@AzatiS: The Witcher 3:The Wild Hunt was the third episode in the Witcher series. The first episode was The Witcher and the second episode was The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings.
@mirage_so3: You seem assume that episodic in nature will reflect the Telltale Games model. Until the game is released and the exact nature of a FF7 episode is unknown. Granted it probably won't be Skyrim, but it may be of significant length. Also, being pragmatic isn't what I'd call FF7 fanboydom.
@mirage_so3: I could care less about fancy costumes for my characters and I don't know why that would be an issue. Personally I wish that's all DLC was, as I hate sections of the story cut and sold back piecemeal. You worry that an episode is not a full game, when there are no real definitions as to what a "full" game is. I personally expect no less than 40 hours in any full game, while many FPS only expect an 8 hour average for their single player campaign.
The fact of the matter is that there will be more to do in the various parts of the games locations. These parts would not be there if they updated the game line-for-line. If you believe the original game is the equivalent to the holy grail then don't play the remake.
I always thought from the first announcement that FF7 would be a trilogy. There was alot of ideas cut/condensed during the making of the original game. I don't know why the announcement of episodes has so many people's panties in a bunch.
@LPDisturbedHU: Regardless of the game's quality, Cyberpunk 2077 will be a big title because of the success of TW3. I personally don't expect CDProjektRED to put out a garbage half-baked game either. Sony has the console sales lead, has more 3rd party exclusives/arrangements and has the FF7 Remake. The only way MS can maintain and/or even gain ground with Sony is to nab up a popular title along the way. Cyberpunk 2077 will sell XB1's even if it's only an arrangement like Rise of the Tomb Raider.
Suaron_x's comments