Upgrade your PSU, because your running some quality parts there wouldnt want to damage them, a stock 8800 needs about 400 watts PSU, and a really good quality brand, your card is superclocked which means its pulling in more watts, buy yourself a nice PSU around 500-600 watts with a lot of amps.
There is really no futureproof in GPU business, new and more powerful GPU's come out in less than a year, you are futureproof if you dont mind playing on medium settings, but I doubt any GPU right now can last you two years on max.
Well you have 3 more months so by then maybe 9 series gets released, I would advise you to take your time and by then the 8800GTS might go down in price, and the 8600 can definetely take care of you until then its a good card, so dont step up so soon, but again its your choice.
I sometimes stroll around the BB at times, see whats new with HDTV's or computer components and etc etc, man there is this one hideos sight i see 6200 Geforce selling for 110 dollars every timeI see it I wanna puke, its OC too like it makes a difference.
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