@omghaxor45 @WCK619 They can add a good story that gets you involved, which is a good thing, but without sacrificing basic fun gameplay or dumbing down the core mechanics.
That's where GTA4 failed, because the story was great but it took a lot of things away that made the series what it was. They could have had both in my opinion, that's where GTA5 will shine, hopefully, in having the best of both worlds.
@immortality20 I would't go as far as saying I hated GTA4, but I definitely can say I didn't enjoy it as much as previous entries, specially GTASA which to me was the peak example of GTA awesomeness. It was a huge downstep from GTASA. Hopefully the FUN focused gameplay will make a comeback in GTA5.
@brok I agree, Mercenaries is a jewel in the league of GTA, sadly Mercs 2 sealed the fate for the series, unlimited potential thrown down the drain by incompetent development. Just Cause 2 and Saints Row 3rd really challenged GTA for the #1 spot in open world reign after GT IV felt like a downgrade from GTAsa. Highly anticipating this one.
@genjuroT No weapons coming apart in the middle of firefight this time, and I hope you can combine weapons differently because in FC2 it was impossible to make a decent combination of weapons because of the slot assignment each weapon had. Same mistake many games make, like not allowing you to carry a rifle and RPG at the same time.
@da_post_office @JustArtificial Totally agree that CoD marketing is that good. Kids don't buy it because its great, they buy because they fall for the marketing which shows all the cutscene over the top moments, which isn't a realistic representation of actual gameplay.
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