I think they need to consider ending the show after this 9th season. It's been a good run, but the quality has dropped significantly and now that two of the main actors are leaving after this coming season, the show go out while it's still decent.
Can't wait for this one! It's a damn shame the series wasn't given the attention it deserved after the first game, but I'm really happy that VC4 is making it to the US.
The John Wick films are two of the best action films to come out of Hollywood in the past ten years and I can't wait until this third chapter. Keanu Reeves changed my time with just how badass he is with the first film.
@DARREN636: Except for the fact that they are two of the best action films from the past decade, with choreography, cinematography, and editing that puts most Hollywood actions films to shame.
@uchihasilver: This whole long thing is like the internet equivelant of sticking your fingers in your ears, closing your eyes, and going lalalala, it's not true, lalalala. But please, tell me more about how you're an expert of the things other people go through in their everyday lives.
@uchihasilver: But they aren't trends, all of the marginalized groups have consistently been issues that have been fought for. Racism, sexism, and others have always fought against a system that kept them marginalized. The fever pitch that it's reached today is a result of the fact that most people simply didn't pay attention. The only reason you think it's a trend is because you've been forced to see and hear about it. The allegory of AI and Androids standing in for groups in real life that are oppressed is absolutely nothing new, but now, people aren't afraid to make those connections.
@uchihasilver: What exactly are you talking about? In this case, it's a question related to the game because that's what the game is about, Androids being oppressed and breaking free of that oppression. And it is an allegory for marginalized groups. It's always been an allegory for marginalization.
@Thanatos2k: Reread my original statement. I never said console gaming wasn't superior. I still believe that the highest quality mobile games are better than most PS games, as the majority are now outdated quality.
You're trying to compete mobile games against console games, which is not my argument at all. Just because console games are superior doesn't mean there aren't quality mobile games.
And no, touch controls aren't inherently bad. You're sounding like one of those old men who thinks gaming isn't a legitimate form of entertainment or that digital music is somehow illigitimate because it doesn't have the quality of records.
@Thanatos2k: A. A game being mobile and touchscreen has no bearing on quality. You may not enjoy mobile gaming, but that doesn't mean that mobile inherently sucks. It's the same kind of argument retro fanboys have when they argue turn based RPGs are better than Western action RPGs. There are a number of mobile games that are high-quality, well produced, and well suited for mobile devices. Example: Deus Ex The Fall is an excellent action game perfectly suited for mobile devices.
B. Obviously mobile gaming will never match the quality of console gaming. But you can't put consoles in your pocket. Console gaming is also rarely designed to be picked up and played for minutes at a time. Mobile gaming is designed in a very specific way for quick pick up and play. That doesn't mean it inherently sucks, it just means it's different. But the end goal is still the same: provide players with a quality experience. There are plenty of mobile games that do this, even if you don't personally like them.
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