go ahead and do the math part for part on a $2000 gaming pc. It isn't cheaper to build at the high end its the same price basically. On a cheap pc with lots of choice in parts yes it can be cheaper but you don't have that flexibility on high end parts.
Well the best mouse I believe is the logitech G5. Its not cheap and it is wired but it is a laser mouse with adjustable dpi settings, a comfortable grip, slides easily and doesn't gum up, a non binding/kinking cord, and adjustable weight. A mouse like this will give you a big advantage.
Everyone needs to realize that not everyone wants to build their own pc. Furthermore its not cheaper to build than to buy from someone like Cyberpower PC. Dell will be slightly more expensive but the XPS are really well designed. Alienware is owned by dell but is more of a boutique manufacture. They are mostly about image. I would suggest you look at cyberpower pc but if you don't want to the Dell is the better buy.
Well there are several websites that will tell you if a given game will run. Some are better than others and I don't use any of them personally. You might try searching the forum or googling to find them. One is systemrequirements.com. At any rate maybe someone will post which one is best.
look at the sticky called adrians freeware guide. One of my personal favorites is Psi-Ops which is a retail game now available for free download (legally).
answer to the first question is yes this is legal. obviously the answer to the second is that yes it is wrong. The reason for this is that when you buy a pc game you don't really buy the dvd. What you technically buy is the rights for personal use. In most cases you cannot pass on this right to someone else.
Well of course I overstated it a bit. If fact they haven't had 11 million subscribers for the whole year. My point was that the 1 billion dollars for all of pc gaming is so far off its not even funny. That 1 single game makes that much. We can quibble over WOWs exact numbers but the fact is the PC makes literally over a billion in monthly subscriptions alone. Add to that the unaccounted for digital downloads. Also add to that, that most ports come out on pc a year later than console. If they came out at the same time sales would be much higher. Also consider that best selling game of all time and largest retailing game of all time is a current PC game (Sims 2) not a console game. Also consider that the Xbox platform has never made a profit and that microsoft heavily subsidizes the games on that platform. Also consider that several gaming genres virtually don't exist on consoles such as strategy games. Also consider that the PC is the preferred platform for gaming in most of the world Overall my point is that PC gaming has a lot going against it to start but it is still produces lots of money.
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