[QUOTE="L1qu1dSword"] A
The very simple reason is this. The entire point of specifying whether something is exclusive is to show that your console this is system wars not cosnole wars Which actually does not matter at all because as far as im concerned the main point here is still conveyed properly. preference has something that the other one does not have. This implies that you are comparing systems that are in direct competition with one another. Xbox360 and PS3 are VERY similar and therefore compete directly for their market share in ways that PC gaming does not. you disclude the PC because its to different, but it still is in direct compititoon therefore it does still count vs exclusivesCreative use of made up words. I think you are looking for exclude but what the hey I never excluded PC. Rather I point out the the nature of competion is very different.
Read this even more carefully. Direct Competion as defined here relates two productsthat are nearly identical in the services provided. PC still competes just not with Direct Competition.
there is the 'console market'
and there is the 'gaming market'
console market is a part of the gaming market, thus, direct compitition
However the myriad differences between console and PC do not make them direct alternatives of one another like 360 and PS3 are to each other. This is the point you and a few other sharp tools missed.This fact alone drammatically changes the nature of competition.
A little history to flesh this out:
During the days of PS1 MS realized that PC gaming was dying at the hands of SONY and MS was not happy about this because PC gaming was largely their domain. Declining PC gaming means declining profits and diminishing returns from DirectX. MS hatched a plan to combat this and developed the "DirectXbox" later dubbed the XboX. M$ profits have nothing to do with PC Gaming, if gaming declines on the PC they will barley notice it because most people use their PCs for everything not just gaming, therefore, ***this is where you made yhour first mistake*** also: at the time DirectX was FREE and they werent making money off of it
All incorrect. Google "history of xbox" or something. I dont have time to explain EVERYTHING to you.
I don't think it is fair to say that PC gaming is dying. its still stronger than cosnole gamingIn Korea Maybe. Besides did you read the first sentence or glance at it? The implication is that it will cease alltogether and that is not likely. However the reality is that since the era of PS1 the market has allowed alternative ways to experience things previously only available to PC gamers. Anyone who has frequented game stores for many years must have noticed the increasingly shrinking PC Game shelves. Steam and D2D are the reason for this not beacuse less people buy games, and these digital distribution sales are not counted on the NDP therefore PC gaming is far stronger than you realise Really just HOW stronger though? I woud imagine many would opt to have a box and instruction manual you can hold and a hard copy allready provided to be stored seperate from the computer. First off how are you proving NPD does not count them and finally what are the actual numbers?
This is not because PC gaming is on the rise that is for sure. Actually it is.OK
Within the market cheaper, simpler alternatives were created and hence we have gaming in its current state.
Main point is that this is all a power struggle of MS vs. SONY. If a title is Xbox 360/ Windows only the fact still remains that MS is still raking in profits by retaining the remaining PC fans and with XboX taking back what was lost in the PS1 era.
This is completely logical for MS to do this becuase the purpose of the XBOX was to stop Sony from undermining their PC gaming profits and it would be counterproductive if the xbox did the same thing so providing those same games for Windows makes perfect sense.
DMC4 ----> 360 =/= Gears ----> PC gears going to pc does make it non exlusive, exclusive is based off of the system its on not by the company, are you new to SW or something to not know that? This nonsensical statement has NOTHING to do with the statement you juxtaposed it to? Are you just randomly ranting again? Hoping I dont read the whole thing?
This argument is mainly just PS3 fans trying to distract people from their lack of AAA exclusives and their loss of games like Assassain's Creed and Devil May Cry 4 to the 360.
When Gears comes to PS3 then we can talk. Until then there is no debate those games are still MS exclusive as long as you can't play them on something with a SONY, Nintendo, or whatever else logo. thats ok ill go play it on linuxhey while we are inthe realm of convience not mattering at all why not just software emulate every game from every system thereby abolishing exclusives?
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