Whatever it will be, it'll most likely have an epic cinematic trailer so there's that to look forward to.
Although I'd like it to be WC4, it most likely won't. I'd bet either on WoW expansion or MOBA. Blizzard has three great universes to draw from and rather big fanbases behind each of them so I'd say that a Blizzard MOBA would do rather well in the market.
Shameful, cheap? Do you guys even know what kind of stuff Apple and Microsoft did in their early days to get big?
I see this as a great marketing move from MS. They reduce the amount of competitor's hardware out there in exchange for gift cards to their own products. It would be stupid if they traded those for cash but this way it's actually rather smart.
And the best thing about it is - Apple can't really do anything about it. What are they gonna sue for or forbid MS from doing? Add "Thou shalt never give your iDevice to anyone else except us - Apple" to ToS?
I hate when stuff like this gets torn from the game to be presented as Pre-order bonus or DLC. Why don't you give us a free OST, dev commentary, PS/Xbox skins, posters, in-game armor/weapon skins, "head-start", pre-loads... heck, even some items/boosts for MP but PLEASE, don't mess with the SP content that actually provides gameplay.
How long until we only get Easy and Medium difficulty choice for games and to play on Hard or Insane, we'll need to pre-order or buy DLC? Or maybe halfway through the games we'll be prompted to buy DLC to see how the story ends....
I was quite hyped about Steam for Linux back some months (or years already?) ago. Am I gaming on Linux now? No. Why? According to Steam search, there are 2133 games for PC on Steam at the moment. How many of those support Linux as well? 184. That's barely 9%.
Now I'm sure Valve will put more effort into their own platform rather than optimizing for all distro but still, it will take time and those who will jump on SteamOS too soon will most likely find themselves with very few games to play.
As a side-note: When I tried Steam for Linux (Ubuntu), I went ahead and installed TF2, as it was one of the few games available there. Default system & game settings, graphical settings on lowest. What did it give me? 10-15 FPS. How much does it give me on Windows? Enough not to care (80-120). By this one I just wanted to say I hope they optimize it well.
I can't believe that there wasn't a single guy at Microsoft during the naming of the console, who would be like "Xbox One... You guys are aware of the fact that a valid, and a quite likely way to shorten it would be XBONE, right?"
I personally would prefer Xbox Next over One but what would the follow-up to that be? Xbox Another? But then again, what is the follow-up to this gonna be? Xbox Two? (guess there's still the Xbox Next option)
I don't think many people get AC for multiplayer. It's been the same thing since Brotherhood with a few touches here and there. If someone out there was like "Yeah, I'm totally getting Black Flag so that I can naval combat with my friends", well.. too bad for them. As long as there is enough naval combat opportunities in the single-player, it's not a big deal really.
zaxrider's comments