Doesn't surprice me you are as biased as he is..
Comparing the xbox one GPU with the 7850...:lol:
And the PS4 one with a 7870 XT..:lol:
Not even a full 7790 can be directly compare with the xbox one,it doesn't have 14 CU nor has 1Ghz speeds.
I thought it was strange to use those cards for comparisons as well until I saw that they downclocked them to 600 mhz. Then it wasn't so bad.
Was making and encargo article he could have chose to compare the 7770 vs the 7850 like we do,which are very close to both machines flops performance,they whent 7850 because the it serve them best.
The 7770 vs 7850 would had been basically perfect,the xbox one doesn't have 32ROP like the 7850.
The whole MS ancardgo started with the so call memory leak improvement that lead every one on GA to confirm that the xbox one was in deed downgraded.
128 bits @750mhz =96GB/s X 2 = 192GB/s...
The whole 192GB/s second developer leaks wasn't a developer leak it was MS and DF confirmed that by mistake,haven't you notice how lately everthing they say about the PS4 is bad but when the topic is xbox one everything will some how work better than estimated.?
Sites like Anandtech have already weight in on this,and they them self call it the PS4 has more resources plain and simple and a faster memory interface,MS is basically buying opinions and is not the first time they done it,if they can't win good opinions based on the hardware they have,they would probably buy them.
The flops are nearly the same but Xbox One's GPU is better than a 7770 in just about every other way.
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