Well maybe this time the Liberals will have there dream come true and it will be some right wing extremist who belongs to the tea party and militia . So long 2nd Amendment, Hello Martial Law
The "right" to bare arms is treated much more like a privilege in the first place, and losing the 2nd amendment wouldn't make gun ownership automatically illegal."A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bare arms, shall not be infringed."
We do 'infringe' on this a lot, require licenses, ban certain 'arms' (nukes, biological/chemical weapons, RPG's, ect.)
And why would the US fall into martial law even if guns were banned? Is Japan under martial law?
Right....they never happen in places like Norway
Gun-related deaths in Norway are 'much' lower (especially for homicides) in general, per 100 000 people. Even if they have 1 massacre, it doesn't nearly add up to our gun crime. Even 9/11 was "only" 10% of our yearly homicides.
Norway: .68 homicides, 0.30 gun (44%)
US------: 4.8 homicides, 4.14 gun (86%)
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