Why am I not responding to ur posts!!!! Everty time I knock one of you and ya boy IT is I lame points out the ball park you don't respond directly to my WISDOM! Now, pay attention in school! Hey juju, It-is-I! stop playing paddie-cake in the back of my room!
1)LOL his whole post was about the best team ever and u talking about kobe and MJ LMAO thats when the FACTS are right in ur face u change the topic.LMAOOOOOOOOOOOM13- The title of this forum is "Jordan is the greatest" not The Bulls. But even with that I did respond to his post( I respond directly, unlike some little girls I know!)...I don't have a problem if U clowns want to say the Bulls are the Greatest TEAM! Pay attention.
2) It-is totally raped u with the "FACTs"and u turn it into "ohh Mj had alot of help and didn't lead his teamM13- Your boyfriend didn't rape anyone , he played(with) himself. Again he only made my point, The Bulls succeeded as a team! I never said MJ didn't lead his team in the post you quoted, what is that!!?, don't make it up as you go! In another post, I truthfully stated MJ was not a leader the first part of his career.
3) "The 1996 bulls would beat showtime no problem." M13-Jabbar, Magic, Worthy, Cooper, B. Scott....etc, yeah, right "no problem" ! This is not even worth responding to. Ridiculous statement, am I debating pre-schoolers here!?? Hey, whats your favorite color?!
4) "I have said it a million times that Jordan's high scoring performances were nights where he shot 60-80% from the field in his prime, Kobe's high scoring nights in most cases he takes 35-45 shots and shoots for under 45%...."M13 Why do u kids keep lobbing softballs at me, haven't u learned ur rolling with the big dog by now!? I don't have time to deal with anything but this year and Kobe's 81 point game.
Kobe: 3/23 50 pts (16-29), 55%, 3/22 60 pts (20-37), 54%, 3/18 50 pts (17-35), 48%,
3/16 65 pts (23-39),59%, ....81pts(28-46), 61% Stop lying on Kobe!
By the way since u like numbers... if take career points per minute Kobe scores at a rate of 1.47 pts/per minute, MJ at a rate of 1.27 pts per minute. As I stated Kobe is a better scorer than MJ. Go ahead check it, as of today KB-28,212mins, 19,145pts...MJ- 41,011mins, 32,292pts. points per minute is the only way to fairly analyze the above,,,I could explain it but it is simple and obvious.
5)"Kobe is a bigger ballhog...." M13 Fact: Kobe Career field goal attempts= 18.79, MJ= 22.88(2nd highest ever) Now, who did you say was the ball hog! Facts don't back u up homey! Wanna get deeper? MJ shot 4 more times a game than KB. lets say KB takes those shots and he hits 45% of them, his career fg%. 45% of 4 is 1.8. So Kobe hits 1.8 more shots a game. Lets say they are only 2 pointers. 2 x 1.8=3.6, with me knuckleheads!? That means KB would add 3.6 more points to his career average of 24.5 (if he shot as much as MJ), which ='s 28.1ppg, Not as far behind MJ, and he's not even done yet. Aagin on a per minute basis(a fairer look) Kobe scores at a higher rate. Recess girls, potty break anyone??
6)"Not to mention a lot of MJ's best games he literally shot 70-80% in his prime."M13-Please list those games. Its ridiculous any way, because in a lot of those game he shot30-40% too. Thats why you have to go by "averages" knucklehead!
7) "KOBE WILL NEVER COME CLOSE TO MICHAEL'S 33.45 CAREER PLAYOFF PPG AVG, kobe has 9 seasons under 30 points per game, kobe has 11 seasons under 47% shooting" M13- Kobe was on a team when he did not have to carry the scoring load mostly by himself. Now that he does look at what he is scoring! Kobe has already shot 981 more 3 pointers than MJ did in his whole career! 3pt% is figured into over-all field goal %. The more 3's you shoot your average % typically goes down. MJ's is fairly comparable to Kobes only because of the much lower amount taken ! Go look at the NBA 3pt % leaders, the highest ones rae typically the ones who don't shoot as much!
8) Maybe if you and your playmate got together the 2 of you could mount a better challenge to me, for now I'm just having a little fun. I don't have kids but this has to be the next best thing to playing with them! ha,ha,ha. Look dudes, if you want to worship Michael "the travelin' mofo" Jordan, its your right. Just don't keep putting a bunch of crap up here for me to destroy like Kobe dropping 81 on the Raptors! School is dismissed ! I think MJ is calling you anyway, he needs another "back-rub" You clowns or lucky I'm a nice guy! Peace.
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