It has become a kind of running joke over the last few years (or maybe even beyond.) that whenever a game is announced to release on a certain date it gets pushed back at least another year.
For some reason I felt that Zelda was going to buck the trend so to speak.
Whatever the case may be I don't think this news will really negatively impact Zelda players mindset as they are used to waiting long periods in between installments of one of gaming's most iconic franchises.
I guess this all but confirms Elden Ring as 2022 GOTY 😉
Both services offer great benefits but when it comes to the subscription based model approach offering titles day 1 is a huge feather in Microsoft's hat.
Don't get me wrong, Sony has a lot to offer in their model as well and the added bonus of offering PS1, PS2, PS3 and PSP titles is a huge plus (no pun intended.) in my books any day and for any hardcore gamers out there.
That being said, Microsoft really has a huge bargaining chip when it comes to convincing gamers which subscription to go for in the way of day 1 titles.
The great thing is that whatever side of the fence you are on there seems to be something offered for everyone. Hey, the more alternatives the better!
Y'know. On some level I actually agree with some extent.
Sony invests heavily in their 1st party AAA studios and having those titles offered day 1 for free... well, I could see these studios losing some of the passion and drive to make their products on that next level.
This is the same controversy that has plagued some of the X box Game pass day one titles since it's release. How many articles have we seen from developers complaining about Gamepass? Quite a few.
In terms of gamers that may not be something they want to hear but if the people who are making these games aren't satisfied then ultimately gamers will suffer in the quality of the products being released.
That being said, having a competitor in the way of Microsoft not flinching at the prospect of offering new titles day 1 is going to be the biggest hurdle Sony has to competing in the subscription service based model.
In terms of offering another alternative to PSplus I think this is a good move for Sony but I don't think it is one that is going to suddenly draw in a flood of new users.
That being said I don't think Microsoft will be losing any sleep over this announcement.
Out of all these tiers the one I think will be least sought out will be the middle package. I feel like most people are either going to stick with the traditional PS plus model currently in effect or if they so desire jump to the premium offering with all the bells and whistles.
While I like what Sony has done in offering various levels to people the big question on everyone's mind is why they didn't offer new games day 1 like Microsoft has. Without that I don't think this new subscription service will have the same kind of impact that Microsoft's model does.
The one really good thing is that they are offering PS1, PS2, PS3 and PSP games as part of the service. I can see a lot of hardcore gamers perhaps giving these subscriptions a second thought just for that alone but I'm not sure that feature will speak to more of the "casual" gaming market or those that want to play the latest and greatest titles.
The comments sections alone in most of the gaming sites out there I think is a better representation of how the community is adjusting to this news; which is not one of overwhelming excitement but rather one of apathy.
TL;DR: Personally I am glad Sony is offering another alternative to their PSplus subscription service and it does sound like there is a lot of good features being offered at the various tiers but I'm not sure these offerings will elicit the same kind of response that Microsoft's Game Pass has.
While it is true that all these different gaming models will have their place in the videogaming ecosystem the life blood of any of these consoles I firmly believe will remain single player experiences.
I know that multiplayer games, subscription services, Gamepass type models or Games as Service models will continue to generate huge income for these companies and in many ways will, and have, eclipsed single player game revenue but I stand unwavering in my belief that exclusive gaming content combined with gripping single player experiences is what is ultimately going to set the tone for gamers deciphering what systems they are going to pour their hard earned money into.
Probably the second most important thing I hear when a new console is coming out (the first is the price.) is what games will be offered on system X as opposed to system Y. Usually these titles are also of a single player variety as well.
I'm glad Sony is remaining true to their focus on single player titles as I think they realize that those titles have helped build up a sort of legacy and reputation for them over the years even if they are dabbling more and more into these other gaming models.
While many of these other avenues (free to play, live service, etc...) are great there is something to be said about experiencing a well made AAA quality single player title.
After the success of the Witcher 3 this was a no-brainer and one I think many were expecting at some point.
The Witcher 3 was a monumental game and really put CD Projekt RED on the map in terms of the gaming landscape so I'm sure followers of both the studio and the Witcher franchise will be eagerly awaiting this release.
While I enjoyed my time with the Witcher 3 I would be lying if I said it was a perfect game. Hopefully the team can remedy some of the issues that seemed to plague that release (bugs, lackluster combat system, etc...) on this rendition as CD Projekt RED is now considered one of the "Big" gaming studios out there.
Hopefully the team also learns from some of the issues and setbacks that seemed to plague Cyberpunk on its release so that this next entry into the franchise can arrive without as much negative criticism or controversy.
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