I'm not a big fan of Anderson's movies for the reasons you state above, but I did really enjoy Isle of Dogs. It's very cute and his most imaginitive movie yet. The characters are all really great and I even enjoyed the strange way he honors Japanese culture. I'd argue it's one of his best and I hope he does more animation.
@Alexand20: I'm not certain. As I said, I haven't followed Super. Have they showed the extent of Beerus power? Has Goku fought him seriously again? Is JIREN stronger than Beerus?
@lionheartssj1: Did Goku surpass Beerus? I didn't keep up with Super, but I appreciated that Goku couldn't overcome him. It was nice to see a character that Goku couldn't beat.
I very much appreciated that the movie remained grounded. I liked the twist and how it added to the historical fact of people believing things grounded in biology and science were magic.
The only reason people are going to see this is for giant robots beating up giant monsters and you couldn't say anything about that? How is the action? Does anyone going to see this actually care about how good the story or acting is? I don't think I care much. I just want to know how good the action is
I'm enjoying it as I really like the character of Jessica Jones, but it does lack a hard focus that season 1 had. I think the movies and shows work best when there is a villain as a solid anchor point to focus on. Killgrave was a good villain that felt kind of refreshing as someone who was slightly unconventional and more of a mental tormentor. Season 2 doesn't have that. I appreciate it's stronger focus on the show as a detective noir, but without the focus, it's not as strong of a season.
I enjoyed the first game, but again lack of content was a big issue. Hopefully this one is bigger, with more to do. I doubt it, but we'll see. I'll probably pick it up anyway just to play with people.
@TheDarkNut: Netflix shells out big checks for their original programming. If they could afford Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright and Kate Mara for House of Cards, they can afford Mark Hamill.
@lzand0z: I'm not so sure about that. Yes, there would be a lot of complaints, but the game would also sell. It's not all that different from North Korea invading the U.S. or Russians doing the same, except for it being religious based. Hell, conservatives managed to get Trump elected. That says something about the average American. I think this PC culture that people complain about is exaggerated, which in turn makes the issue bigger than it actually is. It's a lot of talk, but it doesn't actually mean much.
But games about fighting Muslim extremists is boring. They've done that for years. Part of why a cult of white extremists works is because it hasn't been done often, particularly in the context of this game. Fighting gangs in Chicago or Muslim extremists in Michigan wouldn't be interesting, it would just be more cliche American military stuff that we've seen from other games for decades.
Pierce_Sparrow's comments