@RTHKI Really? Oh, I didn't know that. Come on, there are FPS games that have tons of freedom (Far Cry). It's not a matter of genres, it's a matter of gameplay, CoD wen't with the "cinematic" approach, which is rubbish.
I totally support any trend that takes GTA closer to San Andreas and further from IV. I mean, the further from IV and closer to SA the better. GTAIV has nothing on GTASA, except that it looks better, but it simply is inferior in every other element that makes a game.
CoD is popular because it's easy, not very challenging, in the end accessible to young children that don't demand any depth from their games, CoD is as shallow an experience as they come. I personally don't support that kind of shallow game. Say ArmA then we'll talk.
Glad to see they're going back to the winning formula, looks very interesting, varied landscape, jets, etc, the San Andreas way. GTA4 did take a step back in every department while greatly improving graphics, a trend that has been the trademark of current gen games and something I strongly criticize of this generation of consoles.
As always, we can expect a highest quality experience, and thankfully some interesting settings, hopefully along with some resurrected over the top fun gameplay that has been missing since GTASA.
Finally some gameplay footage. I was hesitant and unconvinced until now. Looks like tons of freedom in the game, and FREEDOM is my favorite word in gaming. Definitely I'm sold now, all the previous cut-scene footage had me doubting but this few minute got my attention. This ain't no CoD scripted crap.
Take note devs...First...escort and defend missions should be banned from gaming...people curse you when they loose repeatedly because of stupid AI dies, just stop putting escort missions in games once and for all!!!!!...Second...make sure the player vs enemy encounter is gets balanced,( if the enemy is stronger then I should be faster or the other way around ), It's not fun to feel the game is cheating the player, don't give the enemy all the advantages...but really, escort missions have to disappear from gaming...it's a really cheap way to take the fun away...This article makes me think of "APACHE AIR ASSAULT" man that was cheap level design.
If more games were like JC2 and Skyrim, and less were like CoD I would have a simply huge library of games instead of the tiny one I own now. Everything now revolves around multiplayer, scripted events, cinematic presentation, graphic prowess, while actual fun and gameplay have taken the back seat to development.
jagcivtec's comments