It wouldn't have mattered to me if this movie was reviewed as fantastic, I'm not interested in these four. Frankly, I'm tired of all the superhero movies and quit watching them after Nolan's 3rd (and boring) Batman movie. Also, how many more times can they redo Spiderman? Even other "geek" franchises like Star Trek, just get "redone." Come up with something new/different already Hollywood.
I don't know why everyone bashes The Phantom Menance, it had better pacing, acting and story as compared to it's sequel Attack of the Clones. The runtime of AotC was entirely too long and I want a director's cut of that movie that shorten's it to say about 20 minutes. There's no story in AotC and the acting went from bad (i.e. The Phantom Menace) to atrocious (Clones). The special effects in AotC weren't even that interesting until Yoda's lightsaber duel.
Most (i.e. nearly all) of these games have been offered up in sales through-out 2015. Microsoft's sales have been pretty ho-hum the past month or so. Hopefully, it means they are saving up "real" specials for the holiday season. Primarily I look for DLC deals, so it would be nice if they'd package the deals up more often. For DA:O, Leliena's Song, Warden's Keep and Witch Hunt aren't worth the sale price, but they could offer DA:O complete package with Awakenings (and I think there's 2 other minor DLCs) for a price between $15-$20.
Okay, so the game will require getting a bunch of teenage boys to stare and gawk at virtual porn until someone uninterested in nudity hacks them to pieces?
@suicidesn0wman: I didn't care for KoA and I find it to be more like Fable than the Elder Scrolls. The camera in KoA was very annoying and the combat was too simplistic (which gets really boring as you put more and more time into the game). That's really all their was to the game...combat and I found the story to be extremely uninteresting. After about 15-20 hours, I was just wishing the game was over and regretting buying the DLC packs before playing the game. The areas are really large and as you get to the higher level areas it seems like you have to walk for far too long to reach the quest objectives. Some quest objectives also seemed broken, the one I remember in particular was having to rob a chest from a church.
"A recent report revealed that Rise of the Tomb Raider will not have a traditional multiplayer mode like its predecessor did. This information was seemingly confirmed when the game's achievements list was announced, as challenges mentioned multiplayer."
Um, Eddie I think you need to re-edit this. If the achievements list multiplayer requirements, then it debunks the lack of a multiplayer mode.
Here's the reason...being the computer expert that I am, I launched a SJW campaign following the release of Unity. I was tired of looking at the back side of dudes in Assassin's Creed games and I needed something to keep me from frequenting free porn sites so often (due to shall I say, brush burns) to counteract the dude-ness. Where in hell is my roomate...I'm very hungry now? "Mom, bring me some hot pockets!!!"
Okay, it's nice MS finally offers a color choice for one their console bundles, but this is a total rip-off. If you really want a remastered Gears of War the black console is better. An extra 500 GB, Rare Replay and Ori are worth the extra $50.
Suaron_x's comments