Tuning in, right away, I was blown away by... the female Reggie, pretending to snowboard. Okay... well, women over 40 can do anything, you go girl! The Oprah moment wasn't too long though, but this female-Reggie did seem a little out of place at a gaming show.
After all, it's not like soccer Moms are watching the conference, it seems to me it would make a lot more sense to break out Mario, Miyamoto, and the one game we've all been waiting for: Zelda on the Wii.
Instead, Nintendo brought out the real Reggie, and like Dr. Frankenstein's Monster, this beast of a man wanted to grunt. And grunt he did - Reggie spent more time covering sales data than was spent on any other game. Even Nintendo fans in the live chat I was participating in during the conference were starting to wonder if Reggie was actually trying to play sales.
Then the fated announcement drops: "we only have time to show you three games" - wait... hang on... excuse me? You spent ten minutes explaining sales data that no one cares about, and then suggest you "don't have enough time" to tell us about games in detail?
Let me say that again.
Nintendo would rather spend time bragging to reporters about sales than showing all the facts about their customers upcoming games. Yeah...
Then came the games - Animal Crossing, Rayman, Call of Duty, Star Wars, Wii Sports 2 and Wii Music... okay.
Here's where I'll stop. See, I've been asked to do a part II to this thread. And I took that request finally, when Nintendo fans started coming to me and saying "please, you need to bring it back - do a redux, call out our complaints".
But I've done that before, it was called Good-Bye Nintendo, and its' where I personally gave up on them. Like everyone else who has enjoyed them over the years, I sat there and listened hoping to hear the game REAL Nintendo fans, REAL hardcore gamers, wanted:
Zelda Wii
Yeah, Animal Crossing was nice, we wanted it, but my real complaint was this:
Nintendo needs to keep their mouth shut about "innovation". You heard me, I'm not going to debate with you about whether they're "hardcore" or not. Frankly, I've given up any hope that people who think Mario and Star Wars represent the "hardcore niche" are going to understand why World at War on the Wii is not Call of Duty 4 on the PC. If you're the hardest of the hardcore Wii Fit players - by all means.
But Nintendo, please, shut up about innovation, and stop insulting other developers.
Let's look at the beginning of the conference. Nintendo talked about innovation, about changing, about improving, about "moving forward". Innovation, creativity, progress - those are words we all like to hear.
"Hell yeah!" we say - Nintendo is doing something new!
So what do we see?
- A rayman sequel as a party game.
- A call of duty sequel
- A Wii Sports sequel
- A guitar hero port
- A guitar hero sequel
- An Animal Crossing sequel
- Yet another GTA portable title
Now wait just a minute - we've listened to three years of Nintendo telling us the "industry wasn't innovative", giving traditional developers grief, telling us we're wrong when we ask for better graphics, sound, and control (yes... motion control doesn't necessarily mean *better control*).
And now, we get a show, Nintendo has the chance to show us *anything* and the only genuinely new thing they showed was Wii Music? And even that wasn't new, as it was shown two years ago as a concept for the Wiimote?
Nintendo is forever, from this day on, barred from saying *anything* about innovation. You heard me Nintendo - shut the hell up. Yeah, that's right: SHUT. UP. FOREVER.
Denis Dyack shows Too Human, controversial, certainly, but it's a completely creative story involving Norse gods in a high-tech world. Little Big Planet? Sony showed us something *amazing* - in terms of art, in terms of gaming. PixelJunk Eden, beautiful, gorgeous, different.
Even Banjo & Kazooie 3 - quite a deviation from the other titles - and yet, Nintendo, wants to claim they're better. That somehow *their* version of yet-another-Star Wars game is "different".
They're not different - their system is bringing us more of the same. Animal Crossing was unique when it was called Animal Forest on the N64. It was still cool when it was Animal Crossing on the GCN. Online? That was fun when Animal Crossing was on the DS. So what are you doing now? Adding a *microphone* - something that the Xbox had? That's innovation?
So - to summarize this rant, it's not eloquent, it doesn't have to be - you cannot call yourself a gamer and buy Nintendo's bull**** this year. No, not in a world with *genuine* innovation - Nintendo needs to shut up and stop insulting other developers.
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