I cant believe you even attempted to respond to me.....Those 5 > Fable 2. period.
Attempted to respond ? I responded, Fable 2 is well above all those games, by many many miles
whatever you say peter
This topic is locked from further discussion.
I cant believe you even attempted to respond to me.....Those 5 > Fable 2. period.
Attempted to respond ? I responded, Fable 2 is well above all those games, by many many miles
whatever you say peter
Jesus, still at it?
Okay then, saolin323, since you seem so amazingly confident that Fable 2 will have insane graphics,would you be willing to stake your reputation on it in system wars bets?
I'm not sure of the exact wording for a bet over this issue but I'm sure the other readers might have some ideas...
So a game on 3 year old computer hardware (Xbox 360) is on par with Crysis, a game that needs a High end state of the art computer to play at Very High end settings? Only a fanboy would say Fable 2 looks as good or better from a pure technical side.karasill
Yet, COD4, Assassins, Bioshock run on 360 like they do on PC, AND 360 can run Far Cry 2, AND Crysis devleopers confirmed they can run Crysis on 360 above medium settings in 720p
How about all those ? Are they fiction ? Maybe that PC power is not as utilised as much you think it is, or os just not as much as you think it is
- dynamic real time shadows from each tree leaf on everything CHECK
- amazing shadows on grass, full gras coverage CHECK
- amazingly detailed 120.000 leaves trees CHECK
- amazing light beams, volumetric effects that move as the sun moves CHECK
- amazing detail around, ground full of grass, flowers, rocks, trees CHECK
- great textures CHECK
- amazing HDR CHECK
- amazing lighting CHECK
- day/night cycles that make everyhting look different at each time of day, and make shadows and light beams move and filter throught the foliage etc CHECK
Are you SURE Fable 2 is nothing like Far Cry 2 and Crysis ? I see a HOST of the main things that make those games amazing, fully implemented in Fable 2, all shown in the latest forest pic, posted a few days back !!!!
[QUOTE="Aidenfury19"]This isn't a contest, its freaking Crysis. Go tell that Fablebot to suck an egg.saolin323
Can you provide me ONE pic of Crysis, in game, looking better than the Fable 2 pic above then ? I doubt you can, so what is there to argue about anyway ?
Done. Molyneux is too concerned about pets to make it live up to expectations.
[spoiler] [/spoiler]
Crysis also runs at a much higher resolution than Fable 2 will. Lastly good luck on the game actually looking like that, have you forgotten the original Fable debacle yet? It really was a fable.
Crysis also runs at a much higher resolution than Fable 2 will. Lastly good luck on the game actually looking like that, have you forgotten the original Fable debacle yet? It really was a fable.
hahaha, all those are 100% confirmed in game Fable 2 pic,s and all videos so far prove it in full real time, so get over it, in 9 more months will look so stunning, that Crysis will be left behind IMO in most aspects
Also please stop posting these TERRIBLE Crysis pics, even on low on my PC looks better than that
That pic looks HORRIBLE comparing to Fable 2 one, sorry, IDK why you posted that one, but i guess the REAL in game Crysis pics do not look what they are suppoosed to look like
hahaha, all those are 100% confirmed in game Fable 2 pic,s and all videos so far prove it in full real time, so get over it, in 9 more months will look so stunning, that Crysis will be left behind IMO in most aspects
Also please stop posting these TERRIBLE Crysis pics, even on low on my PC looks better than that
Good luck on that still, you can easily pump up AA and other things like that which won't go into the final game. Plus if that is a horrible Crysis shot you are in for a world of hurt with the good ones, because that looks in a word, natural. Fable 2's foliage doesn't hold a candle.
1) Lighting is entirely natural. There is really no contest with the subsurface scattering.
2) Foliage has far more distinct parts than what is present in Fable 2.
3) The water has smooth surface ripples and light reflects very naturally off of it.
Fable 2 demonstrates none of this. Now stop trolling and go vomit up your Fable 2 propaganda elsewhere, you are cheapening the accomplishments of Crytek.
[QUOTE="saolin323"]hahaha, all those are 100% confirmed in game Fable 2 pic,s and all videos so far prove it in full real time, so get over it, in 9 more months will look so stunning, that Crysis will be left behind IMO in most aspects
Also please stop posting these TERRIBLE Crysis pics, even on low on my PC looks better than that
Good luck on that still, you can easily pump up AA and other things like that which won't go into the final game. Plus if that is a horrible Crysis shot you are in for a world of hurt with the good ones, because that looks in a word, natural. Fable 2's foliage doesn't hold a candle.
I like the flower, grass, trees in Fable 2 like million times more, they look fairy tale, who said i care about "natural" crap ?
For me, the blurry mess Crysis trees are, does not hold a candle to Fable 2 amazing looking trees and foliage
As i see it, you hype Crysis because of the colors it uses, more than anything
And man, of you think that Crysis pic look even passable, then you have REALLY low standards in graphics IMO, is it really that messy and blurry when you play it ?
Also i see NOTHING but stunning lighting in that Fable 2 forest, now why would i care about ...subsurface scattering, when what i see is already ABOVE STUNNING ? And how does "subsurface scattering" help Crysis messy blurry and confusing trees get any better than what they look in your pic, that is HORRIBLE IMO ?
I hype Crysis because it is a technical powerhouse in virtually every respect and will be a PC benchmark for years to come, much as Far Cry was. You hype Fable 2 because apparently you are obsessed with Grimm's or something, I don't know what kind of mental condition you need to be under to think they are at all comparable.
The Crysis pic looks blurry because it is a JPEG, no more, no less. Now get out.
I hype Crysis because it is a technical powerhouse in virtually every respect and will be a PC benchmark for years to come, much as Far Cry was. You hype Fable 2 because apparently you are obsessed with Grimm's or something, I don't know what kind of mental condition you need to be under to think they are at all comparable.
The Crysis pic looks blurry because it is a JPEG, no more, no less. Now get out.
Fable 2 pic is JPEG too you know, and looks 10x cleaner somehow
Just highlighting a few of the things wrong with the picture for those who don't care to look at it more closely themselves. Didn't even bother trying to get the fog and textureless background or it would have all been red circles.
[QUOTE="Aidenfury19"][QUOTE="saolin323"]hahaha, all those are 100% confirmed in game Fable 2 pic,s and all videos so far prove it in full real time, so get over it, in 9 more months will look so stunning, that Crysis will be left behind IMO in most aspects
Also please stop posting these TERRIBLE Crysis pics, even on low on my PC looks better than that
Good luck on that still, you can easily pump up AA and other things like that which won't go into the final game. Plus if that is a horrible Crysis shot you are in for a world of hurt with the good ones, because that looks in a word, natural. Fable 2's foliage doesn't hold a candle.
I like the flower, grass, trees in Fable 2 like million times more, they look fairy tale, who said i care about "natural" crap ?
For me, the blurry mess Crysis trees are, does not hold a candle to Fable 2 amazing looking trees and foliage
As i see it, you hype Crysis because of the colors it uses, more than anything
And man, of you think that Crysis pic look even passable, then you have REALLY low standards in graphics IMO, is it really that messy and blurry when you play it ?
Also i see NOTHING but stunning lighting in that Fable 2 forest, now why would i care about ...subsurface scattering, when what i see is already ABOVE STUNNING ? And how does "subsurface scattering" help Crysis messy blurry and confusing trees get any better than what they look in your pic, that is HORRIBLE IMO ?
Seriously, nobody cares about your opinion... so stop with your IMO this and that. You can't even show a video of the game that is 100% final product and you can only show us 2 pictures of fable 2 where its writen engine all over them. I can show you plenty of crytek engine video and images.
[QUOTE="-wii60-"]Crysis>Fable 2, like someone else said, stop the damage control nasos.saolin323
Not in ANY fo the ion game Crysis pics posted here though so far, only the editor pics look better IMO
fable looks so much better then crysis. Look at the trees for instance.Dynafrom
WOW TREES!!!!! I mean, if only this was a monkey game.
35 People voted Fable 2. Are those people aware that we are speaking of technical graphics and not artistic?
Technically Fable 2 looks as good as Crysis, in most effects, like lighting, light beams, shadows, detail around, grasses, trees etc
So, the votes are for real, after all the REAL in game pics of Crysis posted here, do look far worst IMO, especially the blurry messy confusing trees, that are a real mess if you ask me in Crysis
[QUOTE="_Pedro_"]35 People voted Fable 2. Are those people aware that we are speaking of technical graphics and not artistic?
Technically Fable 2 looks as good as Crysis, in most effects, like lighting, light beams, shadows, detail around, grasses, trees etc
So, the votes are for real, after all the REAL in game pics of Crysis posted here, do look far worst IMO, especially the blurry messy confusing trees, that are a real mess if you ask me in Crysis
Most of gamespot disagree with you. So it's time to admit your wrong.
[QUOTE="_Pedro_"]They need their eyes checked.35 People voted Fable 2. Are those people aware that we are speaking of technical graphics and not artistic?
I'm guessing it aswell. I've been looking the Fable 2 screenshots and technically it's decent, but certainly nothing to brag about.
Question not the Xbots, for theirs is the way of self-destruction (which can be very funny).
[QUOTE="skrat_01"][QUOTE="_Pedro_"]They need their eyes checked.35 People voted Fable 2. Are those people aware that we are speaking of technical graphics and not artistic?
I'm guessing it aswell. I've been looking the Fable 2 screenshots and technically it's decent, but certainly nothing to brag about.
Question not the Xbots, for theirs is the way of self-destruction (which can be very funny).
Those Fable 2 shadows, detail and light volumetric beams are Crysis good, not just "decent" technically, since only Crysis does those effects !!!!!
I mean if Crysis effects are jusr decent, than 99% of coming games are what ? Below average ?
[QUOTE="_Pedro_"]They need their eyes checked.35 People voted Fable 2. Are those people aware that we are speaking of technical graphics and not artistic?
You forgot about the brains. :)
none of the existing consoles will ever have a game with gfx even close to Crysis, so just stop this stupid fanboyism...
not until next gen anyway, consoles are stuck with their tech specs, PCs are not... youll have to live with it guys, all the good games that wil be comming to PC from now on will be impossible to replicate on any console (yes, including PS3).
[QUOTE="_Pedro_"]35 People voted Fable 2. Are those people aware that we are speaking of technical graphics and not artistic?
Technically Fable 2 looks as good as Crysis, in most effects, like lighting, light beams, shadows, detail around, grasses, trees etc
So, the votes are for real, after all the REAL in game pics of Crysis posted here, do look far worst IMO, especially the blurry messy confusing trees, that are a real mess if you ask me in Crysis
You've got to be joking. REAL screenshots of Crysis vs., what, the TWO screenshots, with the game not even out yet, that you keep repeating over and over? Have you seen the game in person? I've seen Crysis, and it's stunning. Some of the sreenshots posted here don't do it justice, you need to see it for yourself, and you clearly haven't.
I don't want/have the time to take screenshots myself, but there are a number of good ones here. I also don't want to repost them here without peoples' permission.
You also mentioned earlier that Crysis doesn't look as good as the screenshots released earlier in its development. To an extent that's true, at least in that it doesn't perform as well as everyone had hoped on high end hardware. But I can't think of a game considered a graphical 'powerhouse' released over the past few years that wasn't overhyped by its devs early on. Why is Fable 2 going to be different? Why can you talk about the downgrade of Crysis on one hand while hyping Fable 2 as if the graphics are just going to get better? Yes, we know, it's not finished yet, but its been proven time and again that that doesn't mean it's going to look better in the future... Far from it. All things equal, maybe we should be comparing pre-release screenshots and videos of Crysis.
Crysis can do DX 10, can fable 2? if not, then crysis for the win. Fable 2 is optimized for console, where as crysis is optimized for PC, the graphics capabilities in PC far outweight any console out right now. Crysis for the win again.
anyone who says fable is even near crysis in the technical department needs to ride the short bus to school.6matt6
Yet, COD4, Assassins, Bioshock run on 360 like they do on PC, AND 360 can run Far Cry 2, AND Crysis devleopers confirmed they can run Crysis on 360 above medium settings in 720p
How about all those ? Are they fiction ? Maybe that PC power is not as utilised as much you think it is, or os just not as much as you think it is
- dynamic real time shadows from each tree leaf on everything CHECK
- amazing shadows on grass, full gras coverage CHECK
- amazingly detailed 120.000 leaves trees CHECK
- amazing light beams, volumetric effects that move as the sun moves CHECK
- amazing detail around, ground full of grass, flowers, rocks, trees CHECK
- great textures CHECK
- amazing HDR CHECK
- amazing lighting CHECK
- day/night cycles that make everyhting look different at each time of day, and make shadows and light beams move and filter throught the foliage etc CHECK
Are you SURE Fable 2 is nothing like Far Cry 2 and Crysis ? I see a HOST of the main things that make those games amazing, fully implemented in Fable 2, all shown in the latest forest pic, posted a few days back !!!!
[QUOTE="6matt6"]anyone who says fable is even near crysis in the technical department needs to ride the short bus to school.saolin323
Yet, COD4, Assassins, Bioshock run on 360 like they do on PC, AND 360 can run Far Cry 2, AND Crysis devleopers confirmed they can run Crysis on 360 above medium settings in 720p
How about all those ? Are they fiction ? Maybe that PC power is not as utilised as much you think it is, or os just not as much as you think it is
- dynamic real time shadows from each tree leaf on everything CHECK
- amazing shadows on grass, full gras coverage CHECK
- amazingly detailed 120.000 leaves trees CHECK
- amazing light beams, volumetric effects that move as the sun moves CHECK
- amazing detail around, ground full of grass, flowers, rocks, trees CHECK
- great textures CHECK
- amazing HDR CHECK
- amazing lighting CHECK
- day/night cycles that make everyhting look different at each time of day, and make shadows and light beams move and filter throught the foliage etc CHECK
Are you SURE Fable 2 is nothing like Far Cry 2 and Crysis ? I see a HOST of the main things that make those games amazing, fully implemented in Fable 2, all shown in the latest forest pic, posted a few days back !!!!
Hey, can I play too? Crysis has... Better graphics CHECK I really do hope you don't actually believe all this stuff you're posting. It'd be awesome if you'd actually show some objectivity in your posts instead of repeating the same thing over and over.[QUOTE="saolin323"][QUOTE="6matt6"]anyone who says fable is even near crysis in the technical department needs to ride the short bus to school.NYHoustonman
Yet, COD4, Assassins, Bioshock run on 360 like they do on PC, AND 360 can run Far Cry 2, AND Crysis devleopers confirmed they can run Crysis on 360 above medium settings in 720p
How about all those ? Are they fiction ? Maybe that PC power is not as utilised as much you think it is, or os just not as much as you think it is
- dynamic real time shadows from each tree leaf on everything CHECK
- amazing shadows on grass, full gras coverage CHECK
- amazingly detailed 120.000 leaves trees CHECK
- amazing light beams, volumetric effects that move as the sun moves CHECK
- amazing detail around, ground full of grass, flowers, rocks, trees CHECK
- great textures CHECK
- amazing HDR CHECK
- amazing lighting CHECK
- day/night cycles that make everyhting look different at each time of day, and make shadows and light beams move and filter throught the foliage etc CHECK
Are you SURE Fable 2 is nothing like Far Cry 2 and Crysis ? I see a HOST of the main things that make those games amazing, fully implemented in Fable 2, all shown in the latest forest pic, posted a few days back !!!!
Hey, can I play too? Crysis has... Better graphics CHECK I really do hope you don't actually believe all this stuff you're posting. It'd be awesome if you'd actually show some objectivity in your posts instead of repeating the same thing over and over.See the pic i posted above ? All those are CONFIRMED, in that very pic, it is not what i THINK, it is, what it is
[QUOTE="Aidenfury19"]This isn't a contest, its freaking Crysis. Go tell that Fablebot to suck an egg.saolin323
Can you provide me ONE pic of Crysis, in game, looking better than the Fable 2 pic above then ? I doubt you can, so what is there to argue about anyway ?
I provided pics like 40 posts ago
[QUOTE="saolin323"][QUOTE="Aidenfury19"]This isn't a contest, its freaking Crysis. Go tell that Fablebot to suck an egg.gatorteen
Can you provide me ONE pic of Crysis, in game, looking better than the Fable 2 pic above then ? I doubt you can, so what is there to argue about anyway ?
I provided pics like 40 posts ago
They were either not in game, or too compressed and blurry, and definatly NOTHING like Fable 2 one
I have yet to see one IN GAME Crysis pic, that looks as good TBH, the editor pics do look better though TECHNICALLY always
[QUOTE="gatorteen"][QUOTE="saolin323"][QUOTE="Aidenfury19"]This isn't a contest, its freaking Crysis. Go tell that Fablebot to suck an egg.saolin323
Can you provide me ONE pic of Crysis, in game, looking better than the Fable 2 pic above then ? I doubt you can, so what is there to argue about anyway ?
I provided pics like 40 posts ago
They were either not in game, or too compressed and blurry, and definatly NOTHING like Fable 2 one
I have yet to see one IN GAME Crysis pic, that looks as good TBH, the editor pics do look better though TECHNICALLY always
I will repost it.
[QUOTE="gatorteen"][QUOTE="saolin323"][QUOTE="Aidenfury19"]This isn't a contest, its freaking Crysis. Go tell that Fablebot to suck an egg.saolin323
Can you provide me ONE pic of Crysis, in game, looking better than the Fable 2 pic above then ? I doubt you can, so what is there to argue about anyway ?
I provided pics like 40 posts ago
They were either not in game, or too compressed and blurry, and definatly NOTHING like Fable 2 one
I have yet to see one IN GAME Crysis pic, that looks as good TBH, the editor pics do look better though TECHNICALLY always
lol exuses...the in edetor pics are all gameplay...you can play the entire game through the editor.
Stop lieing to yourself, its clear Crysis looks far far better.
[QUOTE="saolin323"][QUOTE="gatorteen"][QUOTE="saolin323"][QUOTE="Aidenfury19"]This isn't a contest, its freaking Crysis. Go tell that Fablebot to suck an egg.cobrax25
Can you provide me ONE pic of Crysis, in game, looking better than the Fable 2 pic above then ? I doubt you can, so what is there to argue about anyway ?
I provided pics like 40 posts ago
They were either not in game, or too compressed and blurry, and definatly NOTHING like Fable 2 one
I have yet to see one IN GAME Crysis pic, that looks as good TBH, the editor pics do look better though TECHNICALLY always
lol exuses...the in edetor pics are all gameplay...you can play the entire game through the editor.
Stop lieing to yourself, its clear Crysis looks far far better.
Those pics are rendered in 5000x2000, and NO you can't play the game in 5000x2000 in the editor, because no monitor will display that yet
You do not suggest, that for Crysis to look amazing, you have to play it through the editor, right ? HAHAHAHAHAHA
BTW what is the frame rate in 5000x2000 ? And that detail ? 1 frame per day ?
Ok here it comes. Everything is on very high with no AA at 1400 x 900.
Guys remember no AA's. So edges look crappy.
This here is the greatest shot in crysis IMO
This is me climbing a ladder
Me modifying my weapon
Looking at some trees
Crysis probably has the best characters models in gaming
Looking at dead people
Ok im done. Without a doubt crysis is the best looking game right now, and will be in 08 if crysis 2 doesn't come out by then. Sorry guys fable 2 stood no chance.
Sorry, non of those look any better than FAble 2 forest one
The god rays one is impressive, but the foliage and grass with no AA, is simply horrible
I will give you a tip, you thank me later, there is a parameter you can enable, that enables Edge AA, i think that is what it is called
With Edge AA you will get a 10x better looking picture than that
Frankly the pictures are not good, sorry
Here are Crysis pics that look better than Fable 2, editor pics only, not in game or real time
Now compare to Fable 2 and real in game pics of Crysis
Sorry, non of those look any better than FAble 2 forest one
The god rays one is impressive, but the foliage and grass with no AA, is simply horrible
I will give you a tip, you thank me later, there is a parameter you can enable, that enables Edge AA, i think that is what it is called
With Edge AA you will get a 10x better looking picture than that
Frankly the pictures are not good, sorry
Here are Crysis pics that look better than Fable 2, editor pics only, not in game or real time
do you not understand that....
a. The editor, and in game graphics are identicle.
b. you can play the entire game through the editor.
c. There is no way Fable 2 looks anywhere close to crysis (as this poll clearly shows)
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