HULKMANIA_001's forum posts
Im loving the rebuttals so far:
"Just wait".
Dont mind them TC their just showing their fanboyism. How does a thread about claiming ownage to past titles = just wait ? .
Anyways back to topic, its because people like comparing games of similar nature or that are in direct competition with the game of their choosing. Thats the only reason why, it doesnt matter if the game is a past title or a unreleased title comparisions will be made regardless.
However I believe when people claim ownage to older titles its because they are insecure about the quality of their game, they feel it might not hold up to [insert title], which is why they bash it and claim ownage.
Phew =]
[QUOTE="patriots7672"]This is SW and this will prove that PS3 is King if MS bows to use Sonys products. There will be no denying it. Maxned
Are you kidding me? Sony can just be bought by microsoft... they are MS's ho
lol you should recheck your facts. that is if you had any.
Can you even believe this is happening? at least wok7 had the decency to flee after making a similar claim but people are actually backing this guy up.
I mean the nintendo64 emulator on PC can render games in native resolutions well above 1080p, it doesn't make the games any bigger
lol, where are u getting this from? a N64 emulator that has something higher than native 1080P!? I think you should read up on HD outputs before posting next time bc monitor resolution does not equal to HD ouput. Good thing system wars is kinda dead right now or others woulda ate your post alive.
More than 2 years after the launch of the 360 and more than a year after the PS3's launch,neither console has seemingly been able to produce a game which runs at 1080p natively.
Ken Kutaragi once infamously stated that the PS3 would run games in 1080p at 120fps,now joking aside the two next gen consoles were supposed to usher in a new era of HD gaming,and as I've mentioned neither has truly been able to do that,and that doesn't look to be changing;
Halo 3 - Flagship 360 title and killer app,sold millions of copies within days of it's release,yet it supposedly runs at 640p.
COD4 - One of the biggest selling games of 2007 yet,as with Halo,resolution was seemingly compromised in order to keep a steady frame-rate.
Killzone 2 - Great hope of Ps3 fans and highly anticipated,yet will "only" be running at 720p and 30fps.
I'm sure there are other examples,but I chose these as these were high profile titles likely to sell consoles.
This isn't a console bashing thread,I just want to hear peoples opinons on the "HD debate" .Will consoles ever be able to run games at 1080p natively with 60fps,or is it just simply that they aren't powerful enough,is that the reason someone sticks to PC gaming or do you really care what resolution your games are running at?
well GT5 is confirmed to be running at 1080p 60fps when playing, and at 30fps when watching replays. Im not too sure about MGS4 but i also think its running at 1080p but ill have to double check that.
but that's all the Wii has :([QUOTE="-D3MO-"][QUOTE="-RPGamer-"]I think it should get perks for not forcing the gimmick. So +2. :)Coldplay07
So if a 360 or PS3 game isn't graphically up to par, but everything else is great including the most important aspect of any game, gameplay, should a point be deducted from its score? I don't necessarily think so. I don't agree with forced waggle, if they think GC controls are best, then that's that. Who cares.
but then without the wii remote, couldnt they have just made this for the GC aswell. as there is nothing really graphically superior about this game. and if using an OLD controller is the best method to play this game is shud get points deducted. Although Ive never personally played it yet so I cant judge just yet which control method will be the best.
[QUOTE="Conjuredevil"][QUOTE="pro-nathan-07"]i know mgs4 is coming to the 360 but shhh ;)Sony_92
lol!! dont start mgs4 to 360 thing some fanboys will flame you bad.
they can hardly fit MGS4 on 1 Blu-Ray Disc cause of all the CGI, so you would need alot of DVD'a to play MGS on a 360.
The Cell Processor can handle Crysis much better than the 360 CPU, thats why Crysis is coming to the PS3.
The Cell's 7 processors can handle more things at one time.
Just a quick lesson, there was never a single CGI cutscene in any of the previous MGS games. and MGS4 is only going to have one CGI scene which will be the intro. Every other scene in the game is going to be in game engine. and while the cell is good for number crunching things like the physics, a.i. etc. its the ram that will hold it back.
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