@Jdzspace: Nintendo's Wii outsold the 360/PS3 because it was half the price and had a nifty gimmick motion controller. The motion controls also ushered in dance/exercise games which appealed to non-gamers.
The Wii U brought Nintendo's graphics up to the 360/PS3 levels, but they charged to much for it. The 360/PS3 already achieved those graphics. MS Kinect pretty bested any kind of motion controller. The tablet controller doesn't work well with large screen TV's in the way that two screens do with the DS/3DS. Further, the tablet controller adds far to much expense to the overall package.
Nintendo only has it's core franchises to sell the NX. If the NX doesn't get big numbers and fast, virtually all third party publishers will ignore Nintendo (again). Expect Nintendo's new console to have a higher price point than XB1/PS4 at the end of 2016. Just getting to the same capabilities as the XB1/PS4 is unacceptable with a higher price point. Nintendo needs considerably better specification for success with a higher price point, i.e. as a baseline it MUST achieve no less 1080p/60fps on every single game. If Nintendo's NX can't win the graphics war, it has to be priced lower than the XB1/PS4, both of which will be available next Christmas for $250. So unless Nintendo can produce something appealing to customers, with equal or slightly inferior specifications to the XB1/PS4 at $200-$250 launch price, the NX is another DoA console.
What else is he going to say? "You know, this year really isn't that good for buying our product. I recommend you get a Wii U or PS4 for the 2015 holidays. But maybe next year will be our year. "
I also fall for the "every year is our best year ever" line every time I hear it.
Ok, I get that they want to try to move Wii U's during this holiday season. Any news clarifying what the NX is exactly may jeopardize their chances of having some positive news at year's end. I haven't seen any news on the Wii U over the holiday weekend, but stores in my area offering that system for $250 seemed to sell them out pretty quickly (but they only stocked 15-20 units at each store).
As others are saying, Nintendo is crazy if they think they can move 12 to 20M units by next Christmas. The consumer knows next to nothing about the console and serious buzz is needed for any hope of exceeding what the PS4 did. What's the hook that'll get people to buy it? Unless Nintendo plans to offer something at a $150 or lower price point, consumers will be wary of a new Nintendo product. Even if Nintendo releases something comparable to the XB1/PS4, they would still be 3 years too late to the party. For them to really shake up the market place they need something considerably better than the XB1/PS4 and with suggestions of it being a hybrid portable device that won't be happening. Further, another portable device could jeopardize their 3DS market, which has been a bit of a shining light for them. Just look to recent history to see how the Vita has fared after it's predecessor the PSP.
We know Nintendo likes 2 screens for their games. The Wii U tried to be a larger 3DS. Consumers didn't care for it that much though. In order to be a hybrid system, the NX has to incorporate the touchscreen style controller of it's predecessor. Even if they shrunk the touchscreen controller down to a 3DS size screen, that style of controller really adds an excessive cost to their package. Going with an x86 architecture pretty much rules out backwards compatibility, which will sour many of their loyal fan base (i.e. the Wii U adopters). Exclusives really didn't move the Wii U sales and the pricing of their unit was just too high. I'm not even sure that 5 or more launch exclusives will really move the system in a range higher than 5M units. The XB1 and PS4 likely will have $250 units for sale during the next holiday season so in order to move anywhere near 10M units Nintendo has to have an equal or lower price point (for any system with a similar specification).
I have around 40 Xbox 360 I haven't even opened yet. So far Mass Efflect 1 has been my favorite game, and I'm hoping to play ME2 (for the first time) around this year's holidays. I've probably logged more hours on Oblivion than any other game. I've also really enjoyed Civilization Revolution.
Games I own but haven't played on the 360 yet...that I can remember.
@Smosh150: All the movies were enjoyable, but the story definitely declined as the number of movies increased. The first was the best movie, because the story was different and it was a beautifully shot picture. Catching Fire really wasn't that much different from the first movie, minus a different plot resolution at the end and some new characters. Mockingjay Part 1, was mostly a no action movie. The drama tended to get rather ho-hum and you were ready for the movie to end before it did. The last movie was alot of action but the plot was kinda hollow. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but when you reflect on how the last movie resolved itself you wonder what was the point? I don't know if the sewer scene was in the book, but it felt completely out of place.
I looked up Van Helsing and Operation Flashpoint respectively (before this Gamespot article) and wow I was floored by the abysmal reviews for the games MS was offering this month. Now that the links are up, the list doesn't seem as bad (since I obviously looked up reviews for different games).
I don't understand Sacred 3. From everything I've heard/read it's a horrible game. Why would MS waste any effort making it backwards compatible? Why not offer Torchlight for free (since MS is on an action RPG kick of late), it's already BC and it's a cheap game?
@hystavito: All of Nintendo's franchises are kid friendly. The other kid friendly games are distributed across all platforms. Nintendo therefore has the best system for younger kids. If you need further proof, generate some younger kids and you will see they gravitate towards Nintendo.
Suaron_x's comments