[QUOTE="REBEL2100x"][QUOTE="blitzkid1"][QUOTE="zomgwtfbbqlol1"][QUOTE="blitzkid1"][QUOTE="zomgwtfbbqlol1"][QUOTE="blitzkid1"]EPICs experience with online games >>>> Guerrilla Games Online experience.Unreal tournament 3 was crap and a waste of money ask ne hermit here who has gamed on the previous ones they will tell you UT3 was rehash crap with shiney graphicsblitzkid1
Ask somebody for thier opionin ? LOL .
whats wrong wiht asking others for an opinion? lol.. what do u think a review is? fact based off of a mathematical equation? lol ur really acting dumb now... stop trolling alreadyIm trolling ? Whatever when all is said and done Resistance will be hyped beyond belief and it will flop horribly , nobodys going to be talking about its muiltiplayer , people are still going to be playing gears 2 multiplayerlong after killzones 2 multiplayer, Go hype up your game which is a sequalto a mediocore game.
A mediocore game? Did the game even come out?! Omg Fail
So when he said Gears Of War 2, will have lag in the online and the gamehasnt come out yet, he succeded.
i was refering to the P2P network that XBL uses, until they get dedicated servers it will lag (and they wont)
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