@Xristophoros: Usually these movies are American audience driven and China just tags alone for the ride, sorta speak. But this one was never gonna be greenlit for America due to its poor performance, but China has picked it up and instead of putting in say a Chinese star along with an white American star, they have the Botega in the lead which is very strange, because Caucasian leads usually do very well in China and ethnic stars like Botega usually have zero marketability in China, Chinese people rarely pay to see black stars on screen outside of Denzil Washington.
So, its a very very odd affair. Dalian Wanda Group is producing a film staring a black guy for local Chinese audiences, never in a million years would I see this coming. I was almost certain it would a white person with a Chinese female lead.
Wow this the first time China has greenlit a major studio film based on Chinese box office.
A Chinese company is producing an American film starring Americans with Chinese financing for Chinese domestic consumption. That's is pretty fucking odd. Welcome to the new world.
@Spanky226: Honestly I really don't. I don't give a fck about electronic music, or raves or DJs, or resamplers or whatever the fck is cool with kids nowadays.
So, not fcking clue who he is, but the Aoki name sounds familiar, I remember a C-list Hollywood actress by that name are they related?
The Japanese need to stop relying on animating their realtime 3D models to tell story. They are so horrible at it, think Yakuza 5, think Star Ocean 5, etc, etc, etc.
They need to stick to traditional anime cutscenes, prerendered CGI, or simple visual novel drawings.
The Japanese are by far the worst at doing realtime 3D model animation in the world.
Yakuza 5 literally went from amazing CGI cutscenes to characters walking like robots back and forth in the room.
Who would wanna copy someone that is in last place in the console market?
Doesn't make any sense? Why would Sony and MS throw out there perfectly good money making consoles to copy Nintendo who has the least market share of the three?
Its just a little egotistical, sounds like Nintendo caught the Hideo Egojima syndrom.
@darkelf83: Or just straight dungeons that move in one line and auto fight button that wins every battle with one button press. Kinda like Final Fantasy XIII
@regix416_basic: No, thank god, or I'd kill myself. But most do, sadly. In think its Japan's way of dealing with WWII loss and the subsequent nuclear holocaust that followed. Most JRPGs are made by older Japanese directors.
I hope we'll see less and less of it as the directors become younger and younger.
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