1. AFAIK, you still can buy games digitally (at least some) 2. Trade ONCE 3. Share with 10 people, you can share the disc with infinite people. The only good part was the 2 at the price of 1 simultaneous single player 4. Sell - you have a better chance of selling the disc than selling the game digitally
@tightwad34 I remember back when AC1 came out, it was the "Prince of Persia clone" game. Also, unless I'm missing something, the fact that he said it was going to be a shooter doesn't really sound like AC formula.
@EL_Bomberdor Well, unless you are rich or new to all this, you don't buy from Steam whenever you feel like it. Steam is there for it's sales, that's what makes it great. You have Daily deals, Midweek Madness, Weekend Deals, Holiday sales, Publisher sales.... And these tend to, 9 out of 10 times undercut EVERYONE. They undercut console prices by a mile and they even go below CD-key distro prices.
Recently, Steam also started getting those "Free weekends", when you essentially get 1-3 games to play during the weekend for free + they are like 30% OFF during that time.
- I just... keep seeing these... flashes... in my MIND... It's been two weeks now, I... I can't go on like this anymore.... Help me! - Try wiggling the HDMI cable a bit, maybe you plugged it in incorrectly...
@FAIL_TR0LL "shut your face" sounds more like a "turn off the console" command. Sounds like a fun voice command for the Kinect... actually, I'm quite curious about the concept names for that one. - How about "Microsoft Movement Accessory" - Sir, I think that acronym is already taken by Mixed martial arts... - Shut your face! *a console in the background shuts down*
zaxrider's comments