@robbiejones Oh yes, I still play it every once in a while. I think the stealth mechanic in Saboteur was pretty good even though some people say your disguise was easily blown if you took your time, combined with the suppressed gun it worked well.
@PSYCHOV3N0M Is that so? Yes it has to look great, yes graphics are a main element in gaming, yes I do care about visuals, but it's not all I care about.
I want to hear how you'll be able to drive through any wall, how buildings will collapse Red Faction style, how explosions will leave craters in the ground that you could walk into as examples of next gen prowess.
I already know it will look great, after all, any visual upgrade from current is amazing because games are looking sharp already.
Current consoles are definitely outdated, so yes, they do limit the software. But why does any conversation about next gen revolve around "textures and resolution" when there is so much more to gaming than graphics?
I for once want to hear how the level of environmental interactivity, physics engines, damage engines, etc will be so much superior, and ofcouse, how great it will look too.
The guy is an art director so it's expected, but everyone in the industry always talks about how good next gen visuals be. Someone please, come forward and talk about something else, physics maybe?.
Really impressed. Looks amazing, it'might be called what GTASA was called once, "the best game ever made". Notice how it has cinematic, Hollywood style action while not being absurdly linear or depending on QTE's, that's something to give other developers some inspiration.
@Deadly_Nemesis Good point, but Uncharted and CoD are that kind of game, not my particularly favorite style of game, but It doesn't really bother me, now when games trade their successful formulas to try be like CoD or Uncharted when they aren't I really get pissed.
@SeAzhrei I don't know, from what I've seen the next TR looks to be following the same path of RE6. I really like TR but if turns into another QTE, cinematic action flick style crap game I will not support it anymore.
It's not as simple as many think, a "haters" thing. It's a major issue we are all complaining about. Great franchises are back stabbing their fan base, abandoning the mechanics that built the fan base in the first place to make some CoD wannabe action flick, cinematic, QTE crap.
CoD started this trend, which is just them so its ok, that's their identity and game style, but then all FPS followed the trend, which was a bad thing for gaming, but even worse is that non FPS genres like RE and even Tomb Raider followed, completely transforming their games to cater to the children masses of CoD.
They should have just made a new CoD wannabe IP and be respectful to the fan bases that made the franchises what they are. I usually don't have bad wishes for anyone, but I really hope all "shipped" copies stay sitting in store shelves forever, maybe then they will be more respectful to their fan bases.
@brok Couldn't agree more. JC2 went through an incredible evolution, the leap was gigantic, unbelievable how they added so much and still kept the core mechanics intact. Too bad Mercs2 couldn't deliver in such a way, I had very high expectations for it, and it is to date the biggest disappointment to me personally, for the high spot where I hold Mercs 1.
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