Well this will be the first game I will buy from MS's store. We'll see how it is but if the service sucks, no matter what MS dangles in front of me aunt touch it with a 10 foot pole.
Psssst, you can import non-steam games into steam. Just FYI ;)
@yonesazarniya: You do realize that you can have a requirement on steam that you can only run this game on certain OSs......right? Unless someone from MS explicitly says that this game will only be available on the Windows 10 Store, It's still viable.
@marcsmashing: Did you upgrade then do a fresh install? I did an upgrade, copied the CD key and did a full fresh installation and I have ran into zero problems.
I was seriously considering getting a Xbone for this game because I like Remedy games but since this is now available for the PC....sold! To bad it appears it won't be purchasable on stream :(
@swantn5: It's because they want to give people who pre-order some value to the pre-order. It's all marketing anyway because this isn't a true beta in the sense of software development. This is only to stress test their game and see if it's working or not.
brievolz84's comments