[QUOTE="DSgamer64"][QUOTE="VoodooHak"]I distinctly remember Cliffy bragging that they cost MS over a billion because they pushed for more RAM.
And... Isn't it reasonable to think that profiteering involves some type of profit? Last time I heard, MS is still losing money on the 360.
Maybe they are losing money on console production, however they can still regain it back with strong game sales and things like extra controllers, plus the XBL fee which in truth so far has payed for nothing except going right back into Microsoft's pocket. Since Microsoft isnt using dedicated servers for pretty much any of their games, they are charging users for basically nothing. Unreal Tournament 3 will be P2P just like Gears of War, since you have to host a game on your server unless you are using one of the dedicated servers that Epic will host (they did that with UT2k4, I dont see why they wouldnt do it again).
actually that way microsoft doesnt lose money on hosting there own servers like sony is doing when making there online free and hosting there games
Do you know how many games and all the extras actually have to be sold in order to make up for the losses that a company is taking per system? Developers get a large chunk of what a game sells for, they have to make a profit on the games they make so they can pay the people who make them. Microsoft has to pay their staff to keep producing updates for Xbox live and adding more content all the time. Do you think Sony or M$ are making boat loads of money when they are losing about 300 dollars on each system they make? Because they dont, and at the end of the day, you need to sell a certain amount of copies of a game to break even and then companies need to keep selling more to get profit out of it.
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