@davillain-: Maybe this is true in regards to how their driver support addresses or in most cases, lately, instigates problems with some games surrounding the Mantle API, but if my gaming sessions are considered "real world performance, " then my card has more than delivered.
@thespicychiken: Exactly! Another excellent point of value that I forgot to mention! Two RX 480's in Crossfire with the power of a GTX 1080 but for at least half the price. Even the mighty GTX 1080 isn't getting off that easy.
@Rushaoz: Future proofing? The 8GB model of this card card would keep anyone up to spec to for at least three, maybe four years. Maybe you like looking at the same hardware for six years, but some people enjoy getting new tech every few years. Also, its not a marketing scheme, AMD cannot afford to do that- the backlash would be too great. AMD is not stupid enough to lie to the public as you're suggesting and jeopardize their business. But if your aiming for a GTX 1080, your aspirations are clearly higher than what the RX 480 has to offer. To us 1080p gamers (85% of PC Gamers) that card is overkill.
@xantufrog: You're right. Its a shame all the Nvidia sheep can't see that. I am going to add a couple things to your comment, however. When comparing the RX280 to the power of a GTX 970- let's keep in mind that this is the reference card- and it only has 4GB of GDDR5. Actually, that card is, at least on paper- slightly less the power of a GTX 970..on paper it is believed to be somewhere between an R9 380X and an R9 390. HOWEVER, for those who can afford to up the price by around 40 bucks- you'll get an 8GB model that, again- on paper, is believed to be somewhere between an R9 390 and an R9 390X- this is an example of power that goes beyond that of a GTX 970, as the R9 390 has proven time after time that when comparatively benchmarked- it has yet to lose to the GTX 970.
When the RX 480, in all its forms, is benchmarked and tested against some real games next week, we will know the truth. Keep in mind though, AMD can not afford to do anything but tell the truth. That is why I believe its true. They are trying to nab the spot for an area of cards that Nvidia, let's face it, sucks at- the budget card range. If they can offer a true solution of this magnitude at this MSRP- the power to performance ratio will be blown right open- forcing Nvidia to respond- that is why its not about AMD, or even Nvidia- its about us getting the best offerings possible thanks to some good American competition.
So either way- for the price..either the 4GB or 8GB card is an irresistible offering. I think those that are in need of an upgrade who are still using a GTX 600 series (or less) to a GTX 950 or anything in the R7 series should strongly consider this. On the flip side, anyone with an R9 380 4GB and 380x, or GTX 960 4GB or higher, who are still gaming at 1080p- should not bother. Your cards can already max out 1080p/60fps at the highest settings of most games, so if those owner's are going to get the card- it would only make sense to do so if you upgrade your monitor. Lastly, for those with an r9 390, 390x, and Fury- this card would be a waste of money.
Still, at 5.2 Tflops- you're getting a card that bests a PS Neo- for $200.00.
@joshrmeyer: The cost of my setup is irrelevant to the ludicrous claim by the poster I replied to, who wrote, "games on ps4 already look as good as mid range PCs." I was just making a point to dispel the inaccuracy of such a technology ignorant assertion. And as you say, "everybody knows the more you spend, the more you get, " well, judging by the foolish comment I replied to- apparently, "everybody" does NOT know. All you have to do is read some of the drivel in this thread to know that.
These new "PC-Like" consoles are just the manufactures way of taking cut of the advantage and lure of PC gaming, without, all the while, never achieving its pinnacle. Still, they will be nice for 1st party exclusives.
@splinterscott: Your achievements data is stored on PSN, it will sync over. As far as your save data, if you have PSN+ it should also sync over, as long as you saved it on the PSN cloud. If not, you should be able to copy it over from a flash drive (and if PS4 can't do that, its a shame- because PS3 can).
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