So I've played (and maxed out all achievements) on both Legends and Origins. I have to say Legends was like ten times more enjoyable than Origins (even though Legends rehashed alot of Origins levels/gameplay). Hopefully, they make another Rayman console game this generation.
Um, I can't watch the video yet, so my guess as to what makes her so "bad" is a preponderance of male programmers at Crystal Dynamics. If Tomb Raider was programmed by a preponderance of female programmers it would probably be all about getting the right outfit assembled to enter a particular tomb. The games enemies would block the tombs and say "No way are you entering this tomb dressed like that girl" until the right outfit was assembled. Gunplay would not be a game mechanic.
Okay, so these old time graphics really turned me off, but I started reading anyway. Until I came to "As he begins to explore and understand his own existence, Turing comes to question his gender identity..." Then I was done. It's obviously a game rated on it's SJW qualities.
@Suaron_x: On a side note, based on the end of the article, there were seven games under consideration for October. but I really don't think expansions (2 of the games) and a serial (1 game) should be considered. I could understand TftB's if only the final chapter's release month is considered for the game as a whole.
Also, (this is directed to the author btw) it would be nice if article's like these were written more cohesively. I like to know who the contenders are in the opening sentence, especially when many "highlighted" games in this article are described for comparison purposes. Red/Orange text draws my attention more than black text. I tend to skim these articles to find out who's in contention, skip to the end see who won (though it would be nice if the winner was in the second sentence), then re-read later (in detail) to find out why. Seeing Dark Souls and Shadow of the Colossus highlighted really throws me off.
The Empire Strikes Back was my favorite Star Wars movie...and I think George Lucas really messed up Return of the Jedi. Did Leia really have to be Luke's sister to resolve the love triangle? How could Luke leave Yoda in Empire not ready to face Vader, yet not need more training in Jedi? (They didn't have to show more training but could have implied he received more from Yoda). Why does a slug (i.e. Jabba) like scantily-clad bipedal women? What the heck did Chewbacca do between Empire and Jedi? The special effects in Jedi were subpar to the previous two movies. It's a shame the Falcon burned down, but that matte screen of it was horrible. The cantina band in Jedi was way too corny and didn't live up to the original in Mos Eisley. I think Kasdan wanted someone to die (Lando or Han) to make the story have more danger and Lucas nixed it. I think the script really needed something like that to make it more memorable.
I hope there isn't another Death Star in the Force Awakens, and Kasdan wrote a darker script in the veins of Empire. I'm excited to see the Force Awakens but I can't say the same about a Han Solo movie. It's a shame that has to be his last script for Star Wars.
Suaron_x's comments