@owizeisme1: What? The problem with the new Tomb Raiders is that there's not enough puzzles, and the ones there are, are too simple. But I'd still rather play any Tomb Raider than anything even remotely related to Marvel. I would be very, very surprised if this Avengers game was full of puzzles. Simplistic repetitive beat em up, most likely (though in fairness, I don't know for sure yet).
The first 2 discs of FFVIII were incredible. After that, I had no idea what the **** was going on. Well, I'll try again, but this time it'll be all pretty like.
Reminds me of Bethesda, releasing a statement in favour of single-player story games then almost immediately announce an online-only multiplayer game.
As much as Sony are saying (and doing) the right things, to be honest I don't think the industry in general is turning it's back on story-led games. A year or so ago, it did seem like it was going down the pan, but in recent times the multiplayer-only route is not quite the unstoppable be-all-and-end-all it was in, say, 2017. Even CoD is bringing it's campaign back.
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