[QUOTE="ShadowMoses900"][QUOTE="delta3074"]i think ND are a top tier developer, to do what they have done with the Ps3's hard to develope for architecture is brilliant as far as i am concerned, Carmack has been around longer and has more experience, although an awesome developer ND hasn't exactly done anything that has influenced the direction of gaming, and carmack creates engines, he doesn't just 'make games' dude.delta3074
We all have our opinins, in mine ND is superior to Carmac. And most devs have no problems with PS3 architiecture, only a few devs had issues. Most multiplats look the same so it's obviously not true, they are different but not more difficult.
its not just a few developers that have complained about the Ps3 being hard to develope for dude, do you think that re-coding your engine to work on architecture it wasn't meant to is easy? the reason most multiplats ened up marginally better on the PS3 is because it is more suited to running 3rd party engines which are initially coded on the Ps3, it has nothing to do with the Ps3 being inferior in power, the truth is that to get a game to look as good as uncharted or killzone on the Ps3 you need a custom engine built from the ground up, why would developers spend that much time and money to optimise engines they have been happily using for years when they can achieve roughly the same result with a straight port, not as good as the 360 version but like you said 'close enough', it's all about the money dude, Xbox 360 is cheaper to develope for which means more return on there investment, thats why we get games like Risen, Ego draconis, Left4dead,Darkstar one and the witcher 2, the truth is that the Ps3 costs more to develope for and gives third party developers less return on there investment, the truth is that the Ps3 is marginally more powerful than the Xbox but developers just don't want to spend the extra money and man hours to achieve that when they get a better return on there investment on the 360.Nah your full of sh!t, most multiplats are the same virtually, you can't tell the difference between them. There goes your harder to develop for argument, and a few developers don't like PS3 doesn't represent the majoirty. There are plenty of devs who prefer the PS3 you know, some even learned to like it later like Valve, who now says the PS3 is the better system and is more powerful.
Sam Houser of Rockstar said the PS3 is more powerful and better, so I think I'll take their opinion. If it was harder to develop for than we would see it more often in multiplats, be don't. When you compare exclusives you can see the power of the PS3, and how weak and limited the 360 is.
Both systems are made for different people, but anyone from an objective standpoint can see the PS3 is better. It's more powerful, offers more exclusives, get's all the great mulitplats that look identicle, free online, and it's more reilable and has Blu Ray (which does matter, some games are too big for 360. And you can store more graphic data on Blu Ray than DVD)
Sorry them the facts. But I'm tired debating with you, these arguments go in circles. I still think Uncharted is better than Gears in every single category especially the shooting and cover, this just upsets you because you cannotenough to handle different opinions. And I still think most multiplats are the same. I'm not going to argue with you anymore, there's no point.
Your just as biased as anyone else around here, wish GCD would be more popular, I hate this place. Nothing here is accurate. You have fun with your 360, I'll have fun with PS3. Love and Peace!
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