@Xristophoros: If you have pre-teen children the Wii U is better than the PS4/XB1. Most of the titles appeal to that age group and on Black Friday pricing the Wii U is $250 with two major titles (Splatoon and Smash Bros). The Wii U has games with more educational value than the other platforms as well (Scribblenauts and Mario Maker come to mind).
I do agree that the console is too highly priced though. Nintendo should make a version without the touchscreen controller and include a pair of their pro controllers instead. The price should be roughly half the PS4/XB1. The pro-controller version would appeal to more adult gamers who still love Mario, Zelda and the like. The touchscreen becomes troublesome when more than one child wants to use it...regardless of how useful it really is.
@Bread_or_Decide: The best games? How many times can one play Mario Bros or Zelda? The Wii U offers very few 3rd party games and those are Lego, Skylanders and Disney Infinity. The Wii U is lacking in terms of graphics, memory and online activities. Their first party games (many of which have a been-there-done-that feel) rarely drop in price making the Wii U the most gaming system.
Mr. Lucas really didn't have a vision for Star Wars. He retold a Japanese movie in a space setting, then didn't know where he wanted to go afterwards. Splinter in the Mind's Eye was the story he commissioned to follow up Star Wars, and he wanted its author to write in a way to keep the special effects on the cheap. Sometime after Empire began filming he toyed around with the idea of Darth Vader being Luke's father and wasn't even sure if he would go through with it.
I can't believe the praise for Return of the Jedi in the comment section below. It was a horrible finale to the original trilogy. How to resolve the love triangle started in Empire...have Leia be Luke's sister. That was just a horrible idea. Lucas also cut corners on the special effects in Jedi and it really looked cheap in so many scenes. One or more of the heroes needed to die in Jedi to add more gravitas to the movie.
Mr. Lucas can't write dialog. Even though I loved the first movie, it's dialog was horrible. Without another author to help clean up his writing the prequel trilogy ended up littered with tons his bad dialog. Further, there just wasn't much story in the prequels. One movie could've pretty much covered what the 3 movies combined touched on. The last prequel movie wasn't too bad, but Yoda/Ben just giving up was just not a good way to end it.
Sounds like they are trying to capitalize on the Atari/ET game phenomenon. Dig up some trash from the past and try to get some fools to part with big bucks for a piece of it.
@otterbee: I don't know the details of the Sony trophy system and I imagine it's similar to MS's. The problem is I have a high number on MS's system and a zero on Sony. Plus I've signed up for Gold for several years to come and it makes no sense pay for PS Plus until that is expired.
It makes me sad that Sega doesn't port these games over to Xbox. One of the reasons I didn't buy a PS2 was that Sega's Toejam and Earl 3 was exclusive to the Xbox. I'm too hooked on MS's achievement system to switch back to Sony now.
@Spitznock: $1 subscriptions are the bait, they are just neglecting to tell you the hook. I'm guessing the deal will actually be structured as follows. Buy a 3 month Gold subscription for $25, get an additional 1-3 months for a $1.
Wow, I can't believe what I just read. I'm sure others will address EA's disinterest in nickels and dimes (as not being large enough denominations for them). What really caught my attention was this quote: "Madden's Ultimate Team mode...allows players to draft fantasy teams and pay for players with real-world money has proven wildly successful..."
Pay to draft virtual football/soccer characters in a video game?!?! Wildly successful?!?! People have that much money to throw away?!?! I just don't get it! You win a fake sporting trophy after paying to buy up the best players for your fake team, that nobody (except maybe you) even cares about. What fun is that? What challenge is that?
@tallestjon95: "Double the margin" is not beneficial to the consumer. It's not even really beneficial to the majority of employees. Some developers can capitalize on it, but generally only the CEO, CFO and a few other corporate bigwigs at a publisher really benefit from it.
Your digital games can't be sold, meaning you have no residual value. See eBay for values on out of print games. Digital games tend not to fall in price over time, which isn't as good for game developers as you might think. People only have so much money to spend on gaming. Sometimes picking up a used copy or a discount copy gets people interested in a franchise they wouldn't have otherwise made financial room to afford. This gets them buying more games and eventually into more franchises in the future. Living only for profits today does typically translate into a long term strategy for continued success.
Suaron_x's comments