Why are you in this thread? You sure don't have anything to contribute.
Well, compared to the invaluable knowledge, wisdom, and glowing light of divine revelation that you're beaming out into this thread via your carefully chosen and incalulably powerful prose, you're right in saying that a lowly individual such as myself has nothing to contribute. But I feel that it's important for an observer such as myself to occassionaly step in to politely tell somebody when their argument has obviously run out of steam to save them further hours of furious posting to try and convince other people that their favorite gaming system should be everybody's favorite gaming system. Thank you, though, for your mighty insight. I shall cherish it always.
The posts you are criticising are contributing more than your jibberish, talking about 'desperate'.
Is this your "last word" post where you insult me and restate your original point again, hoping to defeat me through repetition? If so, I give it a 6 out of 10.
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