steering wheel to involve another vehicle that had nothing to do with the initial cause of the accident.
  10. If at all possible, leave the scene after an accident. If someone catches up to you, play dumb.
  11. When the other driver approaches you right after an accident, pretend not to speak English.
  12. When driving out of state with a rental car, take advantage of a free accident.
  13. Deny everything that the other driver accuses you of doing; even if it's true.
  14. Tell the cop at the accident scene that the other driver almost caused three other accidents prior to this one.
  15. Before you speak to the insurance agent about an accident, go home and find some "witnesses" who'll say they were in the car with you.
  16. If there is no one else to blame, blame an animal.
  17. If you accidentally hit a parked car, leave a note on the windshield stating that there are witnesses who think you are leaving your name and phone number.
  18. If you get into an accident because your mirrors were not adjusted properly and you did not see the other car, blame the accident on the other driver since he got into your "blind" spot.

Rules for Using Headlights

  1. Use high-beams when the car in front of you is lower to the ground then yours.
  2. Always use high-beams when there is heavy oncoming traffic.
  3. When approaching a sharp curve at night, accelerate, drive on the line in the center of the road, and keep your high-beams on.
  4. Never use headlights until it is pitch dark outside.
  5. Flash your headlights during the day to fool oncoming vehicles into thinking a police radar trap is ahead.
  6. If one of your headlights burns out, use your highbeams until it is replaced.
  7. Or... if one of your headlights burns out, do not use your headlights at all. Just those little dim yellow parking lights.
  8. If you drive a vehicle that is significantly higher off the ground than most other cars, pull up to a stop sign/red light at least a foot to the left of the car in front. That way your headlights reflect off the other car's side view mirror and directly into the driver's face.
  9. When you see one of those newer cars with the daytime lights on, flash your headlights several times to remind the other driver that his lights are on.
  10. Attach as many fog, spot, neon, blinking, and flashing lights to the top and bottom of your car/truck as possible.
  11. When an oncoming driver flashes his highbeams on and off to tell you that your highbeams are on, ignore him.
  12. Flash your highbeams on and off several times to oncoming cars to tell them that their highbeams are on... when they're not.
  13. The little interior map light can be used as a substitute for headlights.
  14. When driving at night with a burned out headlight, drive so that the working headlight is in the middle of the lane and to other drivers, you look like a motorcycle.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!:D I know I did. I went to my boyfriend's house to have dinner with his family:D It was really good:D

Have fun shopping!:D