So true, for some reason people can't handle a little constructive criticism. Now I must ask, why is there no mention of platforming in the previews for a platforming game?...I seriously worry TR has strayed off to follow the trend, and everybody knows what trend I refer to.
If it has been remastered it might be worth a try but I'm sure it was just ported. I'm a big GTA fan and I hold GTASA in great esteem, at its time I thought of it as ground breaking, it did exactly what Far Cry 3 does today, give you a high quality, big, interesting world with tons of things to do, so I'll skip this and stay busy with FC3.
@mattgressel Definitely in that category. I'm still beginning with the exploration and leveling up so not yet, but with how much I'm enjoying this jewel I could back your claim soon.
Avoid yourself some frustration and go hunting with a sniper rifle, the scope will able you to stay away and kill with the first shot. You can't get close to many of the animals without them noticing you and fleeing away so its very hard without a scoped weapon.
@talkcasual The shotgun is effective, but it ruins a stealth approach which I prefer so it's not a viable weapon for me. I still think animals should be easier to kill.
@dantavares Completely agree, there's a balance issue here, this animals seem to be kevlar armored, exaggerated resistance to bullets, and because you are constantly attacked by animals it means many unnecessary deaths or otherwise wasted ammo to the point where you will be left dry on your way to an outpost or other target you plan to hit, forcing you to return to a friendly spot to resupply. Tedious, patch needed.
I don't know, this game looks like it needs more than Dead Space's score. So far from what I have seen it has too much drama and very little action, exploration or platforming, not good signs.
"a big sandbox with great gunplay, tons of activities to keep you busy" Sold! Buying this day one. F**K linear, scripted, cinematic, short crappy campaign, QTE focused CoD crap. This is what the industry needs more of.
What ever happened to the OGRE project? It would be amazing to have an open world military game with the quality and gameplay of the MGS series. After all, the pathetic Mercs 2 left a huge hole that OGRE could fill, at least for all of us who love the original mercenaries game and were dropped on our faces by the sequel.
jagcivtec's comments