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#1 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts




Yep but it has 1ghz clock speed while the xbox one is say to be 800mhz and by some leaks even less 750mhz.


Compared to X1, 7770 has less on-chip SRAM type memory i.e. register file, L1 cache, local data storage, global cache, L2 cache and 'etc'.

7770 = 1 billion triangles per second @ 1Ghz

X1 = 1.6 billion triangles per second @ 800Mhz


Polygons aren't anything any more is 2013 not 1996.

You sure? Considering MS is launching a 1.2 tflops console at the end of the year it might be 2009 or 2010.

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#2 Wickerman777
Member since 2013 • 2164 Posts




Doesn't surprice me you are as biased as he is..




Comparing the xbox one GPU with the 7850...:lol:


And the PS4 one with a 7870 XT..:lol:


Not even a full 7790 can be directly compare with the xbox one,it doesn't have 14 CU nor has 1Ghz speeds.


I thought it was strange to use those cards for comparisons as well until I saw that they downclocked them to 600 mhz. Then it wasn't so bad.




Was making and encargo article he could have chose to compare the 7770 vs the 7850 like we do,which are very close to both machines flops performance,they whent 7850 because the it serve them best.


The 7770 vs 7850 would had been basically perfect,the xbox one doesn't have 32ROP like the 7850.

The whole MS ancardgo started with the so call memory leak improvement that lead every one on GA to confirm that the xbox one was in deed downgraded.


128 bits @750mhz =96GB/s X 2 = 192GB/s...

The whole 192GB/s second developer leaks wasn't a developer leak it was MS and DF confirmed that by mistake,haven't you notice how lately everthing they say about the PS4 is bad but when the topic is xbox one everything will some how work better than estimated.?


Sites like Anandtech have already weight in on this,and they them self call it the PS4 has more resources plain and simple and a faster memory interface,MS is basically buying opinions and is not the first time they done it,if they can't win good opinions based on the hardware they have,they would probably buy them.

The flops are nearly the same but Xbox One's GPU is better than a 7770 in just about every other way.

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#3 Wickerman777
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No, I don't think you understand how this works. Let's say they make manufacture 1,000 chips. Depending on the yields, out of that 1,000 let's say 500 of those chips have all 14 CUs working properly. Maybe 700 of them have 13 CUs working. And maybe 950 have at least 12 CUs working. 

If MS uses 12 CUs, then they can use 950 out of 1,000 chips and only throw away 50 bad chips. If they decide to go with 14 CUs then they could only use 500 of the chips and would have to throw away 500 chips. 

That would be super expensive to do because remember MS will be manufacturing millions of consoles. 

AMD on the other hand doesn't throw anything away. Because if a chip has 24 CUs for example then they use it for the 7870. If only 20 CUs work then they put it in another chip and so on. They end up losing very few chips.


 so like I said if they wanted more than 12 CUs they would have just got a different chip...

That's not what you said and that's not what this thread is about. 

Obviously MS had a good idea that with the yields they would only have 12 CUs. However, what the OP is asking here is if MS should eat the cost and use all 14 CUs just to get more power out of the chip.

The reason the OP suggested this is because he knows it's too late to go to a different chip design and MS could just throw their money around and get the 14 CUs. 

You said that enabling 14 CUs wouldn't be a good idea insinuating that it would cause some sort of RROD type of hardware failure. 

It will not but it would be super expensive and not make any sense so MS will not do it. 

At least someone understood what I was talking about. :) But yeah, it won't happen. Would be nice but I know odds are around 99.99% against it.

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#4 Wickerman777
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In regards to relative narrow performance gap, my view is similar to Richard Leadbetter.



Doesn't surprice me you are as biased as he is..




Comparing the xbox one GPU with the 7850...:lol:


And the PS4 one with a 7870 XT..:lol:


Not even a full 7790 can be directly compare with the xbox one,it doesn't have 14 CU nor has 1Ghz speeds.

I thought it was strange to use those cards for comparisons as well until I saw that they downclocked them to 600 mhz. Then it wasn't so bad.

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#5 Wickerman777
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As long as my PS4 multiplat games dont have the bad performance most multiplat PS3 games had this gen, i dont care!


I don't think that's going to be an issue this time. No matter how much people around here hate MS the reality is they've done some good things for console gaming; in this instance their approach has finally convinced Sony to go with straightforward hardware. Heck, Sony took it to heart so much they even outdid MS in the simplicity department this time. Both consoles have familiar architectures. Xbox One is more complicated but still pretty basic. I'll tell ya though, it's bizarre to me that a Xbox console has such a weak GPU compared to the competition. In the past it was always Sony putting everything into the CPU and overlooking the GPU and MS going balls to the wall with the GPU. But MS faltered with the GPU this time in a big way.

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#6 Wickerman777
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[QUOTE="ronvalencia"] 7950 = it's just a 7970 with 4 CUs disabled. 7870 XT = it's just a 7970 with 8 CUs + 2 MCHs disabled. AMD is having bad yields at 7970 level. ronvalencia

Yeah, I know that. Your point is? Can't you ever resist the urge to say the bare minimum?

14 CU X1 is unlikely happen if MS 's approach is not like the old Xbox 360 i.e. current MS management is different from 2005 era MS.

I already said that it's unlikely they would take a huge finacial hit by throwing away a lot of APUs if all 14 of the CUs don't work. Hence the reason they will only be activating 12 of them (Provided the author is right there is 14 of them in the machine to begin with. Neither of us know if he is or not). I'm well aware it doesn't make business sense to do it. I don't need you or your follower to tell me that. I simply threw it out there as a "Wouldn't it be nice for us" kinda thing.

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#7 Wickerman777
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[QUOTE="clyde46"] Ron doesn't do "simple". Have fun my friend. clyde46

Which means you don't even know what you're talking about. Just bitching for the sake of it. And as far as Ron goes I know he's itching to throw some of his useless charts and graphs at me that someone else created. Doesn't mean he knows anymore than you do. But still, I don't even know what your problem is because both of you refuse to say what it is.

I do know what I'm talking about, I'm just not as knowledgeable as Ron here. Ron is answering your question, you just have to decrypt his answer.

Sounds to me like your a Ron fanboy with no mind of your own. Pretty sad considering he's just a username on a screen and you don't even know him. Guess you've been sucked in by all the cryptic one-liners that usually mean nothing and the silly charts and graphs. He makes sense some of the time but just as often he's off in la la land.

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#8 Wickerman777
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Consoles can't have multiple chip SKUs to cover for manufacturing defects.


Umm, what the hell does that mean? I never said there should be some Xbox Ones with 12 CUs and others with 14, lol.

7950 = it's just a 7970 with 4 CUs disabled. 7870 XT = it's just a 7970 with 8 CUs + 2 MCHs disabled. AMD is having bad yields at 7970 level.

Yeah, I know that. Your point is? Can't you ever resist the urge to say the bare minimum?

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#9 Wickerman777
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[QUOTE="clyde46"] So you made a thread when you understand nothing about hardware?clyde46

OK, Einstein... I didn't write the article. So instead of being cryptic why don't you and Ron tell me what your enormous brains have an issue with?

Ron doesn't do "simple". Have fun my friend.

Which means you don't even know what you're talking about. Just bitching for the sake of it. And as far as Ron goes I know he's itching to throw some of his useless charts and graphs at me that someone else created. Doesn't mean he knows anymore than you do. But still, I don't even know what your problem is because both of you refuse to say what it is.

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#10 Wickerman777
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Consoles can't have multiple chip SKUs to cover for manufacturing defects.


Umm, what the hell does that mean? I never said there should be some Xbox Ones with 12 CUs and others with 14, lol.

So you made a thread when you understand nothing about hardware?

OK, Einstein... I didn't write the article. So instead of being cryptic why don't you and Ron tell me what your enormous brains have an issue with?