I'm mainly concerned about the hardware optimization for it's use. Having a display and all that stuff essentially right in your face for hours a day may potentially cause some serious eye/sight issues and the electromagnetic waves or whatever it is all devices emit are probably not the best thing to have on your face for hours a day either. I know this affects PCs and consoles as well but still, with those there's quite some distance between the screen and your head.
@NovahJCMP PC as in the machine, definitely do so. Purely from the gaming standpoint, apart from mods you also get some neat discounts on PC games. If you are serious about it, make sure you get some advice and make a custom-built one, not a pre-built PC. More often than not you're going to get more performance for less money with a custom-built PC.
As for Skyrim PC version, wait a bit and go get The Elder Scrolls Anthology with all Elder Scrolls games, because if you get bored with Skyrim, you may want to play the previous games and there are mods that can make both Morrowind and Oblivion look pretty up-to-date.
Digital "pack". This Anthology is mainly a collector thing with all the maps and art-book-ish stuff. But who knows, maybe it'll appear on Steam eventually...
The packaging looks cool and is quite tempting but then again, Arena and Daggerfall are free to download and play on the official website. Already got Morrowind GOTY disc, Oblivion GOTY Steam and Skyrim Legendary Steam versions... If I find myself with $80 to spare though, I may get it just for the looks.
@Mrod1212 That's actually the kind of name you get when you first register at GFWL. A random Noun+Noun or Adjective+Noun combination with some numbers at the end.
Sounds cool and all but unless they had a prototype running in their labs since 2003, there's absolutely no guarantee it'll be able to survive even 5 years of "always on"...
At first, I hated the idea of connecting everything to Facebook account, verifying via phone number and whatnot, and being able to comment only with that but nowadays, I begin to support that more and more. I wonder how many of the internet tough guys would be willing to sign their actual name below their statements online...
zaxrider's comments