Still wished they would have continued Jade's story (and hope that IS in THIS game) instead of the prequel story Ancel decided he wanted to do in the last few years.
The original ended on a cliff hanger right when things were getting interesting with Pey'j getting co-oped and a possible enemy.
Then the wait.
And now this, which isn't the game everyone thought we'd be getting after over a decade. I'm optimistic, I'll get the sequel I'm hoping for, but things aren't looking like that will happen.
Hopefully MS is giving Rare enough time to polish it and work out the bugs, since this seems like a total knee-jerk reaction to everyone complaining XBO had no games this holiday season.
@Xristophoros: I'm more interested to see if their 1080p or not, if not major quality upgrade I'll live with my 720 PS3 collection.
Same for Zone of the Enders when it launches on PS4, if it's not significantly better than the PS3 collection that I will not be double dipping any time soon.
"it seems like Switch could become a primary destination for indie releases."
You mean like the PS4 does too....oh wait, you said only PC and Switch do indies, my mistake... (/sarcasm)
"Skyrim runs beautifully, so it remains to be seen how well future ports will be optimized."
It better damn well run good, it's a six year old game after all.
Sorry Kallie, but you need to leave some of the fangirl-isms out of the article and present the facts w/o embellishments if possible.
As Joe Friday would say "just the facts" and as a journalist you know this quite well. (Something Gamespot's been struggling with I might add in recent times.)
"We have never said anything about discontinuing that title but for some reason that's the rumour out on the market."
Because fans like to speculate and doom-say on anything information to come up with rumors and heresay to make themselves feel better.
I wish that more of these companies would take control of their PR and lay to rest rumors when they come out (especially if they're not true) so false information like this would die quickly instead of getting out of hand. It's even worse when the CEO is familiar with the false information out there and literally does nothing to dispel that misinformation until months/years later.
@slainelow: "As I noted elsewhere, the argument about the importance of exclusives is not supported by the facts."
It's ALWAYS about the exclusives. If you didn't get that from the article apparently you didn't READ it.
Why would I want to buy system w/o exclusives? Why, please tell me this.
You ask anyone why they bought a Wii U or even now a Switch (outside of portability) because it has EXCLUSIVE Nintendo games on it. Not a hard concept to grasp, one would think.
Over 60 million PS4's sold vs 33 million XBO's.
That's telling enough, considering they're on track for 100 million by end of life, which isn't anything to sneeze at.
Console sales for either company aren't what they used to be, smart phones took a big chunk of casual gamers after the Wii era brought them in. Many people migrated solely to PC for convenience and price.
The days of 100 million systems sold any generation forward are the exception, not the RULE any more. If one does it will be an outlier and something special.
I don't feel like I can convince you past what I've already done, considering you have your anti-Sony rhetoric on stand-by and ready to go, I own all three systems, but I'm not willing to give MS a free pass to pull this lame attempt of support they they are trying to get away with this cycle.
I won't blindly follow them or not complain being spoon fed whatever they feel they'll give me, I'm saddened and shocked that they don't have more games lined up, Sony has 3rd party support only those who are blind believe that they don't.
Anyway been in this thread too long, not going to try to convince those who are too stubborn to see the truth that's right in front of them.
I'm not pro anybody, I just like having software support for the systems I do own, and make sure I make sure my voice is heard by MS that I am displeased that they aren't keeping their end of the bargain up when I bought their system and expected to get exclusive games on their system which I haven't gotten.
Maybe it's time for Phil Spencer to move on, he's a nice guy, but isn't cutting it when it comes to providing anything exclusive to the XBO line.
BC and 3rd party aren't a good enough reason to buy an Xbox anymore, sadly enough they don't see it or care. Which is a shame in itself.
@olddirtyrobot: You're one of the few people on here not spewing rhetoric and vitriol (I disagree about HZD being the last good PS4 exclusive game) but that's me.
Wished more of these Xbots would wise up learn the truth and quite complaining and believing lies about "PS4 has NO exclusives" which is utter shash. (I'll posted the exclusives links many times in this thread already which proves that point to a T.
I own all three and honestly every time I look at my XBO, I'm sad that it didn't get the 1st party and 3rd party exclusive support OG-Xbox and X360 got.
People who take what MS spoon feeds them and have to defend that are the ones I pity the most, if anyone speaks out against the hive mind they get attacked.
All I can say to them is Learn the truth, get educated, enjoy what you want, but quit telling lies and more importantly quit believing them.
@oneligas: It's not any worse than any of their 1st party games they've delayed into 2018 (Sea of Thieves and Crackdown ring a bell)
Platinum basically said MS was running a power play to have them mess up on development to take over the IP and develop it internally. When Platinum fired back and asked for more time/money for development Spencer killed the project.
Not sure what "sources" you read your information painting Platinum as the bad guys here, but they weren't.
The proof is in any of their games released, they are a competent and talented studio that does good work. Their only foolish thing was to take contracted work for western companies like MS, Activision and other large companies unwilling to support them during development.
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