@quinnd6: Why? A delay in launch date and price doesn't have a bearing on the quality of the console. I'm not so spoiled that I will throw a tantrum just because we haven't gotten the info yet.
I appreciate Sony holding off. One thing I have always hated in the industry is the hype train, everyone revealing things early and ending up disappointed. I'm already invested in buying a PS5 and have zero interest in any new Xbox, so whenever they reveal it I'm game. People act like there's heavy competition between both companies, but the big three, including Nintendo, all sell well, so I think the competition is a bit silly. The PS5 will sell well too, whether or not they match the new, cheap Xbox console. If they release the PS5 info a month before release, I'd be perfectly happy.
@olddadgamer: That would be a bizarre decision, but it's also possible Disney recognizes that, despite the PG-13 rating, kids these days are seeing films that would once be called too mature for them. A lot of Disney films these days feel mature beyond what they used to be. It's rare to get that classic Disney film that appeals to adults, but can be innocent enough for kids. It does seem like a movie that would appeal less to kids, but Disney also owns the MCU, and that has been immensely popular with everyone of every age. Disney may be taking that approach to their movie as well, trying to give off the appeal of an MCU film, but with a remake of one of their classic films.
It's yet another movie that begs the question why? Well, maybe it's a silly question. Disney can market the hell out of this and sell lots of toys, and potentially the movie could make a ton of money. But if they're going to remake these films into live action, which are going to end up being more expensive than their animated counterparts, why make them so mediocre? Nearly every single live action film has been decent at best. The least Disney could do is settle for quality instead of just phoning it in to sell toys.
Honestly, better than I expected. Thought this movie would bomb hard. Disney would have been better releasing this for home viewing. At least that way people would be more inclined to watch it. I can't imagine a lot of people venturing to the theater to see this.
Pierce_Sparrow's comments