@clashdragon9797: No, it's a 720p HDTV at the minimum 60hz. Everything about that HDTV is low spec, even when it was brand new.
So~~~do the PS4 games look bad on 768P ??????
I wouldn't know, I have never owned a 720p HDTV in my life...and I have been an early adopter of HDTV's since the Dreamcast/PS2/Xbox/GC days. I also have never owned a 60hz bare minimum HDTV in my life. I have however been to friends houses that do have those HDTVs and I see a huge difference all the time...years before the PS4 existed.
720p as a midtier HDTV was completely skippable tbh.
I can tell you that there is a massive difference in (over 100%) pixels.
1080p = 2,073,600 pixels
720p = 921,600 pixels.
I would recommend getting a 1080p 40-55 inch HDTV with 120hz or higher.
Heck, look into Plasma or OLED.
OLED?!!! Who the hell can afford that right now? Yeah, it's likely to rule the market eventually but the few models out right now are not worth the cost at all.
To the op: Black Friday deals will be coming up in a few months so if ya wanna upgrade to 1080p that's the best time to do it.
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