Rhythm Heaven Mega Mix is really your top game?!?! I understand there's a niche group of gamers that love rhythm games, but there's no way that's the best 3DS game for 2016. I could maybe say okay if you placed it at number 5, but COME ON MAN!
Didn't Confucius say "Never put the cart before the horse." You are opening 5 days after Rogue One, regardless of how good the movie may be it is already set up for failure.
That said, I was thinking of the seeing this movie, but the trailers are screaming "corny video game adaptation movie" and my inner spidey sense is saying stay away. In particular the line about Assassin's being the heroes trying to save the world and Fassbender in the Animus with Assassin's wrist daggers are troubling my ever too logical mind. Do movies really need to tell us explicitly who the heroes are?
I could care less who directs this movie, but why specify a particular sex for the director? Ah, who am I fooling, I could care less about this movie. It's the first Star Wars movie I never intend to watch. I think the premise is just stupid and I can't accept anyone but Harrison Ford in the role of Han Solo.
Sometimes stories just need to rest for awhile. Gamers constantly talk about this in terms of Assassin's Creed, yet with superhero movies it's like talking blasphemy. Don't comic book fans get tired of endless cast changes? How many different Batmen and Spidermen can people process? Personally, I can't handle it.
Eh, Dr. Strange was only the second movie I saw in the theaters this year. I really don't understand why Marvel comic book movies are praised so highly. Yeah, there were some cool action sequences and visuals, but the story was ho-hum. I thought the Ancient One was a far more interesting character than Dr. Strange. For the most part I could've felt pretty good about watching this pop-corn movie, except for the ending. Would it really have been so hard to do something that wasn't so much of a cop-out? It really felt like the director had no clue as to how to resolve the conflict and needed to end the movie before it went too far over the 2 hour mark. I seriously would've preferred they didn't resolve the conflict and put a "to be continued" at the end.
Well, I suppose if you have any version except for the 360/PS3, you get something ho-hum for free.
I still have the original Diablo and Diablo 2 so there's no selling point in this for me. Further, I just don't get the excitement for pixelated retro games. Something more polished and graphically pleasing would appeal to me more. It doesn't have to be 1080p/60fps, but why can't retro games be made easier on the eyes?
I liked the codename NX more than it's official name of "Switch."
I was hoping it would be different from all the rumors since the codename was leaked. All I see is WiiU part 2. This system is DOA to me. I don't even care about any of the author's questions, because it looks like another behind the times system from Nintendo.
The inclusion of a screen will force Nintendo sell the system above what the market will pay. The screen controller should be an accessory, not part of the base package. It won't take the handheld market by storm either. Sure you can play the same games on the big and small screen, but why when handheld games have a $20 lower entry price on the 3DS?
Ho hum...you know there's an infinite number of planets the size of Earth in the habitable zones of stars. Man is just not capable of identifying them with our existing technology. Even still, there's two other key components that are necessary to make planets suitable for Earth type life. First the planet has to rotate, otherwise one face becomes too hot and the other too cold. Life either won't exist on that world or some rudimentary life may exist along a narrow strip of the light/dark border. Either way that type of world won't be of much use to humans. Secondly, of planet requires a molten core (of iron) to generate a magnetic field. Without a magnetic field that planet's sun would eventually strip most of the atmosphere from the planet. So really, this news tells me nothing and it's more likely than not this recently discovered planet is still uninhabitable by humans.
While I'm on the subject of science, I'm really tired of hearing about the Big Bang Theory. Scientists often forget there own principals and try to manipulate their finding to substantiate their premise. There are so many scientists that take the Big Bang Theory as an undisputable fact, yet they fail to look at a universe of infinite size and mass. The Big Bang Theory constricts everything to a finite amount of mass. In my opinion, it's because the math is too big to look at without limiting your mind to something more finite. Anyways, if we build a larger Hubble telescope I'd be willing to bet we'd see even more galaxies beyond those some 13B light years away. If we built an infinitely large Hubble telescope, we probably be able to an infinite number of galaxies stretching on "to infinity and beyond."
I'm also tired of global warming scientists, like Bill Nye the pseudo-science guy. They haven't proved global warming is occurring so they changed the term global warming to "climate change." Yes the Earth's climate is changing and will continue to change until our molten core solidifies, the moon becomes tidally locked with Earth and the sun blows most of our atmosphere out into space. Even then it'll probably still change but we won't be around to care. Carbon emissions are a smoke screen for a bigger problem, that no one will talk about. There's plain and simply too many humans on Earth. There are not enough natural resources on this planet to continue to sustain the existing population of humans and even less so for the projected future populations. I know this sounds kinda sick, but humanity needs wars, abortion, birth control, diseases and such to cull our numbers. However, when the rich implement their caste system to prevent the majority of humans from enjoying technology/travel the necessary bloodletting will begin (though birth control would be a far more humane way to go).
All this brings me back to the original premise of the article I suppose. Humanity needs another planet to spread to soon, so that we can continue to have our cake and eat it too.
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