that does make sense, but your reasoning makes less sense. Surely it is harder for MS to ask them to move Assassins creed than it is for them just to move SO themselves. Why didn't they just bring it out next week?
Because next week is also jam packed. And the week after.
so MS forces the move of one of the biggest multiplatform releases of the year? you have gone full tropic thunder about this.
Hardly forces. They give Ubisoft a little poke, "hey, we're putting in millions for marketing your game, fancy not suffocating ours?" AC is strong enough to stand on its own, SO isn't.
there is zero evidence that there is anything dodgy happening.
Aside from the fact that Ubisoft straight up admitted to it?
except they didn't.
Tinfoil hat for the tithead at table 2 please
We locked it because we didn't want to add to the debate.
Then add in something about CPUs even though the CPUs in both consoles are virtually the same.
Ubi really needs to fire its PR people. They've had an awful year.
Wait, so that's the "admission" you milk factories are crying about? No an admission is "Yes officer, I killed that woman". This is complete conjecture, and emotional crap. You guys are like housewives worried that your husband is out cheating on you.
that does make sense, but your reasoning makes less sense. Surely it is harder for MS to ask them to move Assassins creed than it is for them just to move SO themselves. Why didn't they just bring it out next week?
Because next week is also jam packed. And the week after.
so MS forces the move of one of the biggest multiplatform releases of the year? you have gone full tropic thunder about this.
Hardly forces. They give Ubisoft a little poke, "hey, we're putting in millions for marketing your game, fancy not suffocating ours?" AC is strong enough to stand on its own, SO isn't.
Honestly, do you read anything?
READ things? Yes. Read into things? Not often. I believe the burden of PROOF must be established before anyone is guilty.
there is zero evidence that there is anything dodgy happening.
Aside from the fact that Ubisoft straight up admitted to it?
except they didn't.
Tinfoil hat for the tithead at table 2 please
We locked it because we didn't want to add to the debate.
Then add in something about CPUs even though the CPUs in both consoles are virtually the same.
Ubi really needs to fire its PR people. They've had an awful year.
Wait, so that's the "admission" you milk factories are crying about? No an admission is "Yes officer, I killed that woman". This is complete conjecture, and emotional crap. You guys are like housewives worried that your husband is out cheating on you.
lmao they flat out admitted to it then rushed out some PR to try and mitigate the damage.
there is zero evidence that there is anything dodgy happening.
Aside from the fact that Ubisoft straight up admitted to it?
except they didn't.
Tinfoil hat for the tithead at table 2 please
We locked it because we didn't want to add to the debate.
Then add in something about CPUs even though the CPUs in both consoles are virtually the same.
Ubi really needs to fire its PR people. They've had an awful year.
Wait, so that's the "admission" you milk factories are crying about? No an admission is "Yes officer, I killed that woman". This is complete conjecture, and emotional crap. You guys are like housewives worried that your husband is out cheating on you.
lmao they flat out admitted to it then rushed out some PR to try and mitigate the damage.
We all know the truth now. :)
Show me where they said, "We at Ubisoft took money from MS to ensure parity of this game across both platforms." That is a flat out admission. You, being a cow, are reading into something and creating the proof in your sony loving mind. That is conjecture.
lol, it really is so terribly funny. All generation long the Sony fanboys will have to defend their console at every turn. They genuinely believe their console is some super machine, so whenever parity is reached they have to fictionalize conspiracy theories where someone is paid off. They will never just be enjoying their games but defending their consoles "superiority" when it's brought into question. When the truth of the matter is, they were lied to, by good ol Kaz and all of sony. They were sold a box and promised off the bat that 1080/60fps would be the the standard, that the PS4 was a revolutionary and powerful gaming machine. It's marginally better by the Xbox. Sometimes it shows a little, sometimes not at all in game.
Your 399 system isn't perfect, its going to drop frames, it may need the 900p resolution to have more running on screen. Just play the games, stop fighting for a company for no reason. There is absolutely 0 proof that the PS4 version was held back by the X1 version, no one ever said that anywhere at any point. Anything else you assume is just that, an assumption. MS has not paid Ubisoft for anything, Ubisoft has made their choices for their reasons. They only got Watch Dogs (another open world game with less going on) running at 900p so why is it so bizzare for AC?
lol, it really is so terribly funny. All generation long the Sony fanboys will have to defend their console at every turn. They genuinely believe their console is some super machine, so whenever parity is reached they have to fictionalize conspiracy theories where someone is paid off. They will never just be enjoying their games but defending their consoles "superiority" when it's brought into question. When the truth of the matter is, they were lied to, by good ol Kaz and all of sony. They were sold a box and promised off the bat that 1080/60fps would be the the standard, that the PS4 was a revolutionary and powerful gaming machine. It's marginally better by the Xbox. Sometimes it shows a little, sometimes not at all in game.
Your 399 system isn't perfect, its going to drop frames, it may need the 900p resolution to have more running on screen. Just play the games, stop fighting for a company for no reason. There is absolutely 0 proof that the PS4 version was held back by the X1 version, no one ever said that anywhere at any point. Anything else you assume is just that, an assumption. MS has not paid Ubisoft for anything, Ubisoft has made their choices for their reasons. They only got Watch Dogs (another open world game with less going on) running at 900p so why is it so bizzare for AC?
Because it is a multiplatform game where the Xbox One (which is lower spec hardware) version runs at the exact same resolution of 900p with presumably the same graphics settings, and they themselves said they did it so people would not talk about the differences between versions and then go on to blame the CPU which has nothing to do with the resolution.
I don't see how people can deny the PS4 is more powerful, it's not like the PS3 days where the differences where quite major in terms on architecture (different CPU, different GPU, different RAM), making it very difficult to compare.
Holy shit, this is amazing as ****. Ubisoft actually had the balls to come out and say 'we don't want to piss off Microsoft, so we held back the PS4 version to match the inferior Xbone.' Ell oh fucking ell.
I don't know if I want to get the game anymore. I mean, I want it, I really want to play it, but I don't want to support a game maker that forgets the all important 'GAMES' part.
Wow I missed all this. Can you link me to that quote?
@tormentos: dude why are you always trying to argue. That is from guerilla own mouth .....exactly with not much AI needed in multiplayer we were able to achieve 60fps it had nothing to do with more enclosed levels lol.
Everyone knows devkits where late on the xbox side.
You keep talking about resolutions and gpu still not mentioning the low clocked high latency, low bandwidth cpu.
I said a long time ago that Sony didn't use any offloading or accelerators and that's what's going to be the down fall of the machine moving forward.
CAN'T upclock the cpu any more.
Never going to be able to fix the bandwidth problem to the cpu.
Ms on the other hand has plenty of offloading and accelerators on the xbox, from Shape, swizzle compressing/decomp., moving AI, and sky boxes to the cloud.
All you Cowboys do is talk a good game but when y'all don't know shit you come with slander and name calling, the ps4 is holding gaming back NO LET ME CORRECT MYSELF PEOPLE LIKE TORM IS HOLDING GAMING BACK, HELL YOU HOLDING THIS FORUM BACK. LOL and when that gpgpu kicks in lmao!! Really kick in? You don't know shit torm
1- The game online is shorter in smaller maps.
2-Drop the lame ass devkit excuse Shadow Of Mordor which is a game punishing GPU out there is superior on PS4..
3-How is the CPU on PS4 high latency moron.? In fact the only fu**ing test available gives the edge to teh PS4..hahhaa
That gimped ESRAM and cumbersome memory system is hurting that xbox one CPU,even while been 1.75 vs 1.6 the PS4 spank it,that is what you get with a good design system with HSA.
4-The PS4 CPU can go as high as 2.5ghz,it was already confirmed is the jaguar limit,and the PS4 doesn't have heating problems.
5-There is no bandwidth problem..
6-Shapes,compresion decompresion all that crap is on PS4,on PS4 audio is done by AMD true audio,all that shit was debunked ages ago silly lemming but keep riding the secret sauce..haha
The only one holding this forum is butthurt cry babies like you who can't once and for all that MS played you like fools and sold you a $500 weaker
When the GPGPU kick into place? Now you sound like the Lemmings talking about their secret sauce DX12. You can't knock people for making those comments and then make them yourself.
And yes the Consoles CPU's may be enough to get out of the way of the GPU's, but they will never be strong enough to run A.I. intensive games at 60 fps. The PS4 should be 1080p at all times though. I'm not sure why it's missed the mark a few times now. Maybe Ubisoft needs to rework the AC engine. But the A.I. is controlling dozens, if not hundreds of NPC's at one time in the new AC title. The crowds in AC are not as "simple" as the ones we have seen in games such as Infamous. Ubisoft is trying to create a living world in their game and that takes some real processing power.
I think we can all agree that after Watch Dogs and now this, Ubisoft is in someone's pockets. (M$)
Gpgpu isn't secret sauce you idiot,in fact the xbox one use it for Kinect before the reservation was kill,and Infamous use it to in some ways,the PS4 was modified heavily for it,is basically running some CPU task using the GPU muscle.
In the case of the PS4 it was modify to run both at the same time graphics and compute,which not all GPU can do.
There are several games that are 60FPS in 1080p dude,intensive is a matter of view what does more 60 independent AI characters of 300 do the same zombies.?
Funny you know that from docents to hundreds there is a big gap.?
You mean like the groups of 4 all over the place on AC which all 4 do the same sh**.?
@delta3074 said:
Nice one mat, i think that debunks the theory that Money changed hands between Microsoft and Ubisoft to Gimp the Ps4 version but it also debunks what the Dev said about deliberatly gimping the Ps4 version.
Good job man, with one fell swoop you have proved virtually everyone in this thread wrong, including me (no hard feelings mate)
I think the debate should end here till we get more news on the subject quite frankly.
Are you for real.? So a quick damage control after messing up fixed everything.?
How the fu** can the game be spec lock to the PS4 specs when the xbox one doesn't have 1.84TF how.?
Oh wait does that also debunk that UBisoft already did this on PC and hided setting in order to not shame the console version of Watchdogs.
Is incredible how naive some people are here this is pure damage
The game was hold back on PS4 confirmed,Ubi damage control doesn't change that..hahaha
Holy shit, this is amazing as ****. Ubisoft actually had the balls to come out and say 'we don't want to piss off Microsoft, so we held back the PS4 version to match the inferior Xbone.' Ell oh fucking ell.
I don't know if I want to get the game anymore. I mean, I want it, I really want to play it, but I don't want to support a game maker that forgets the all important 'GAMES' part.
Wow I missed all this. Can you link me to that quote?
It's in the OP
I read it char. And that means they took money from MS for Parity? Because that's what some are claiming.
Tomato must be having a hard time with this one. Proof what 04carerr and I were right the next-gen consoles are gimped by their cpus. PS4 is packing a 7850 GPU, but something more like a Athlon II X4 620 for a CPU. The benchmarks and numbers I showed seem to be accurate.
You won't see the same benchmark performance you were flashing around because those are done on an i7 4.4GHz CPU.
Nice one mat, i think that debunks the theory that Money changed hands between Microsoft and Ubisoft to Gimp the Ps4 version but it also debunks what the Dev said about deliberatly gimping the Ps4 version.
Good job man, with one fell swoop you have proved virtually everyone in this thread wrong, including me (no hard feelings mate)
I think the debate should end here till we get more news on the subject quite frankly.
Are you for real.? So a quick damage control after messing up fixed everything.?
How the fu** can the game be spec lock to the PS4 specs when the xbox one doesn't have 1.84TF how.?
Oh wait does that also debunk that UBisoft already did this on PC and hided setting in order to not shame the console version of Watchdogs.
Is incredible how naive some people are here this is pure damage
The game was hold back on PS4 confirmed,Ubi damage control doesn't change that..hahaha
Dude, you are starting to sound like some Conspiracy theorist nutter.
A. Prove That the game was held back on Ps4
B. Prove that Microsoft paid for that to happen
You are calling the developers Liars which is a very serious Accusation to make and an accusation that a person should never make unless they have some serious Evidence to back up the accusation.
You cannot just run around calling people liars every 5 minutes without any tangible evidence to back it up, it just ain't the right thing to do man.
Maybe SONY paid them to lie to cover up the fact the Ps4 isn't as powerful as SONY made it out to be,see, theres another Ludicrous conspiracy theory.
Sure, if you want to ignore what is known, and what is likely, anything is possible.
They could be a front for an international criminal organization and this is Phase One for World Domination.... But that's far less likely than the hypothesis you're arguing against.
Just because you have two different theories doesn't mean they are equally plausible. Your attempt to discredit one by comparing it to a far less likely one is an attempt to create false equivalency. And a rather obvious one at that.
"Ignore what is known"? Did I miss something? Did factual news break that MS paid for Parity? If yes they should be ashamed. If not, this is another guilty until proven innocent thing. If you don't really know, spare me the bullshit because it comes from emotion. And anyone that has lived with a woman can tell you emotional response is not logical.
Quit beating the Strawman.
Of course we don't know for certain that MS included a parity clause, which is why words like hypothesis and theory were used. Must have missed those...
That doesn't mean we don't have any supporting Facts that support such a hypothesis. THAT is what I was referring to when I mentioned "what is known". And our knowledge of past agreements and company practices can guide us to "what is likely".
Now, can you think of anything we KNOW about MS's relationship to this game that would support a conclusion that MS had influence over the title, and could have used to influence Ubisoft to make a completely anti-consumer decision? Can you think of some things we KNOW that make Delta's off the cuff theory less plausible?
Maybe SONY paid them to lie to cover up the fact the Ps4 isn't as powerful as SONY made it out to be,see, theres another Ludicrous conspiracy theory.
Sure, if you want to ignore what is known, and what is likely, anything is possible.
They could be a front for an international criminal organization and this is Phase One for World Domination.... But that's far less likely than the hypothesis you're arguing against.
Just because you have two different theories doesn't mean they are equally plausible. Your attempt to discredit one by comparing it to a far less likely one is an attempt to create false equivalency. And a rather obvious one at that.
"Ignore what is known"? Did I miss something? Did factual news break that MS paid for Parity? If yes they should be ashamed. If not, this is another guilty until proven innocent thing. If you don't really know, spare me the bullshit because it comes from emotion. And anyone that has lived with a woman can tell you emotional response is not logical.
Quit beating the Strawman.
Of course we don't know for certain that MS included a parity clause, which is why words like hypothesis and theory were used. Must have missed those...
That doesn't mean we don't have any supporting Facts that support such a hypothesis. THAT is what I was referring to when I mentioned "what is known". And our knowledge of past agreements and company practices can guide us to "what is likely".
Now, can you think of anything we KNOW about MS's relationship to this game that would support a conclusion that MS had influence over the title, and could have used to influence Ubisoft to make a completely anti-consumer decision? Can you think of some things we KNOW that make Delta's off the cuff theory less plausible?
If not, just ask...
No. I by no means agree with what Delta said. But spare me the Sherlock Holmes attempts. Until its a fact it is fanboy crying and speculation.
Dude, you are starting to sound like some Conspiracy theorist nutter.
A. Prove That the game was held back on Ps4
B. Prove that Microsoft paid for that to happen
You are calling the developers Liars which is a very serious Accusation to make and an accusation that a person should never make unless they have some serious Evidence to back up the accusation.
You cannot just run around calling people liars every 5 minutes without any tangible evidence to back it up, it just ain't the right thing to do man.
Watch out for those flying pink unicorns dude:)
Here it comes... wait for it.....
UPDATE 7/10/14 11.40am:Ubisoft has told Eurogamer that Assassin's Creed Unity's final technical specifications for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are actually still to be locked down.
With around six weeks to go until the game's launch, the developer revealed in a new expanded statement that there was still room for things to change.
"Final specs for Assassin's Creed Unity aren't cemented yet," a Ubisoft spokesperson explained, "but we can say we showed Assassin's Creed Unity at 900p during our hands-on preview event last week. We're confident that gamers will be thrilled with the gorgeous graphics and how Paris is brought to life in Assassin's Creed Unity.
Holy shit, this is amazing as ****. Ubisoft actually had the balls to come out and say 'we don't want to piss off Microsoft, so we held back the PS4 version to match the inferior Xbone.' Ell oh fucking ell.
I don't know if I want to get the game anymore. I mean, I want it, I really want to play it, but I don't want to support a game maker that forgets the all important 'GAMES' part.
Wow I missed all this. Can you link me to that quote?
It's in the OP
I read it char. And that means they took money from MS for Parity? Because that's what some are claiming.
Oh no, I'm not saying Ubisoft took money, no. Much more subtle. it's clear that they treated the Xbox One version as the LCD, and then didn't want to expand on that with the PS4 version (where they could have done that after all).
"Ignore what is known"? Did I miss something? Did factual news break that MS paid for Parity? If yes they should be ashamed. If not, this is another guilty until proven innocent thing. If you don't really know, spare me the bullshit because it comes from emotion. And anyone that has lived with a woman can tell you emotional response is not logical.
Yeah Ubiout of love for the xbox brand decided to gimp what will be the best selling version of their game...
Because MS would never ever pay for anything in this industry,because MS would never demand parity in any way and tell developers to play by their rules or they reserve the right to refuse to allow the game on the console yeah that never happen right.?
"Ignore what is known"? Did I miss something? Did factual news break that MS paid for Parity? If yes they should be ashamed. If not, this is another guilty until proven innocent thing. If you don't really know, spare me the bullshit because it comes from emotion. And anyone that has lived with a woman can tell you emotional response is not logical.
Yeah Ubiout of love for the xbox brand decided to gimp what will be the best selling version of their game...
Because MS would never ever pay for anything in this industry,because MS would never demand parity in any way and tell developers to play by their rules or they reserve the right to refuse to allow the game on the console yeah that never happen right.?
Gotta show me this is fact first. If it was the other way you'd be saying the same thing so don't even try it.
If you do not like it, dont buy it. Situation averted.
Good point. I haven't bought an AC game in years really. Wasn't going to buy this one. But the comments here about a "flat out admission" lead me to believe some people on here are fuckin retarded.
Of course you will be playing it on PC. Just like every other lem who got xboned and now hides behind the PC.
I have always played the best multiplat version....try again
Of course. Just last gen it happened to be the best multiplat version on consoles, which just happened to be the 360 version. But since lems got xboned their version is the worst now.
Maybe Ubisoft are doing this for free publicity, if they do somehow patch it last minute it looks highly suspicious. You know what they say any publicity is good publicity.
Gotta show me this is fact first. If it was the other way you'd be saying the same thing so don't even try it.
MS already did it last gen and they had a cause that demanded games to be release at the same time of PSN games,it also demanded parity of content on disc this was confirmed by MS it self.
They were protecting the xbox 360 inferior DVD media and its games that would be gimped content wise,because DVD was to small.
Is not even debatable i already posted the links to that shit.
Gotta show me this is fact first. If it was the other way you'd be saying the same thing so don't even try it.
MS already did it last gen and they had a cause that demanded games to be release at the same time of PSN games,it also demanded parity of content on disc this was confirmed by MS it self.
They were protecting the xbox 360 inferior DVD media and its games that would be gimped content wise,because DVD was to small.
Is not even debatable i already posted the links to that shit.
There is no parity unless 1 console is held back.
MS doing it before is not proof MS is doing something now, thats a stupid argument, and he is right, you would not accept anybody saying SONY was up to no good without Solid evidence, Heck , you don't even believe it when SONY say so themselves, like when SONY ADMITTED Themselves PUBLICLY that 77 million accounts had been compromised, you still didn't even believe it when it came from the horses mouth.
SONYs admission Trumped any of your silly arguments to the contrary but you still kept trying to claim, despite the FACT that PSN accounts cover the PSP as well, that 'it can't be 77 million cos there are not that many Ps3's sold'
Gotta show me this is fact first. If it was the other way you'd be saying the same thing so don't even try it.
MS already did it last gen and they had a cause that demanded games to be release at the same time of PSN games,it also demanded parity of content on disc this was confirmed by MS it self.
They were protecting the xbox 360 inferior DVD media and its games that would be gimped content wise,because DVD was to small.
Is not even debatable i already posted the links to that shit.
There is no parity unless 1 console is held back.
DVD was too small? So now the PS3's blu ray move sheer genius? Then why did PC still use DVD? Stop it man. We can go pull up Sony's rap sheet of questionable shit, it doesn't make this situation "ZOMG teh MS conspiracies!!!!"
As far as one console having to be held back for Parity, oh well that's business kids. Don't buy if you don't like the way the industry works. Just think of what PC gamers have been saying all this time...........or you can cry, because that always accomplishes a lot.
Maybe SONY paid them to lie to cover up the fact the Ps4 isn't as powerful as SONY made it out to be,see, theres another Ludicrous conspiracy theory.
Sure, if you want to ignore what is known, and what is likely, anything is possible.
They could be a front for an international criminal organization and this is Phase One for World Domination.... But that's far less likely than the hypothesis you're arguing against.
Just because you have two different theories doesn't mean they are equally plausible. Your attempt to discredit one by comparing it to a far less likely one is an attempt to create false equivalency. And a rather obvious one at that.
"Ignore what is known"? Did I miss something? Did factual news break that MS paid for Parity? If yes they should be ashamed. If not, this is another guilty until proven innocent thing. If you don't really know, spare me the bullshit because it comes from emotion. And anyone that has lived with a woman can tell you emotional response is not logical.
Quit beating the Strawman.
Of course we don't know for certain that MS included a parity clause, which is why words like hypothesis and theory were used. Must have missed those...
That doesn't mean we don't have any supporting Facts that support such a hypothesis. THAT is what I was referring to when I mentioned "what is known". And our knowledge of past agreements and company practices can guide us to "what is likely".
Now, can you think of anything we KNOW about MS's relationship to this game that would support a conclusion that MS had influence over the title, and could have used to influence Ubisoft to make a completely anti-consumer decision? Can you think of some things we KNOW that make Delta's off the cuff theory less plausible?
If not, just ask...
It wasn't you dude, your argument is sound because you are not pushing it as a definite, you are saying it's likely based on historical evidence and the Balance of probabilities, it's other users that Act as if it is a definite that MS did this, like tormentos claiming he is 100% sure that they did and Bigboi calling me Naive Because i won't entertain the Idea that what they are saying is a definite, i don't mind people saying the Think MS paid Ubisoft, everyone entitled to there opinions.
What i dislike is Users calling other users stupid just because they don't subscribe to the same opinion and are skeptical about it because No Solid evidence has been given.
My opinion is that i actually believe what the developers are saying because i Don't Believe that everyone in the games industry is a liar and i will never believe someone is a liar without evidence to back it up, thats my Personal threshhold of guilt, basically the same as my countrys legal system.
Dude, you are starting to sound like some Conspiracy theorist nutter.
A. Prove That the game was held back on Ps4
B. Prove that Microsoft paid for that to happen
You are calling the developers Liars which is a very serious Accusation to make and an accusation that a person should never make unless they have some serious Evidence to back up the accusation.
You cannot just run around calling people liars every 5 minutes without any tangible evidence to back it up, it just ain't the right thing to do man.
Watch out for those flying pink unicorns dude:)
Here it comes... wait for it.....
UPDATE 7/10/14 11.40am:Ubisoft has told Eurogamer that Assassin's Creed Unity's final technical specifications for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are actually still to be locked down.
With around six weeks to go until the game's launch, the developer revealed in a new expanded statement that there was still room for things to change.
"Final specs for Assassin's Creed Unity aren't cemented yet," a Ubisoft spokesperson explained, "but we can say we showed Assassin's Creed Unity at 900p during our hands-on preview event last week. We're confident that gamers will be thrilled with the gorgeous graphics and how Paris is brought to life in Assassin's Creed Unity.
MS already did it last gen and they had a cause that demanded games to be release at the same time of PSN games,it also demanded parity of content on disc this was confirmed by MS it self.
Asking that a game has the same content or is released at the same time to INDIE DEVELOPERS, is not the same as demanding a big game studio as Ubisoft to hold back the PS4 version of a game. Ubisoft already said that this isn't the case, so I don't know why you keep shouting that this is Microsoft's fault...
No the extra content policy apply to all games on Blu-ray not PSN games,those were not indies.
When you tell developer hey don't ship extra levels or take advantage of blu-ray extra space because we will reserve the right to not allow your game basically you are blackmailing developers.
Hell that kind on practice on PC would land MS a law suit,hell for less than that they were fined millions.
How naive can you be.? yeah like Ubisoft will come out and say MS force of by policy or we have a deal with MS so we hold back the PS4.
UPDATE 7/10/14 11.40am:Ubisoft has told Eurogamer that Assassin's Creed Unity's final technical specifications for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are actually still to be locked down.
With around six weeks to go until the game's launch, the developer revealed in a new expanded statement that there was still room for things to change.
"Final specs for Assassin's Creed Unity aren't cemented yet," a Ubisoft spokesperson explained, "but we can say we showed Assassin's Creed Unity at 900p during our hands-on preview event last week. We're confident that gamers will be thrilled with the gorgeous graphics and how Paris is brought to life in Assassin's Creed Unity.
Did you read this.? All of a sudden the game is not lock any more and things can change,you know how that one is call.? Is call backtracking.
So we have 2 officials from Ubi with 2 different arguments,one say it was spec lock for parity and other say it isn't and things can change,by the way this came after Ubi clarification in an update.
@delta3074 said:
MS doing it before is not proof MS is doing something now, thats a stupid argument, and he is right, you would not accept anybody saying SONY was up to no good without Solid evidence, Heck , you don't even believe it when SONY say so themselves, like when SONY ADMITTED Themselves PUBLICLY that 77 million accounts had been compromised, you still didn't even believe it when it came from the horses mouth.
SONYs admission Trumped any of your silly arguments to the contrary but you still kept trying to claim, despite the FACT that PSN accounts cover the PSP as well, that 'it can't be 77 million cos there are not that many Ps3's sold'
Old habits die hard..
Lets see we have a game which MS even falsely claim as exclusive.
Come on if this isn't dishonesty what is.?
That MS has a deal with Ubi soft on this game.
Then Ubisoft it self state that they lock the specs to avoid arguments about it,( 1080p vs 900p).
We have several UBI games the most recent Watchdogs which was superior on PS4 it was 900p and 792p on xbox one.
But some how out of no where parity when other games haven't from Ubi,and they admit it,then damage control it and now they claim again that the spec are not lock and that things can change,buy wasn't the CPU a limitation that was holding back the PS4.?Did they found extra CPU.?
You know the whole excuse was a joke and CPU time has nothing to do with resolution and rendering which is a process of the GPU.
No matter how intensive your CPU usage is in 1080p when you are running something in windows,if you lower your resolution to 720p those same task will still be as demanding and
There was no 77 million accounts dude the PS3 didn't even have 50 million units when the hack
Not only that it is well know that from the 49 million PS3 owners like 15 million or 18 by that time played online,it was multiple dummy accounts.
I have 3 1 US,1EU and 1 Japan now prove i have 3 different PS3 and that i live in 3 different continent at the same time.
But it is funny because were ever a cow used PSN numbers to claim it had more than xbox live,people like you would come into the threads and claim it was multiple accounts,that every one had 3 or
The total number of account were 77 million and probably like 46 million were dummy accounts,of the same persons,by me alone i have 3.
PSP account were mostly join accounts,when the PSP came there wasn't PSN on Psp,it was after sony release the PS3 that you could use your PS3 account to buy stuff for your PSP,until much latter where the PC store arrived,again the PSP didn't have access to PSN store until firmware 5.0,you need it another hardware to buy its games.
The PSP was release on December 2004 and didn't get an actual PSN access until October 2008,the PC store arrived on 2007 and before that only if you owned a $600 dollar PS3 you could buy games and transfer then,so yeah PSP account numbers were rather small.
@cainetao11 said:
DVD was too small? So now the PS3's blu ray move sheer genius? Then why did PC still use DVD? Stop it man. We can go pull up Sony's rap sheet of questionable shit, it doesn't make this situation "ZOMG teh MS conspiracies!!!!"
As far as one console having to be held back for Parity, oh well that's business kids. Don't buy if you don't like the way the industry works. Just think of what PC gamers have been saying all this time...........or you can cry, because that always accomplishes a lot.
Because on PC you get 5 disc and you install all the game to your PC games don't run of the disc on PC and you know it.
DVD was to small and games on xbox 360 spam across several disc as early as 2006,in fact the xbox 360 is the console with most games on multiple disc beating the PS1,the DC and Gamecube.
Yeah go ahead and make a stupid list like you did last time so i can laugh,totally irrelevant shit not even related to sony,like Activision delay a game on PS3,the PS3 will be sony's last console,and stupidity like that.
No no wait rootkit that one is very popular with lemmings,to bad it has sh** to do with PS games or gaming.
No dude that is not business that is holding the industry back,and protecting your shit ass hardware,ask Hermits if they feel good about Need for speed been capped at 30FPS,ask them if they liked it when Ubisoft actually hid the setting of watchdogs that would deliver the kind of quality they actually advertised on 2013,just so the console version didn't look worse that it already did.
Not that is not the way the industry work that is the way MS works,trying to limit other product rather than delivering with their own ones,DVD was not good enough,the xbox one hardware isn't powerful enough and there is no reason why the PS4 should suffer for that,last gen developer didn't hold back the 360 because the PS3 was to difficult they make the xbox 360 the superior version and sony did make deals or pay developers to hold games back.
You apologist attitude is a joke..
@GrenadeLauncher said:
Here comes the patch.
Sorry, lems.
I posted that and the lemmings have ignore it..
2 version from ubisoft.
1 claim the game was spec lock,the other claim is not lock and there is room for change...hahaha
Neogaf = the greatest site ever those 140 pages with people even showing cancellations of the game and moving their reservation to other games like GT5 really hit Ubi
@tormentos: The simple fact of the matter is that despite you and other cows making a huge deal of it, the difference between a game running at 900p and 1080p is so minor, it's probably just not worth the headache a studio has to endure. I completely understand their point.
If the difference was significant, or just more than trivial, they might have taken a different stance.
Cancelling a game because of the resolution? That's the kind of ass-hat move that makes Sony fanboys the most hated group in every gaming market.
Lemmings : X1 is in parity with PS4 , look at X and Y and Z games , same resolution and FPS. Cry us a river cows
Reality : We decided to lock them at the same specs to avoid all the debates and stuff
Someone finally talked the truth openly why some games meeting this "parity" lemmings keep talking about some time now. Now you know the truth from developers themselves. Dont make it even worse for you with fanboyistic statements , accept the facts and move on.
@tormentos: The simple fact of the matter is that despite you and other cows making a huge deal of it, the difference between a game running at 900p and 1080p is so minor, it's probably just not worth the headache a studio has to endure. I completely understand their point.
If the difference was significant, or just more than trivial, they might have taken a different stance.
Cancelling a game because of the resolution? That's the kind of ass-hat move that makes Sony fanboys the most hated group in every gaming market.
For you you are blind..
There is no headache to be had unless you are talking about the xbox one developers working harder trying to catch the PS4 version,i don't think developer will have a hard work to hit 1080p on PS4 the xbox one that is another case.
I am sure that developer are having a tougher time hitting 900p on xbox one that PS4 developers hitting 1080p on PS4,i am 100% sure and the quantity of games on 1080p on both platforms confirm that.
The fun thing is that now Ubi say the spec are not lock and that things can change,so yeah maybe a patch is coming your way on launch much like ACBF.
Lemmings : X1 is in parity with PS4 , look at X and Y and Z games , same resolution and FPS. Cry us a river cows
Reality : We decided to lock them at the same specs to avoid all the debates and stuff
Someone finally talked the truth openly why some games meeting this "parity" lemmings keep talking about some time now. Now you know the truth from developers themselves. Dont make it even worse for you with fanboyistic statements , accept the facts and move on.
Go on the net and find videos, screenshots, whatever of Shadow of Mordor and post where this great visual advantage the PS4 has over the XBox One. Good luck - even DF said the differences are so minor that they had to really look for them.
But hey, you want to hang your hat on that minor of a difference, go ahead. Just know that us rational people are looking at you like you really have too much time on your hands.
@tormentos: The simple fact of the matter is that despite you and other cows making a huge deal of it, the difference between a game running at 900p and 1080p is so minor, it's probably just not worth the headache a studio has to endure. I completely understand their point.
If the difference was significant, or just more than trivial, they might have taken a different stance.
Cancelling a game because of the resolution? That's the kind of ass-hat move that makes Sony fanboys the most hated group in every gaming market.
For you you are blind..
There is no headache to be had unless you are talking about the xbox one developers working harder trying to catch the PS4 version,i don't think developer will have a hard work to hit 1080p on PS4 the xbox one that is another case.
I am sure that developer are having a tougher time hitting 900p on xbox one that PS4 developers hitting 1080p on PS4,i am 100% sure and the quantity of games on 1080p on both platforms confirm that.
The fun thing is that now Ubi say the spec are not lock and that things can change,so yeah maybe a patch is coming your way on launch much like ACBF.
Blind? OK, Tormentos. As I said before: Put your fricken money where your mouth is. Get some screenshots showing this great disparity in visuals between the XB1 and PS4 versions of SoM, and I will recant.
You are all talk.
The headache is having to read about all you cow-tards bashing a version of their product because of what amounts to be a trivial difference. For Christ's sake - you don't even have a PS4!
Lemmings : X1 is in parity with PS4 , look at X and Y and Z games , same resolution and FPS. Cry us a river cows
Reality : We decided to lock them at the same specs to avoid all the debates and stuff
Someone finally talked the truth openly why some games meeting this "parity" lemmings keep talking about some time now. Now you know the truth from developers themselves. Dont make it even worse for you with fanboyistic statements , accept the facts and move on.
Go on the net and find videos, screenshots, whatever of Shadow of Mordor and post where this great visual advantage the PS4 has over the XBox One. Good luck - even DF said the differences are so minor that they had to really look for them.
But hey, you want to hang your hat on that minor of a difference, go ahead. Just know that us rational people are looking at you like you really have too much time on your hands.
I dont care about Shadow of Mordor , i care about Truth. And developers have spoken. Also i care about facts. A freaking low 7770 will never be an 7850. Its impossible , period. So with that being said , as i said way back ( i can link you ) , since theres a considerable gap in graphical power is UP TO DEVELOPERS ( caps to emphasize my point ) if they want to consider it and provide a slightly better visual result or not. Ubisoft statement is all you need . Period
If you denying every single word i said above then we dont have anything else to discuss ! People that denying the facts and truth over their personal preference or opinion , similar to fanboys , are not good on arguments.
MS doing it before is not proof MS is doing something now, thats a stupid argument, and he is right, you would not accept anybody saying SONY was up to no good without Solid evidence, Heck , you don't even believe it when SONY say so themselves, like when SONY ADMITTED Themselves PUBLICLY that 77 million accounts had been compromised, you still didn't even believe it when it came from the horses mouth.
SONYs admission Trumped any of your silly arguments to the contrary but you still kept trying to claim, despite the FACT that PSN accounts cover the PSP as well, that 'it can't be 77 million cos there are not that many Ps3's sold'
There was no 77 million accounts dude the PS3 didn't even have 50 million units when the hack
SONY said it was 77 million themselves dude, how can you be so stupid as to deny an admission from SONY themselves, you want to accuse someone of being wrong then you speak top them because it was them who claimed it was 77 million, i am just the messanger.
'It took a full week, but Sony admitted late yesterday that the full account and credit info of 77 million PlayStation Network and Qriocity Music Unlimited accounts have been hacked and user data revealed. The network has been offline for more than a week, and the company admits that it could be another week before service, which delivers gaming, music and Netflix, to 77 million homes globally, can be restored.
The blow could be a big one for Sony, who had just begun to exploit their potential as the digital gateway to tens of millions of users. The recently launched Music Unlimited service may suffer the most, with consumers just getting comfortable with music in the cloud. The coming weeks will determined if Sony's setback provides an opportunity for competitors or slows consumer acceptance of the entire sector.'
And i will say to you what i have said to other people on here, Having a more powerful console does not ENTITLE you to a superior multiplat, it's Ubisofts game that can make it the way they want to.
If you don't like it Vote with your wallet and don't buy it don't Cry about it, Suck it up and accept it and move on
You Cows are the Worst second to Hermits when it comes to being entitled and whining when developers don't give you what you feel you are entitled too
I don't remember original xbox owners Expecting there multiplats to be superior even though the Xbox was a 720p machine that was Twice as powerful as the Ps2 on paper.
Lemmings : X1 is in parity with PS4 , look at X and Y and Z games , same resolution and FPS. Cry us a river cows
Reality : We decided to lock them at the same specs to avoid all the debates and stuff
Someone finally talked the truth openly why some games meeting this "parity" lemmings keep talking about some time now. Now you know the truth from developers themselves. Dont make it even worse for you with fanboyistic statements , accept the facts and move on.
Go on the net and find videos, screenshots, whatever of Shadow of Mordor and post where this great visual advantage the PS4 has over the XBox One. Good luck - even DF said the differences are so minor that they had to really look for them.
But hey, you want to hang your hat on that minor of a difference, go ahead. Just know that us rational people are looking at you like you really have too much time on your hands.
I dont care about Shadow of Mordor , i care about Truth. And developers have spoken. Also i care about facts. A freaking low 7770 will never be an 7850. Its impossible , period. So with that being said , as i said way back ( i can link you ) , since theres a considerable gap in graphical power is UP TO DEVELOPERS ( caps to emphasize my point ) if they want to consider it and provide a slightly better visual result or not. Ubisoft statement is all you need . Period
If you denying every single word i said above then we dont have anything else to discuss ! People that denying the facts and truth over their personal preference or opinion , similar to fanboys , are not good on arguments.
So what if there is a difference in GPU performance? If the games look the same, they look the same.
Does it matter if one car has 100HP more than another if they both do a quarter mile in 12 seconds?
900p and 1080p pretty much look the same. DF admitted they had a tough time telling the two versions of SoM apart.
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