Yeah, finally. I'm missing one ME2 DLC, either Overload or Kasumi. Now I can finally play the game (yes sadly I've been waiting years to play ME2 until I got all the DLC on sale). I might be missing one for ME3 as well. Now if they'd only put Alan Wake DLC on sale.
@silentrambo: So far, I find Pneuma kinda dull. I haven't found a challenging puzzle and I beat the prologue, Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 in like 20-30 minutes. It's like an elementary Portal. I suppose I was hoping the puzzles would be harder.
Is the Nintendo NX really going to be different than the Wii U? What little information out about it is, it's part console/part handheld. That's exactly what the Wii U tried to be. I imagine they'll have a handheld more like the 3DS and cross platform support for their games. The tablet controller didn't move Wii U's, so why would Nintendo think more of the same will move consoles this time?
I'd say PSN beats the XBLA in the free games department this month. There isn't infomation much on Dragon Fin Soup, but since it's part tactical RPG I'm betting I'd like it more than Pneuma (and it's a 5th game where MS only has 4). I already own ME2, but it's a wash to me vs. Dirt 3 (a game I'm likely never to play), therefore ME2 is a great AAA pickup if you don't own it. I'd rather have Magicka 2 than Dungeon Seige 3, and the bonus is that Magicka 2 is on the PS4. Beyond Good and Evil is probably better than any of MS's offerings this month and I'm sure TWD Season 2 will be more enjoyable than Knight Squad. It's been awhile, but congrats PSN subscribers on getting a nice selection of free games this month.
I'd love to get Civ Rev 2 on consoles as I really enjoyed the 1st one. I also loved the original Civilization and its sequel Civilization 2 was even better. When Sid got the series back and Fraxis made 3 and 4 they just didn't live up to their predecessors. The lack of resources and crushing corruption really ruined 3 and 4 was just too convoluted. I never even tried Civ 5 and beyond, even though it seems to address the stack of doom problems with 4. Yeah, Civ Rev was just a dumbed down version of Civ 4, but it was so much more enjoyable to play. You didn't have to micromanage everything. The game flowed along a good clip and every turn didn't drag out into hour or more.
@bobafetthatesu: It's like a band, every new album is the best work they've ever recorded. MS will say next year's holiday line-up will be better than any in their history again and so on into future years. Halo 5, GoW, Forza 6 and Rare Replay, really wouldn't compel me to buy an XB1. I'm interested in Tomb Raider, but heck I can wait until it hits the bargain bins...and by then it'll be on the PS4. TR really isn't an exclusive and the MS exclusives are a been-there, done-that type of thing this year. Granted Sony doesn't even have that, but when your peddling a system with inferior specs you need something new/fresh/exciting as an exclusive.
"For us, since frankly since we've been in this business, we've really focused on over-delivering on value," -- Xbox marketing executive Aaron Greenberg
Um, what about the RROD? Maybe forcing the Kinect 2.0 in the first year sales of the XB1 product? DLC that never changes pricing except for maybe a once in a blue-moon sale? An inferior XB1 controller (as compared to the 360 controller)? I'm calling shenanigans on this statement.
@brian_ghattas: Um, that's not how it works. The bigger named games almost always tend to be older releases. Rayman Legends was probably the newest AAA game ever offered on one of these free game programs. Publishers/Developers want paid for downloads. Indie games trying to get exposure tend to be cheaper than AAA games, until the AAA games lifecycle is at it's end.
Suaron_x's comments