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Katosepe321 Blog


Hey everyone! Right now, i'm watching the show Phenomenon which is basically an american idol for magicians. So far, it's pretty good. A little too much of a copy of AI but still... The acts are impressive. Wondering what you guys think of it?

What is the best DS game ever??

Hey everyone! Back to gaming for me! So first off, I've been looking recently at Neverwinter Nights 2 and i've been really impressed. I'm thinking about getting it sometime soon (hopefully I can find it cheap from someone.). Does anyone have any experience with the game? I wanna hear from someone that it really is as good as the reviews say and it's not just a D&D fanboy game.

Secondly, I really want to know what you guys think the best DS game ever is? Right now, i've played Custom Robo: Arena, Mega man ZX, Hotel Dusk: Room 215, New Super Mario Bros, Super Mario 64 DS, Mario Hoops 3 on 3, Mario Kart DS, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Star Fox (whatever the DS one is called), Sonic Rush, Pokemon Pearl, and i'm now playing Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. Oh right, to add onto my question from before, is Portrait of Ruin worth buying cuz I love Dawn of Sorrow. Anyway, Best DS game ever?

Ugghh... kinda crappy..

Sorry guys, this one's not about video games at all. Oh, I lied. I got Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow and it is amazing. I love it. Anyway, more on that another time.

The purpose for this blog was to tell you guys something pretty personal. I'm not sure if i've said this before or not but anyway, I have a condition called tourettes syndrome. Many people who watch south park know what that is now (just FYI, i luved that episode both for the fact that it was hilarious and now I don't have to explain what it is as much.). Anyway, I was doing some work for my psychology class when I ran across a statistic that will really affect my life in the future. I found that people with tourettes have a 50% chance of passing it on to their kids. Honestly, when i first read it, i didn't really think about what it meant. For those of you who watched the south park episode, you might remember in the support group thing, one of the kids said it tore his parents relationship apart. Well, i know it might have been funny during the episode but that sad fact is, that happens all the times. I actually know someone who used to go to my school who had it really badly, so badly in fact, that his dad decided he couldn't handle it anymore and divorced his wife over it, saying he couldn't take it. I realized that later in life, that could become a major issue. Anyway, it's been really bothering me today and I already feel better by talking about it. I guess i can make this an "awww" moment by saying how much I appreciate you guys commenting. It feels really good to know that I can always post how i'm really feeling and not be judged for it. Thanks everyone. Love ya all. Peace.

Portal + other stuff including Demea updates!!

Well, I've played through Portal now and have started on Half Life 2. I must say that Portal is probably the funniest game ever made and definitely one of the best concepts as well. The reason I say it's not one of the best is simply because of length. I beat it in a little over 3 hours. On the plus side, by playing through the directors commentary mode, you know that plans have already begun on Portal 2. They say that they will further flush out the actual storyline behind the Aperture Science Center and stuff like that. Sounds cool to have a real storyline but i'll buy it just to hear more GLaDOS (the AI that talks to you throughout the game) funny stuff.

Other than that, I had an audition yesterday for a feature film called Liberation which is a Sci-Fi musical. Yeah pretty weird but it was easily the most fun I have ever had at an audition before. Everyone auditioning was in one room (there were only 5 of us) and even tho we were trying out for different parts, we all read together. Since we were low on people, the director had me read fora bunch of different parts (he knows my acting abilities already since i've worked with him on two previous projects) and pretty much every scene I was being tortured lol. First scene, I can't say too much about it since it's a work in progress but basically, I was thrown to the floor and then thrown against a wall. Of course, we had to do this scene about 4-5 times lmao. Once I almost fell headfirst off the stage when I went down to the ground lol. Then the next one, I was on the ground already and two others had to beat me up while singing a song. That was probably the funniest since I had to be gasping in pain and whatnot while they were singing. It's hard to keep a straight face hahaha. Finally, i'm tied to a chair and have to be choked and shocked over and over again. All of this was done in the basement of a library and with my screaming, they could hear up on the main floor. funny, funny stuff. It was tons of fun and I did pretty well too. Hopefully, the director will give me a callback for the part so I can get tortured some more! Oh yeah and some of you may have heard about the TV pilot that I was in a while back called Demea? I think it's in my about me section. Anyway, the title sequence is on youtube!! I don't remember the URL but if you type Demea into youtube, it should be the first one to come up "Demea Title Sequence". Just so you know in advance, the music is just a placeholder and won't be used in the actual show. The footage is tho. The director is going to be meeting with the Sci-Fi Channel in about 6-7 months to talk about the show and see if it'll go on TV! How awesome would that be :D. I would be on TV!! yay! Hope everyone's doing well! Peace!

So close yet so far...

I have a bunch of things I want to talk about today. First off, you guys all deserve an explanation for my sudden disappearance. I owe you all that much. As much as I'd like to deny it, when I wrote that last blog, I was headlong into a very severe depression. All those people that say depression is like a black pit with no light anywhere to be found. Yeah, that analogy's not too far off. Anyway, I quit my job and have been spending a lot of time alone lately to reflect on everything and I think i've managed to escape that darkness. Thank god for that. It's hard to say what exactly caused it but I think it has to do with too much going on in my life and personally, I think that I needed some personal time to play some video games and stuff since that's when I do the most self-reflection. Anyway, that's what the cause of my disappearance was but it's thankfully over with now.

Secondly and more importantly, SMASH BROS BRAWL!!!!!!! Who else is pissed off about the delay? I know they say they want to make the game the best it can be and that's great and all but I need to see something! They are trying to appease people by saying that they are going to the E for All thing with a playable demo. Well that's just great, like i'm going to fly to Los Angeles to play a demo of smash bros. geez... Well, I guess theres not much I can do about it except sit here and wait.

Thankfully, I've got a brand new friend here to keep me company. It's name is Orange Box. So far, i've been so addicted to Portal, I haven't even tried the other four games in the package. For those of you that have been living under a rock these past few days, The Orange Box is probably the best video game collection to ever come out and probably the smartest thing Valve has ever done. It has Half Life 2 (Game of the Year in 2004), Half Life 2: Episode 1, the brand new Half Life 2: Episode 2, Portal and Team Fortress 2. Since I've only been playing portal, that's all I can really talk about right now. Basically, it's short yet sweet. You can probably beat the whole story mode in 3 hours tops but that's fine. Basically, you are this random test subject who just woke up with this crazy computer running tests on the new portal gun. You have to use the portal gun to make it through a bunch of puzzles and ultimately, escape the testing facility. Insanely fun game with nothing too challenging in the main game but enough to make you feel like you accomplished something. Then afterwards, you can play through the game again with director commentary, play the challenge maps or advanced maps (both of which are pretty tough stuff), or wait for the map editor to come out and make ur own puzzles. Whatever you do, it's hella fun. Anyway, if there has ever been a game worth 50 bucks, this is it. Get the Orange Box, you won't regret it.

Now for the more random stuff. A little news up here for WA state! We just lowered our M game age limit from 18 to 17 so now I can buy M games! yay!!! Second, my friend found something quite interesting about the Super Mario Galaxy cover art.Super Mario GalaxyI know it's hard to see since this is a small pic but look at the stars throughout the title. They are each under a specific letter. Do you see what the letters spell out? If you can't figure it out, i'll help. Put in order from first to last, the letters spell out: URMRGAY ur mr. gay Kinda weird huh? Wonder which bright soul over at nintendo thought that one up. Regardless I think it'll be a great game and definitely want to get it.

Finally, last thing. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow was just sent to me by Gamefly and should be here, probably tuesday. Can't wait for that. Peace everyone!!


Hey everyone. I don't have much time now to explain whats been going on but I just wanna let you know that I can't really be active right now. I want to be but I can't. Hopefully soon i'll be able to tell you guys about what's been going on with me but not right now. Peace all.


Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I actually meant to have a video blog up on saturday but I completely blanked and haven't done that yet. I'm really busy today but hopefully it'll be up tomorrow. I've got really big news so yeah, keep an eye out for that. I would write about it here, but i feel that this is the perfect opprotunity for my third video blog (so i can finally get the blogger emblem!!! yay!).

One thing I'd like to tell you all is I got a date to homecoming! woot! I wasn't sure if I was gonna go or not but then a friend convinced me by saying if I didn't ask someone, he'd get someone I didn't like to ask me... ugghh... creepy. Anyway, I asked a friend of mine so i'm going with her. yeah... So yeah.whoopie. Anyway, again, look out for my blog soon. Peace!

UGGHH!!!! so busy...

Lately, I've been EXTREMELY busy and it's been really bugging me. First week of school and I already have two speeches due tomorrow, one of which is in Japanese. Not a cool way to start the school year. That class that I switched into for English, it's not hard stuff but there is TONS of homework.At least 5 assignments a day. so weak... Anyway, I've also been doing a lot of extra-curricular stuff like work and church stuff which basically all together means that I haven't been able to play video games for a while. I've made it a point to play one area of Daxter each night, otherwise, i'll go crazy.

Just an update, i'm about halfway through .hack//GU and hopefully i'll be able to get a little farther today and maybe some this weekend but probably not. Also, .hack//GU 3 has been shipped from gamefly and should be here tomorrow which is awesome. I get it the day it comes out! too bad i'm not done with the second one yet... Other than that, not too much has been going on in the gaming world cuz of school but one major thing happened because of school. So, I'm the kind of kid that doesn't really try in school but I get average grades anyway. Usually a few B's and a few A's. Anyway, this pisses off my parents to no end because they both tried really hard in school (even tho my dad did significantly worse than I do now, he still doesn't like my grades lol) so they always want me to get straight A's. Well finally, they gave me a reason to care. My dad told me that if I get straight A's this semester, he'll get me a Playstation 3. At first, I thought he was joking but it's true. So, if I get straight A's this semester then he'll get me a PS3 for free. The second part of the bargin comes second semester tho, if I don't get straight A's second semester, I have to pay him back for half of it. Overall, i'd say this is an awesome deal. Basically, I put forth a little effort in school, make my teachers happy and I get a PS3 to show for it! sweet! So needless to say, i've been working harder since he said that which does mean less gaming time tho... I'm persevering tho since I know that next summer is gonna be about 3 months long as opposed to the usually 2 because of college stuff and then every summer after that is gonna be 4 months for me!! that's a lot of gaming time and you can bet, A PS3 would make those summer month's just fly by :D.

Oh and just a little something that I thought was really cool that Garlic Jim's did. On 9/11 we gave out free pizza's to all the fire stations in the area as a tribute to our fire fighters. As far as I know, Garlic Jim's did that around the country which I thought was a really cool thing to do. And it wasn't even just like a free medium for them either. Our fire department closest to us had 5 officers on duty so we gave them 2 extra large pizza's for free. I don't mean this as an "oh look at us, we are so generous" kind of thing, I just thought that for a corporation to do that, it's really thoughtful and I'm sure it cost them tons to do that around the country. But our fire fighters are more than worth those 2 extra large pizza's. far more. Anyway, just throwing that out there. Peace everyone!

Best Advert of the week!

Yeah, don't worry about my last blog post. Anyway, my friend Camisado started up a sort of game where we post our favorite ads. Anyway, I found this one on Spike TV. If you are easily offended, don't watch this lol.

and here's a linkto Camisado's blog post, just comment there or PM him and he'll add you to the list! fun stuff.

As for why I like the ad. Well, watch it and it'll be pretty obvious :P. sorry, i'm a perv lolol.

short check in.

I want to start off by expressing my sorrow for 9/11... It was an awful day for everyone, I imagine. I don't want to spend a lot of time bringing up the pain we felt again but it's important not to forget. Harboring anger isn't a good thing but remembering the loved ones that were lost that day is important.

I just wanted to tell you all that so far, it seems like contemp. fiction is gonna be an alright class. Still not nearly what The Classics would have been but that's the way it goes. I'll just have to wait till next semester then. Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well and I don't really have anything to say other than that. Hopefully, i'll finish .hack//GU 2 soon so I can get the third one from GF. Peace everyone!