That is fantastic sales for ANY game. Congrats to Sony Santa Monica. Instant Classic.
They refreshed and rebooted a franchise to glory.
Shame Halo, Gears, Forza, Zelda and Mario are always Same Old Ish.
That is fantastic sales for ANY game. Congrats to Sony Santa Monica. Instant Classic.
They refreshed and rebooted a franchise to glory.
Shame Halo, Gears, Forza, Zelda and Mario are always Same Old Ish.
Huh? Zelda? Old-ish? I can understand if you don't like the game, but one of BotW's main goals was to make it new and differentiate itself from past Zeldas- arguably more than the new God of War did to differentiate itself from past God of War games.
@mowgly1: From the same interview: " then you have games like Zelda and Horizon and they're great games. And Sony in particular are very good at these types of games, but other development studios......."
Be nice if you at least attempt to keep things on their context. His point was very clear, third party devs don't live on SP to the same degree as they used to. It's an investment of time and capital and they aren't owned by console manufacturers. Great try though, dude!!!
You tried!
You lied hahahahahahahahahahaha
Me, naaah. Your lovely Phil Spencer said otherwise. He literally said that SP games don’t have the impact as they used to have.
@AzatiS: Just stating that the GTA Online was implemented way later. It sold because of the campaign.
Yeah exactly. I mean yes, MPs are generating more $$ in the long run and all but why does it matter if a good SP game meeting its profits target in the first place ? If Sonys or Nintendos developers and publishers dont give a shit why everyone else do including Spencer ? It doesnt make any sense ..... EXCEPT if your hardware sales MR Spencer suck in order for MS to give the green light for exclusives which is the most likely scenario at this point.
I would call all this damage control personally from Spencer because lets be honest, he is in a nasty position. From one hand you having Xbox community asking for exclusives and on the other you have Sony delivering exclusive after exclusive. The guy did nothing for Xbox brand, he is a charismatic, likeable guy but thats it.
All MS did with X1 was copy, in its own way, the leaders. First they tried to copy Wii in their own way because that was the leader at the time and that backfired. Now they tried to take the PS4 slogan of " most powerful console" because they were thinking that was PS4s selling point or something. What are they thinking i dont get it.
If E3 comes along and ms show us nothing in terms of ip even if it's 2 years out a trailer anything. Then I'm done with the Xbox brand.
Lems have completely lost it ?
I don't care how you want to frame it. Selling 3 million units of any game when your install base is 70 million and exclusives are just so dam important is pretty underwhelming.
I don’t care how you spin and damage control Nd your ass is sore.GOW is a monumental success and you should cry harder ?. 1 million a day is an incredible feat and your butthurt lem tears are hilarious.
I'm just stating the fact that if you have 70 million customers and less than 5% of those customers buy your premium product that took 4 years to make and has bus ads and everything. You'd be pretty disappointed.
Not necessarily. A few factors need to be taken into account.
Return on Investment (RoI). The production budget for GoW is unknown at present (or at least I can't find it online), but 3.1 million sales in three days is a remarkable achievement nonetheless. Attach rate is irrelevant to a company determining whether a product they invested in was worth it, RoI is. The amount of money they make off of the product relative to the expenditure it took to create it is what matters, and 3.1 million copies sold in three days foretells of a very successful RoI for their trouble. I don't know GoW's budget or what Sony's sales expectations are, but something tells me (with these numbers) it's going to surpass them by quite a bit. I've no doubt whatsoever that Sony is grinning ear to ear at the moment, as they should be.
Secondly, you also have to take into account how many people have purchased PS4s just to be able to play this one game. I saw more than a few at the store I picked my copy up at getting it with the system. Those people not only spent hundreds for one game, they're now part of Sony's ecosystem and will capitalize on their system purchase by exploring the rest of Sony's library over the years. That's even more money in the bank for them over the long-term.
It's really impossible to downplay how good this is for Sony, and any company that has a hit this big. Install base isn't the only thing that matters.
@commander: resorting to a multiplat that is avaliable on ps3, x360, ps4, xone, PC and switch is sad, man, it just proves our point: an exclusive sold all this despite competing with extremely popular multiplats. Let that sink in, Lem.
it is only since fifa 18 that playstation has legends as well, that's the whole thing with system wars lately, the ps4 gets advocated as a platform with all the advantages, yet it was lacking a lot of content during this gen. They got a lot of content/games a lot later.
Sunset Overdrive was a commercial flop. That's why Insomniac went back to making games for Sony.
Poor, Insomniac, Sunset Overdrive, is a real gem, scored well, sold well but now they took the Phony money and they're relegated to making a PS Bore movie game. What a shame. :(
@mowgly1: From the same interview: " then you have games like Zelda and Horizon and they're great games. And Sony in particular are very good at these types of games, but other development studios......."
Be nice if you at least attempt to keep things on their context. His point was very clear, third party devs don't live on SP to the same degree as they used to. It's an investment of time and capital and they aren't owned by console manufacturers. Great try though, dude!!!
You tried!
You lied hahahahahahahahahahaha
Me, naaah. Your lovely Phil Spencer said otherwise. He literally said that SP games don’t have the impact as they used to have.
“The audience for those big story-driven games... I won’t say it isn’t as large, but they’re not as consistent,” says Spencer. “You’ll have things like Zelda or Horizon Zero Dawn that’ll come out, and they’ll do really well, but they don’t have the same impact that they used to have, because the big service-based games are capturing such a large amount of the audience. Sony’s first-party studios do a lot of these games, and they’re good at them, but outside of that, it’s difficult – they’re become more rare; it’s a difficult business decision for those teams, you’re fighting into more headwind. “We’ve got to understand that if we enjoy those games, the business opportunity has to be there for them. I love story-based games. I just finished [LucasArts-inspired RPG] Thimbleweed Park – I thought it was a fantastic game. Inside was probably my game of last year. As an industry, I want to make sure both narrative-driven single-player games and service-based games have the opportunity to succeed. I think that’s critical for us.”
Nope. That is exactly what he said and it will link you to the whole interview. Read it. You lied and purposely misrepresented what he said because you're a cow. And they don't have the same impact as before MP was on console. Read the WHOLE interview. How can they have the same impact as they did when the only games you had on console were offline? Now you have an audience of people that only want to play online games in the market. SP games aren't getting their money as often anymore. You guys are fvckin imbeciles that you haven't figured this out yet.
Either way, the majority of that, Spencer said story driven games just don't have the impact that they used to. Meaning that he truly believes people want online mp over sp games. It's pretty clear. Even if that's not what he likes personally. And God of War, Rise of the Tomb Raider and Uncharted 4 have already proven him wrong.
The thing is that sp games that are exclusive to Xbox One don't do very well. And that's because we're getting tired of their IP's. That's what's most important about Spencer's point of view.
Either way, the majority of that, Spencer said story driven games just don't have the impact that they used to. Meaning that he truly believes people want online mp over sp games. It's pretty clear. Even if that's not what he likes personally. And God of War, Rise of the Tomb Raider and Uncharted 4 have already proven him wrong.
The thing is that sp games that are exclusive to Xbox One don't do very well. And that's because we're getting tired of their IP's. That's what's most important about Spencer's point of view.
I agree. It was a clever diplomatic statement. Thats how i see it.
@mowgly1: From the same interview: " then you have games like Zelda and Horizon and they're great games. And Sony in particular are very good at these types of games, but other development studios......."
Be nice if you at least attempt to keep things on their context. His point was very clear, third party devs don't live on SP to the same degree as they used to. It's an investment of time and capital and they aren't owned by console manufacturers. Great try though, dude!!!
You tried!
You lied hahahahahahahahahahaha
Me, naaah. Your lovely Phil Spencer said otherwise. He literally said that SP games don’t have the impact as they used to have.
“The audience for those big story-driven games... I won’t say it isn’t as large, but they’re not as consistent,” says Spencer. “You’ll have things like Zelda or Horizon Zero Dawn that’ll come out, and they’ll do really well, but they don’t have the same impact that they used to have, because the big service-based games are capturing such a large amount of the audience. Sony’s first-party studios do a lot of these games, and they’re good at them, but outside of that, it’s difficult – they’re become more rare; it’s a difficult business decision for those teams, you’re fighting into more headwind. “We’ve got to understand that if we enjoy those games, the business opportunity has to be there for them. I love story-based games. I just finished [LucasArts-inspired RPG] Thimbleweed Park – I thought it was a fantastic game. Inside was probably my game of last year. As an industry, I want to make sure both narrative-driven single-player games and service-based games have the opportunity to succeed. I think that’s critical for us.”
Nope. That is exactly what he said and it will link you to the whole interview. Read it. You lied and purposely misrepresented what he said because you're a cow. And they don't have the same impact as before MP was on console. Read the WHOLE interview. How can they have the same impact as they did when the only games you had on console were offline? Now you have an audience of people that only want to play online games in the market. SP games aren't getting their money as often anymore. You guys are fvckin imbeciles that you haven't figured this out yet.
I didn't lied. Your lovely boss Phil literally said that SP games don’t have the impact as they used to have. Go play some old games on your lovely Xbone.
@commander: You can't say that with a straight face. EA leadership has a very similar view of the future of gaming as Xbox leadership. MS went into this generation spending half a billion dollars on "NFL content" and the like. Of course they are in bed together.
After the fallout over Battlefront and Star Wars just suffering in general because TLJ was a weak link, it was only ever a matter of time before EA was dragged back to reality by market forces. They are such an outlier, its absurd to bring them up, and most consumers did not play along with their silly game of keeping content on a string. Hell, its blown up in their faces.
@ronvalencia: By the way Far Cry 5 is not just a single player game, you can play the campaign online co-op, that's how I intend to play most of it.
@kuu2: to put it in perspective sea of thieves sold over 2 million in it's first week,NOT including game pass.with a 40 million less player base,and bad reviews!
GOW4 was getting raving reviews a week and a half before release but 77 million still did'nt buy it.
lets put to bed the exclusives and console sales narrative ps4 gamers have moved to now the 1080 v 900p has been destroyed by the X and now the S with freesync and 1440p monitor support!
Xbox has a hell of a lot more options.has more power,has the best looking multiplats and are making more money.
Xbox E3 2018..will have "Games on tap"
Wars over,Well done MS!
Sea Of Thieves is on PC and Xbox One and it took an entire week to get those numbers.
God of war blew past that in just three days.
No platform will ever see a game be sold for every hardware unit sold. That's a seriously flawed point.
Bold parts: Yeah you're definitely trolling lol
Either way, the majority of that, Spencer said story driven games just don't have the impact that they used to. Meaning that he truly believes people want online mp over sp games. It's pretty clear. Even if that's not what he likes personally. And God of War, Rise of the Tomb Raider and Uncharted 4 have already proven him wrong.
The thing is that sp games that are exclusive to Xbox One don't do very well. And that's because we're getting tired of their IP's. That's what's most important about Spencer's point of view.
And Overwatch, Fortnite and PUBG could be said to prove him right. You guys are completely looking at it from a black and white point of view. The impact Story driven games used to have is diminished with the addition of online MP to consoles. There is no denying it. That was his point. Used to be, a start up could make a fun 7/10 AA SP game and make a profit. Pointing out those massively backed AAA that you have isn't proving him wrong. Especially when he made a point of stating there are sp games that succeed. Are there as many as there was in 2002-2004? The AA SP dev is fvckin gone. They cannot survive anymore in todays gaming since online MP took off on consoles. People, especially fanboys are so wrapped up in the war that they just want to shit on the guy. What he's saying has truth to it. Stop pretending he said ALL SP GAMES HAVE NO RELEVANCE ANYMORE because that's how these people are framing his comments.
SP games exclusive to the Xbox just weren't much better than a possible 7/10 this gen. That's what is hurting them. They will do well if they get industry talent to make games. I always said make it a wage war. You pay them, they will come. Then just take the reigns off and let them create.
@Shewgenja: that’s a great answer I can get on board with.
My gaming habits have changed quite drastically through the years and I really just game now to socialize with my friends and feed my competitive urges. So because I’m down on SP gaming and don’t really care about it, I look at it through jaded glasses. Obviously developers and Sony are seeing returns enough to keep investing in SP games.
But all said and done and kudos around. I still feel exclusives in general are the nice little something different in between major 3rd party releases. Even Halo and Gears don’t have astonishing attach rates, great sales sold millions, but nothing like the 3rd party powerhouse games. That’s not to say they can’t persuade someone to get a console I just don’t think they hold as much clout as people around here think they do.
@commander: You can't say that with a straight face. EA leadership has a very similar view of the future of gaming as Xbox leadership. MS went into this generation spending half a billion dollars on "NFL content" and the like. Of course they are in bed together.
After the fallout over Battlefront and Star Wars just suffering in general because TLJ was a weak link, it was only ever a matter of time before EA was dragged back to reality by market forces. They are such an outlier, its absurd to bring them up, and most consumers did not play along with their silly game of keeping content on a string. Hell, its blown up in their faces.
it doesn't really matter at this point, xbox got this content a lot sooner, so much sooner it doesn't really matter that much anymore today.
A couple of good exclusives on the ps4 doesn't really change that, those exclusive don't really cater the average xbox gamer as well. Xbox is mostly focused on multiplayer. Heck, pubg has been released on the xbox not that long ago. Together with fortnite they are the most played games on the xbox , and fortnite is probably the most played game on the ps4 as well.
@xxyetixx: I'm still hoping for a new Warhawk. Aside from the online in PSVR games (which, no one in System Wars takes into account when it comes to the PS4s unique MP offerings), Warhawk on the PS3 was pretty much the only online MP game on console worth an eff. Shout out to Halo 5 MP, though. The campaign was garbage but the MP was good.
You tried!
You lied hahahahahahahahahahaha
Me, naaah. Your lovely Phil Spencer said otherwise. He literally said that SP games don’t have the impact as they used to have.
“The audience for those big story-driven games... I won’t say it isn’t as large, but they’re not as consistent,” says Spencer. “You’ll have things like Zelda or Horizon Zero Dawn that’ll come out, and they’ll do really well, but they don’t have the same impact that they used to have, because the big service-based games are capturing such a large amount of the audience. Sony’s first-party studios do a lot of these games, and they’re good at them, but outside of that, it’s difficult – they’re become more rare; it’s a difficult business decision for those teams, you’re fighting into more headwind. “We’ve got to understand that if we enjoy those games, the business opportunity has to be there for them. I love story-based games. I just finished [LucasArts-inspired RPG] Thimbleweed Park – I thought it was a fantastic game. Inside was probably my game of last year. As an industry, I want to make sure both narrative-driven single-player games and service-based games have the opportunity to succeed. I think that’s critical for us.”
Nope. That is exactly what he said and it will link you to the whole interview. Read it. You lied and purposely misrepresented what he said because you're a cow. And they don't have the same impact as before MP was on console. Read the WHOLE interview. How can they have the same impact as they did when the only games you had on console were offline? Now you have an audience of people that only want to play online games in the market. SP games aren't getting their money as often anymore. You guys are fvckin imbeciles that you haven't figured this out yet.
I didn't lied. Your lovely boss Phil literally said that SP games don’t have the impact as they used to have. Go play some old games on your lovely Xbone.
And he has a point. How can any game today have the same impact on the gaming consumer market as GTA VC did when COD outsells everything every year? Why did COD outsell Horizon Zero Dawn just on PS4 last year? It has outsold any PS4 game every year. Why wasn't it like that before online MP on consoles?
I understand, you are invested so heavily into SW that you're willing to throw logic out the window and "come on guys!! He works for MSFT so lets hate what he says!!!" But if you had any sense you'd read the whole interview and see that what he said had merit. Look at the sales numbers of Hellblade. They're abysmal. Why is it you guys only mention Zelda, Mario, Horizon, GoW?
And you purposely took a line out of the context (of which I posted). That is dishonest, making you a liar.
@kuu2: to put it in perspective sea of thieves sold over 2 million in it's first week,NOT including game pass.with a 40 million less player base,and bad reviews!
GOW4 was getting raving reviews a week and a half before release but 77 million still did'nt buy it.
lets put to bed the exclusives and console sales narrative ps4 gamers have moved to now the 1080 v 900p has been destroyed by the X and now the S with freesync and 1440p monitor support!
Xbox has a hell of a lot more options.has more power,has the best looking multiplats and are making more money.
Xbox E3 2018..will have "Games on tap"
Wars over,Well done MS!
Sea of Thieves had 2 million players in a week, not 2 million sold. That includes game pass, including the ones that played it through the free trial. Nice try.
Can't take lems seriously in sales threads when they can't even read properly. Good job bringing power into a thread that has nothing to do with it, shows who the truly insecure ones are. Xbox continues to have only power, and that's for a few months now lmao.
By the time Xbox gets games it'll be next gen already. Also, Xbox does not make more money than Playstation. Can you at least try to stick to facts. The only video game company making more than Sony is Tencent.
Wars been over since 2013.
Cows talk about games but obviously don’t buy them. ?
In a thread about God Of War selling 3.1 million in 3 days of all places. Most Xbox exclusives don't sell 1 million lifetime. It probably beat Halo 5 lifetime sales within the first week.
Kuu must think this is still the PS3 days.
@kuu2: to put it in perspective sea of thieves sold over 2 million in it's first week,NOT including game pass.with a 40 million less player base,and bad reviews!
GOW4 was getting raving reviews a week and a half before release but 77 million still did'nt buy it.
lets put to bed the exclusives and console sales narrative ps4 gamers have moved to now the 1080 v 900p has been destroyed by the X and now the S with freesync and 1440p monitor support!
Xbox has a hell of a lot more options.has more power,has the best looking multiplats and are making more money.
Xbox E3 2018..will have "Games on tap"
Wars over,Well done MS!
Sea Of Thieves is on PC and Xbox One and it took an entire week to get those numbers.
God of war blew past that in just three days.
No platform will ever see a game be sold for every hardware unit sold. That's a seriously flawed point.
Bold parts: Yeah you're definitely trolling lol
it's nice to see someone else prove my point!
dont cry exclusives when over 90% of your player base wont even buy a 10 outta 10 so called game of a generation!
lol keep trolling. It's pretty hilarious!
the thing about MS and Spenser in my opinion is that they rarely talk about actual game play and actual games.
Sure they talk about pricing models, technology of graphics, new hardware, sales figures, networking APIs, latency, what TYPES of games players like, SP vs MP but not actual game content itself, like why am I playing this game? because its not to skype
Lems new sad argument: A game that's critically acclaimed must sell at 100% attach rate or it's a failure. Both the game and the install base.
Yup! Every person that's ever bought a PS4 is supposed to buy this game. Even the ones who don't own a PS4 anymore, those who don't enjoy third person action games, those who can't buy the game because of censorship laws, those who bought a PS4 for their under aged children and so on. I guess every game ever released has been a failure.
Can lems get any sadder?
@Zero_epyon: Lems have gotten to the point where they're hyping multiplats, so yes, they can get sadder.
Freaking cows, they have da sales, da exclusives being gifted unearned high scores and yet they remain the most mad, insecure bunch on the internet. Lololol,
Ya just can't make this stuff up. :P
@Zero_epyon: 100% attach rate?????? It’s not even at a 5% attach rate according to sales. ? ?
Plus the only reason I am in this thread is because the great Phil Spencer was mentioned in the thread bragging about Sony sales. Who are really the sad ones?????
Proving my point aren't you. Three days lol
@toonarmy20: Rumor has it SoT sold more on PC... LMAO!!! Same with cuphead... Why don't Xbox gamers buy games?
Cows talk about games but obviously don’t buy them. ?
In a thread about God Of War selling 3.1 million in 3 days of all places. Most Xbox exclusives don't sell 1 million lifetime. It probably beat Halo 5 lifetime sales within the first week.
Kuu must think this is still the PS3 days.
These are the kinds of sales Halo and Gears used to get during the 360 days.
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