There used to be myriads of lame excuses to turn down PC gaming. Too complicated. Too expensive. I gotta upgrade every year. Can't use a TV. Can't game on a couch. Too many problems. Can't use a controller. Not enough quality exclusives. Biggest games only come out on consoles etc.
At this point PC haters have run out of ammunition. There is no objective reason to not game on PC any more aside from the plain old "I don't like it". PC can easily give you the console experience and then some. Hell there is even the Xbox app which allows you to party chat with your Xbox Live friends. Was doing it last week while playing MGS5 and my boys were playing The Division. We then got together for some Horde Mode in GOW4, Needless to say they were pretty psyched we could chat and even play together.
So are there any valid(as in that can be demonstrated) to dislike/not game on PC?
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