@SevenStyx Extensive crafting system? What exactly do you have in mind? You have "crafting" to a certain extent in Dark Souls as well. Upgrading armor, weapons and stuff via Blacksmiths and smith-boxes can be considered crafting. The item system they have right now is just fine imo and doesn't need to be "extensive". Of course, your "extensive" is very vague, therefor I can not argument any further on this topic.
As for extensive dialogue and dialogue options? Hell no! If you want to spend your game time discussing weather with NPCs and/or reading in-game books, go play TES games, not Souls. The dialogues are just fine as they are as well. Although you have no dialogue options, the NPCs usually respond to stuff you want to hear, without having useless dialogues.
This brings me to the next point - civilization. Terrible idea for souls series. The limited amount of NPCs actually make you care about them, listen to what they have to say and uncover some lore. If there were dozens, or even hundreds of NPCs, the game would not only lose it's dark atmosphere, it would also make most players ignore all but the story NPCs and important vendors, even if the other NPCs could unveil some interesting lore information.
As for classes, it is all the matter of how you build your character. If you decide to level up your Wizards strength, use a greataxe and wear heavy armor, of course it won't feel like a Wizard anymore. For classes I'd recommend reducing their amount instead, possibly removing them completely, since you have the stat system. As for the identification, I, for example, can identify with my character(s) just fine.
All of the stuff you are naming is already in other games, namely Skyrim. Not that it is a bad game, I've spent quite some time playing it, but trust me, a year or so after TES 6 will come out, people will be like "Skyrim? Yeah, it was a cool game.". Memories of Dark Souls, it's atmosphere and combat, however, will linger so much longer.
Although I agree that the price for this is way too high, I find the concept awesome. Merging handheld gaming, console and PC functionality like this is quite solid concept and if it goes the right direction, this could be the future of gaming.
What the hell is wrong with you people?! This is EDITORS' CHOICE = the editors of Gamespot believe, that GW2 is the PC GOTY 2012. So what? Why is it that people think that their opinion is the only valid one and that everything else is just wrong...GW2 is a great game. Does it mean that it's the only great game of 2012? Of course not! There were multiple awesome games that came out this year. If you liked say Far Cry 3 better, that's your opinion and it is just as valid as the one of the guy who considers say CoD:BO2 GOTY. Those are all subjective opinions.
It's not like you get an actual award or something when your favorite game gets considered GOTY by Gamespot or whoever, so why insist on convincing people that YOUR favorite should be theirs as well?
It would be an awesome game if they took basically any of their games, say Morrowind, Oblivion or even Skyrim if they feel like making it high-end MMO and adjust just some minor stuff, such as increase the quests volume and possibly restrict player to chose only one faction (Mages, Fighters or Thieves guild). Their games already have what it takes to become a great MMO, no need for a brand new thing.BTW, where did you guys get the "WOW-like combat and system" info from?
zaxrider's comments