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Darrogamer06 Blog

Banjo F'N Kazooie

Sorry for being silly with the title but as soon as I seen a trailer titled Banjo Kazooie on Xbox Live Marketplace, I had a big smile on my face as it has been 5-6 years since the last time we saw these two guys on a home console (the GBA version aka Grunty's Revenge does not count) and now it is coming for the 360 and I can't wait.

There has been quite a few announcements coming out of X06 including a Halo RTS, which will please Halo fans and RTS fans alike, PGR4 was announced and two lengthy GTA downloadable content packs will be available within months of GTA IV's release.

Well, I am sure there will be probably be more announcements or surprises along the way (another surprise for me is that DOOM is on XBL Arcade right now as I seen Jeff Gerstmann on Live playing it so I was surprised at it but felt it was right to have it on there anyway since it was one of two games that started the whole First Person Shooter Genre off (the other being of course Wolfenstein 3D).

In other news, I played PGR 3 on Monday evening with one of the developers of the game from Bizarre Creations for around an hour or so (his name escapes me at the moment) but I have to say that I really enjoyed myself playing against him and 2 other people and he was really informative and told us some of the processes that were done into making PGR3 and that and it was interesting to hear what he had to say and well since PGR4 is announced, it will be interesting to see how they will raise the bar this time.

I have been playing Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, as I have not finished this game yet and want to complete it to get the whole story behind it and to be all set for Kingdom Hearts 2 this Friday, which is 1 day away, as I type this.  For those of you who have played it, I am at the Hollow Bastion level, which is the last world card in the game before you go through the final three places thus I do not have far to go.  My impressions on it are rather good as I like the whole card system but did not at first but I now know how it works and it is a good game of the series.

So, that is all from me now and will probably expect another blog on Friday or Saturday giving you my thoughts on KH 2 with Darro's Den episode 5 shortly thereafter.  So ROCK ON!

One banner to rule them all!

Well, first of all I have to say a very big thank you to both hart704 and ffgothic, as they were the only two people who decided to do the banner I requested and as you  can see now, I have hart704's banner and I really like it so big thanks once again.

I will have the other banner that ffgothic created for me up this Friday when the game finally comes out here in the UK.  Also, if you can just follow up on banner and do a blog header and user icon in the same way that the banner is, then I will be really grateful as I would like my profile to match up with the banner, blog header and user icon.

In other news, played NHL 07 again yesterday with Denis aka NeoJedi and had some good games especially the one between Team Great Britain vs Team Canada as it was 2-2 at the end of overtime and then it went to a shootout and I won.  Even though I won, he should have won the game though since he dominated the 3rd period and had some close goals but I was VERY lucky, as I got the equaliser to make it 2-2 with 0.8 seconds to go in the 3rd period.

Had another 2 matches after that in which i beat him with the NY Rangers (he was the LA Kings) and then he creamed me 5-1 with the Pittsburgh Penguins (I was the Philadelphia Flyers).  I still really like this game, as it is an exciting sports game to me and would be more enjoyable for me than american football, english football or soccer, cricket etc.

Played a bit of Saints Row online with Denis and Bruce aka HighTimexBX and WhiteCloud954 although I only got to play two matches with them as they had two other matches in which my stupid connection got the best of it as it stayed on the finding players screen while they were in the match.

The countdown is now 4 days until Kingdom Hearts 2 is released and I will be getting up early to get it as soon as possible so I can play it and get back into the world of the game.

Anyway, that is all from me now and stay tuned for Darro's Den episode 5 sometime this week.

A new banner please!

I am just wondering if any of you banner designers out there can create one for me as I am getting a bit tired of the Zelda one even though I think it is great, it is getting a bit old.

Now, if any of you guys out there have seen NeoJedi's profile and what the people have done on it. I want exactly the same type of thing done for mine, except it would be for Kingdom Hearts instead of GTA. I want the banner to be in Kingdom Heart font and also, I would like a little blog header as well like NeoJedi has with his and if possible, can you do DG06 or just DG as my user icon in KH font along with the heart shape in the background like the game cover itself..

If you want more details, let me know by PMing me. Also, the background colour for the cover of the KH 2 games is the background colour I want for the banner.

I will be really grateful if someone out there or a group of people can do this for me because since I am getting Kingdom Hearts 2 next week, I would like my profile to be in the vibe and because I loved the first one.

Please let me know if you are up for the job and will give a big shout-out and recommendation to you in next week's Darro's Den and in my blogs.

At long last!

Well, finally, a miracle has occurred. I am able to upload videos again because I tried the test thing, evil_tab87 told me to do and it worked 1st time around on all 4 parts of episode 4 of Darro's Den so first of all, a big shout-out and thank you to evil_tab for giving me this tip and helping me upload videos again.  I will be doing this from now on just to be on the safe side.

In other news, I played some NHL 07 today with my good GS friend Denis aka NeoJedi and I beat him 2-1 in the first match with the Oilers and then he beat me in the 2nd match with the Florida Panther 1-0 (thanks to one of my own players) and we were in the middle of the decider (Great Britain vs Canada) when my electric went off.

The reason it went off is because the remnants of hurricane Gordon came here Thursday night and basically shut the electric off in a lot of homes and it went off here at around after 10 and didn't come back on until after 8 or 9 Friday morning.

Since then, it went off 3 times today, which to me is a joke but is back on now and still is on. Also played a bit of UNO with Denis and Bruce but this was before Live started acting up on us because each of us and some others I heard are experiencing freezing problems on their 360 and can't get into matches on games etc.  I believe this is because of all the stuff they are uploading from TGS and some of it to me is completely worthless and no one would be interested in the first place.

Also, just to let you guys know that I will not be on Gamespot or Xbox Live for a week or so come Thursday week as I will be staying at my granny's to mind her while my cousin who stays with her and minds her goes away on holiday/vacation with his family to Portugal so nothing from me during that week.

I might not be on Live as much next weekend since a game I have been heavily looking forward to will finally be released here and that is Kingdom Hearts 2.

Anyway, that is all I have right now so without further ado, here is all 4 parts of episode 4 of Darro's Den.  Look out for episode 5 next week with Dead Rising or Saint's Row gameplay (considering what you guys what) and Shenmue for the Dreamcast.Also, do not forget to post me some more questions to answer for next time as I enjoying answering them. Until then, ROCK ON!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

The end of my video blogs as we know it!

Yes, I think it is best to say that I won't be doing any more video blogs not because I don't want to as I enjoy doing them for you loyal viewers but because of this stupid problem still occurring with the uploading.

I have tried 4 times now uploading the same video and the same stupid problem arises yet I see my friend's videos going up alright without a hitch yet I am still here stuck trying to get blogs I did last week to get up and appear on the site.

I believe there are some other people getting this problem and it seems to be me that they from non-American/Canadian countries and that it seems to be a problem outside these countries although one person here in the UK (AndyWilliams24) that I know of at least got his video up alright so why can't I?

Anyway, enough of this rant but I now conclude that I cannot get them up anymore and I did ask at GS Technical but no one replied.

In other news, I got NHL 07 yesterday by trading in Dead or Alive 4 (good game though but I suck at it) and LOTR: BFME 2 (strategy games are just not my thing) and my first impressions are quite positive, as it is a good hockey game and the skill stick, although a bit complicated at first, you will eventually get the hang of.

So anyway, I will be probably just posting my updates from now on unless something miraculous comes about and fixes this problem for me but that ain't happening in my eyes thanks to Glitchspot.

UPDATE: I am now trying again for the 6th time using a little thing a person posted in the comments by just putting in test to see if it works. I also think it is a disagrace in that this problem hasn't been sorted out yet or actually know what the problem is that is causing this judging by the threads in the GS Technical Support forum. If someone knows if they said what the problem is, let me know as soon as possible thanks.

UPDATE 2:  SUCCESS!!!! IT WORKED!!! Yes, that test thing must have done something or else 6th time's a charm.  The first part got uploaded right, processed right and now available for viewing.  Did the same for the 2nd part so hope it goes alright.

No more video blogs! City of God thoughts.

Well, it looks like that way for me since I tried 3 bloody times now to upload the first part of episode 4 and the same problem is occuring in that it is uploading yet it ain't appearing to be processed the video section.

I am not going to bother anymore with video blogs due to this because everyone else seems to upload theirs just fine but mine isn't.  Do I have a restriction on me or what, I do not know.  I might try one more time on the computer I am using at the moment, which is my brother's since his is the best in the house and upload them through it with my usb memory stick.

Also, last night I watched a certain film known as Cidade de Deus or to give it its English title, "City of God".  I basically have to give a shout-out to HighTimesBX aka Bruce for recommending this film to me in the first place because is was a excellent movie and one of the best filmls I have ever watched in the last few years. 

Most of the characters were great and the way the story was told was like Goodfellas in that it started back when they were younger and moved along to the seventies.  It was a excellent executed film and go check out to find out more about it.

If you have not seen it, then I recommend you get it and watch it as soon as you can as you are missing out.  If you don't mind that the entire films i in portuguese with english subtitles, then you will definitely appreciate it.  I sure did.

Anyway, if this process of uploading again does not work for me then I have no choice but to give up on video blogs.

No One hard I tried to do this song

Well, after about 50 tries on that blasted song in Guitar Hero that I used to like but now I hate because of this game, last night I finally beat that blasted song on hard mode and now in the last string of songs in hard mode, which I have done two already (Godzilla and Bark at the Moon) but not very well I might add.

Yes, I beat No One Knows and let's just say that I will never get a better rating than three in that game until I get good at the chorus part with the green, green-red  note part but that will never occur.

Let's just say that Cowboys from Hell is going to be quite hard to do in Hard mode as I tried it and got about over halfway through the song but again, the solo parts killl me with the hammer-ons and pull-offs.

Anyway, I will give you an update on how I do and will try and upload Darro's Den again today or tomorrow to see if the uploading system has been fixed.

Episode 4 is here.... well, not really again!

Right, here is the problem now.  I have done the editing and that for my four parts of episode 4 and Darro's Den and have uploaded the first two parts but for some strange reason, they are not appearing in my videos section AT ALL! Like, the video procession screen is not appearing meaning the upload system is broken at the moment and hopefully it will be sorted out soon. 

I will not upload the other two parts until I see my first two parts up and ready so you have to wait a little bit longer for episode 4 unfortunately, sorry.

Episode 4 is here.... well, almost!

Well, I did episode 4 of Darro's Den tonight but unfortunately due to the stupid Windows Media Maker, I only got 12 minutes and 43 seconds of the 2nd half of episode 4 on that software (Guitar Hero video review and Q & A session).  I checked on my videos and it is not like that at all as the whole, unedited cut of it is there but this has happened to me before.

If someone can help me with this problem, as I tried dragging the file from the video folder and that but it still only comes up with the 12:43 footage.  Anyone know what to do, PLEASE let me know or else I have to do that half again?

I will have episode 4 up tomorrow sometime and if not, Monday at the latest if this problem gets sorted out or not.

Right on the money!

Well, well, well! Yesterday, I had a blog predicting what the release date and price of the Nintendo Wii will be here in Europe and let's just say, I have a smile on my face.

The reason why I do is because I was absolutely spot on with the release date of it, I said December 8th, which is my brother's birthday and a few minutes ago, I found out it was December 8th 2006 but alas, I was out by 20 quid with the price at £179.99. I know I said £200 but I meant £199.99.  But I believe that is still a great price though because it is under £200 and cheaper than both the Xbox 360 core system and the Playstation 3 (whenever it is released here in March 2007).

I am really happy that it is this year and not the next now and had a feeling it was going to be the week after the Japanese launch and I was right.  We basically have the same bundle as the US, which is good so I kind of feel sorry for Japan, as they are kind of getting the worst deal as they have no Wii Sports in their bundle.

Well, I am now going to save up for the Nintendo Wii and be there on launch day to get the Wii and The Legend of Zelda: Twlight Princess and probably Rayman and Red Steel also as they would be the games I would like to get for it the most.  Anyone else right with the date or/and price, let me know?