Weak ass machines and they're trying to do more with them than they're capable of.
Wickerman777's forum posts
The memory and CPU specs don't even make sense. And do ya really believe Nintendo of all companies is gonna deliver over 4 tflops of GPU power when MS and Sony wouldn't even give us 2? Dream on.
.. That wouldn't be hard to imagine.. A 750 TI, a older gen entry level video card, out performs the PS4 and XboxOne..
But it's Nintendo.
This is coming from an old time Bungie fan, but there's just something about the overall art aesthetic of the game that puts me off. It's like the world is "sterile" and the story seemed quite reductionist, at least in the introductory presentations I watched. The antagonist was literally described as a "great darkness" and all. Meh...I hope the Destiny fans really enjoy this expansion. Bungie has a lot of talent.
Bungie games have always been like that. It's always large colorful spaces that are clean and empty.
i would prefer optional cosmetic microtransactions over the disgusting shit Bungie is doing right now.
Don't know why anyone bought that. The word was out right away that half of the content had been removed prior to launch. What was coming next was obvious.
Well, yeah. When it first started people warned if ya buy it it will become commonplace. People bought the stuff and now it's commonplace and will remain so until people stop. But I'm not just talking about microstransactions but all extra fees involved with games, DLC, etc.
Yet another tormentos and ron argument with 23 paragraph long posts and charts and graphs, lol. It's pretty simple guys: X1 currently has a small CPU advantage over PS4 but it is possible for Sony to lessen that. PS4 has a fairly substantial GPU advantage over X1 and there's nothing MS can do about it. That's here to stay. All things considered PS4>X1 technically. But I wouldn't go patting Sony on the back for it. It's really a turd vs a slimy turd so big deal.
Lol just like 60 FPS was useless .....until console plebes finally hit 60 FPS this gen.
The difference between 4K and 1080p is EASILY noticeable. 1080p looks like blurry shit when you go back to it after playing 4K. Just compare MGS5 4K vs 1080p on PS4. Night and day difference.
You're a pretentious douche.
And I never said 60 fps wasn't important.
This thread is hilarious. The guy admits the PC has hardly any good exclusives but points out the multiplats are so much better in 4K at 1 million fps. Then it's pointed out he is playing on a small monitor he says no I plug my PC into the HDTV which means he's playing at 1080p so basically he turns his PC into a PS4 lmao.
I have a PC so I can play games like Pillars of Eternity or Divinity or Civ. I have an Xbox One for Halo MCC (and soon Halo 5). I have a PS4 for Uncharted and the long list of exclusives on the way.
I can't even begin to get my head round some clown who only buys hardware for bragging rights and **** the games you may or may not play on it. Unbelievable. And if you want to spot the out and out liar hermits on this forum who claim to have uber gear if they had that much money they would buy all the consoles too because real gamers hate missing out on great games so feel free to call out their lying asses at every opportunity.
4k is retarded. As far as consumer products go it's practical for only 2 things: VR and movies. It's completely unnecessary for games. Graphics are just sharp looking by their very nature. A 1080p game looks sharper than a 1080p film because of it. That's why films loaded with computer graphics, like Avatar, tend to be the most visually striking films. 1080p is very sharp for games. You don't need better than that. Passed that point you're just wasting assets that could be better used elsewhere. And don't even get me started on 4K phones.
Forza is a great game don't know why it needed an apologist thread over it's lackluster visuals when everyone knows it excels in other areas. DC looks better in every conceivable way but Forza IS the MUCH better game, why be mad?
I will never, ever understand people hyping Driveclub's graphics. They freaking suck. They would have sucked on the 360/PS3 gen.
I downloaded the free edition... did I miss out on a graphics patch the full version gets?
And it's 30 fps which doubles its assets right off the bat. Oh, and I'll mention again that it isn't even a quality game.
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